Sentences with phrase «to stop the virus»

If a host cell evolves a way to stop a virus from spreading, the virus will look for a new path.
Usually this plus the extra vitamin C stops any virus in its tracks.
This envelope - busting method also stops the virus from having a chance to evolve resistance.
And the large numbers of sheep and goats, as well as the rapid replacement rate of the animals, will complicate efforts to attain sufficient levels of herd immunity to stop virus transmission.
Only the continuous introduction of new drugs can stop the virus from getting the upper hand.
In test - tube experiments, eCD4 - Ig outperformed all known natural HIV antibodies at stopping the virus from infecting cells, Farzan's team reports in this week's issue of Nature.
Preventing the cleavage from happening could effectively stop the virus in its tracks.
«This is a way we're getting at the root cause of AIDS — not going after a downstream event, but going after the actual DNA copy — and hopefully stopping virus replication in its tracks,» Schiller said.
«We think creams might act as an effective way to stop these viruses before they can cause disease.»
Today's antiviral drugs work by stopping a virus from multiplying after it enters a healthy cell.
«The next step is to understand this mechanism on a deeper level and develop therapeutic approaches to target and disrupt the circuit — and hopefully stop viruses such as CMV in their tracks.»
Before deciding on a treatment, your doctor will take into account the genotype (strain) of your hepatitis C. Treatment for hepatitis C now relies on medicines called direct acting antivirals (DAAs), which stop the virus from reproducing.
«It could be that they had less viral load, they had protective antibodies, or the placenta stopped the virus reaching the fetus.»
«Current HIV drugs stop the virus from replicating, but there is still no way for us to «cure» an individual with HIV.
Tests on infected cells found that blocking the molecule with a chemical inhibitor stops the virus from multiplying.
SAN FRANCISCO — Disrupting the Zika enzyme NS3 could help stop the virus.
But temperature trumped humidity: at 5 °C animals caught flu at humidities that stopped the virus when it was warmer, possibly because sick animals» noses shed virus two days longer at cooler temperatures.
HIV uses the host's cells to replicate, which makes it difficult to design antivirals that stop the virus without harming healthy cells.
In 1997 Charles M. Rice, now head of the laboratory of virology and infectious disease at the Rockefeller University, showed that mutating the viral protease in hepatitis C — infected chimpanzees stopped the virus, the first clue about the enzyme's importance.
The DNA conversion allows 5 - aza - C to infiltrate HIV when the virus turns RNA into DNA, and therefore stops the virus from replicating.
We don't yet know all the details for how these particular compounds stop the virus in its path.»
Only decisive action can stop the virus becoming entrenched in Africa and spreading elsewhere, say epidemiologists
If a pandemic influenza virus breaks out somewhere in Southeast Asia, massive amounts of an antiviral drug called oseltamivir, combined with draconian measures to limit people's movements and contacts — and some luck — may stop the virus dead in its tracks, according to two computer models.
By stymieing three genes in cells infected with HIV, researchers stop the virus from spreading to other cells
«We now want to look at whether medications such as anti-inflammatory creams can stop the virus establishing an infection if used quickly enough after the bite inflammation appears.»
The US researchers found that antibiotics given topically to mice triggered their cells to activate their defences Read more about Antibiotics may also help your cells stop viruses too - Scimex
An international team of researchers has demonstrated a way of overcoming one of the major stumbling blocks that has prevented the development of a vaccine against HIV: the ability to generate immune cells that stay in circulation long enough to respond to and stop virus infection.
It features Meryl Streep, Al Pacino, Emma Thompson and the rest of the cast in career - defining performances, but more importantly, it features a gorgeous angel cautioning us to stop the virus of time...
Fly through space taking down huge enemies all in an effort to stop the Virus Master once and for all.
Since cows are so good at making broadly neutralizing antibodies, it also might be possible to turn the cow's handiwork into drugs for HIV treatment, if bovine antibodies are effective at stopping the virus in other animals, he says.
Neuraminidase antibodies would not prevent a person from getting sick with the flu, because they do not stop the virus from infecting cells.
Both humans and monkeys make TRIM5, but his research shows that only the monkey version of the protein effectively stops the virus.
Today, researchers in the laboratory of Gladstone Investigator Leor Weinberger, PhD, announce the key to CMV's success: a type of «accelerator circuit» hidden within the virus» DNA that lets CMV reach optimal levels quickly before the host cell has time to respond — but that also stops the virus from killing the cell before those optimal levels are reached.
«Experience with managing canine influenza epidemics in shelters over the years has shown that the best course of action to stop virus transmission is to temporarily stop movement of dogs in and out of the shelter.
The 1995 film is remade as a TV show with James Cole (Aaron Stanford) time - traveling from 2043 to the present time to stop a virus before it can decimate the population.
Anti-viral drugs can not kill the virus, but they work by stopping the virus from growing and reproducing, thereby letting the virus die on its own.
Our biggest need now is to mount a bigger and more urgent effort to stop the virus in Africa, and prepare for its arrival elsewhere.
Using so - called small interfering RNA, or siRNA, the drug targets essential viral genes to stop the virus from replicating — at least in monkeys and guinea pigs.
I change her to non dairy I'm afraid she will get dehydrated is there something they can give to stop this virus
Chemicals that block the activity of VCP are 10 times more powerful at stopping the virus than existing medications that target HCMV directly, the study found.
If we can boost the effectiveness of these immune cells we are likely to be able to contain this infection at the point of attack and stop the virus from spreading in the first place.
So what's the most effective way to stop the virus from infecting most of the globe?
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