Sentences with phrase «to strengthen over time»

The Conservatives have arguably also strengthened over time, their 2010 vote share being the highest since 1970.
High - calorie «palatable» foods became more appealing in as little as three hours without food, with the brain's response strengthening over time.
The parent - child bond strengthens over time through everyday caregiving.
These aren't the strongest items that you can find in the game, but they can be strengthened over time with Refined Moonstone at a grindstone or workbench.
Instead of strengthening over time as Arsenal usually do, their second half simply went from bad to worse, to absolutely awful.
Mutism is strengthened over time when it causes the child's anxiety to reduce after not speaking.
The president insisted the dollar will strengthen over time under his leadership and that recent remarks made by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin about the greenback were misinterpreted.
Additional results of the study show that the relationship between lower opioid overdose deaths and medical marijuana laws strengthened over time; deaths were nearly 20 percent lower in the first year after a state's law was implemented, and 33.7 percent lower five years after implementation.
This network, when strengthened over time by use and maturation, can override the young brain's «programming» that seeks immediate gratification.
The Montreal Protocol has been strengthened over time through amendments and adjustments, supported by ongoing research.
To build a global approach that works alongside existing efforts, the Partnership calls for a year - long process to be repeated annually and strengthened over time with participation from all actors.
«Moreover, we expect Desjardins General Insurance Group's credit profile to strengthen over time as it re-underwrites the acquired portfolio.»
The young men's bond strengthened over time, until the night a pretty local girl went on a date with Larry to the drive - in movies and was never heard from again.
Looking forward, we need to ensure that the infrastructure that supports the bond market remains in place and that it is strengthened over time.
Each of these policies must be implemented quickly and effectively to get us on track, and governments will need to work together to strengthen them over time.
On the other hand, the proposal that the unborn life acquires his or her rights, strengthening over time, in the developmental process, vis - a-vis those of the mother's, seems quite in keeping with a godly order of things.
That sense of family only has strengthened over time and now extends to the company's 50 franchised units.
The tips in the article can be used to establish a relationship with your child and strengthen it over time.
The report explores such a bridge scenario in which action is strengthened over time, beyond the level of ambition implied by the INDCs.
People's bonds with their pets tend to strengthen over time, but most available robots geared toward interacting with people, such as Sony's mechanical puppy AIBO, have tended to lose their appeal within about 10 hours.
It comes from within and is strengthened over time.
But receiving is a skill that can be learned; it can be developed and strengthened over time.
Traits of self - compassion can be developed and strengthened over time through practice.
This gentle yet intense exfoliation minimizes ingrown hairs and increases the elasticity of the skin, strengthening it over time.
Dr. Joseph Pizzorno — Founder of America's first accredited college of naturopathic medicine - explains the risks he took, and how his convictions that conventional medicine is not working have strengthened over time.
They mature, evolve, and strengthen over time.
David L. Dunn, chief of staff for Spellings, argues the area of choice is one in which the secretary's views have strengthened over time.
While it is difficult to disentangle the reasons for this strengthening over time of the program's estimated effects, these findings nonetheless suggest that our first - year results may understate the positive effect of the FTC program on public school performance
The bill begins as a «far left of center» tax - and - spend approach to K - 12 reform, but strengthens over time, as Frank and the President resolve to push for performance standards, charter schools and tough collective bargaining restrictions.
Borne of cup, can or both, relationships among illy and contributing artists grow and strengthen over time, extending to other media and locales, like museums, exhibitions, books and events.
«The ratchet mechanism that made the Paris Agreement not just a static document but a living thing that strengthens itself over time, now has a name: The Talanoa Dialogue.
Without establishing these strong commitments and strengthening them over time, the probability of success is likely to be low.
No agreement is perfect, and this one must be strengthened over time, but groups across every sector of society will now begin to reduce dangerous carbon pollution through the framework of this agreement.
Countries should think of the UN safeguards as a «floor» and should aim to strengthen them over time with technical assistance and financing, if needed.
And so it could be related to our main thesis that [02:50] it's the focus on the US news rankings causing this effect to strengthen over time.
With «green shoots» evident, as set out in part two, it is critical at this stage that the national effort continues to build on successes, and be strengthened over time.
Your partner's beauty and charm will fade, but a person of integrity and character will strengthen over time.
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