Sentences with phrase «to strike midnight»

In 2017, you can download it as soon as the clock strikes midnight on release day.
The clock struck midnight at the group home where I was a live - in caregiver, and believe it or not, I was down in the basement doing my nightly prayers.
In 1997, the clock struck midnight with no agreement reached.
The Jazz are in a unique situation: they have $ 16 million in available cap space that expires when the clock strikes midnight.
If you're like an estimated 50 percent of the U.S. population, then you probably resolved to change something about your life after the clock struck midnight on January 1.
We love this Insignia linen cushion, (51 cm sq, # 58) from Oka, featuring a gothic - inspired appliqué design in striking midnight blue velvet.
Last year at Le Mans, the clock struck midnight for Toyota six minutes before the checkered flag.
But then, as the great clock in the hall struck midnight, one of Caesar's officials appeared and called the group to order.
Final Four George Mason NCAA Basketball Betting Information The clock hasn't struck midnight yet on the greatest Cinderella story in the history of college hoops as George Mason has danced all the way to the Final Four beating three of the past six national champions in the process.
The last time an «early» budget passed was in 1983, under Governor Mario Cuomo, who probably did a little heel click when the clock struck midnight last night.
I felt more than satisfied when the clock finally struck Midnight.
Unfortunately, if you're hoping to see an Italian version of Midnight in Paris, then know the clock really did strike midnight on that production last year.
I try to go to sleep at night But Halo's on my mind I find myself on Xbox live when my clock strikes midnight If I didn't have a wife I'd ask Halo to marry me We could honeymoon on Avalanche or Blackout's library
Team Focuses on Final Preparations in Four Hours of Qualifying LE MANS, France — When the clock struck midnight at Le Mans, the field was set for the 80th running of the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
However, before the clock strikes midnight on December 31, your sales and marketing teams should have an idea of how you are measuring the effectiveness of your efforts in 2018.
Make sure all eyes are on you when the clock strikes midnight with... Read More →
«Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization.»
When the clock strikes midnight on New Year's, obligations of resolutions will take over.
The French Quarter has its own version of the ball drop, in which a fleur - de-lis descends on top of the Jax Brewery as the clock strikes midnight.
When the clock struck midnight, a 6 - month - long «orderly transition» period for the NSA expired.
It would surprise no one if there still is no agreement when the clock strikes midnight on Saturday.
If you play «In The Air Tonight» by Phil Collins on December 31st at 11:56:40 the drum break will play right as the clock strikes midnight.
After the issue was thus squarely reopened, just as the clock was striking midnight and ushering in Easter Day, a clear - cut resolution was adopted which said, in part:
But no need to fear, because the recipe is easily doubled, which means you'll be tasting and toasting until the clock strikes midnight.
But it struck midnight in Iceland's fairytale story as they fell behind 4 - 0 in the first half.
When the clock struck midnight, Jordan signed his contract and everyone smiled.
The clock strikes midnight on Sunday.
However, it would appear as if sharp bettors like their chances with the concussed Flacco, as the line had dropped to 3.5 before the clock struck midnight
A time of year when you lock lips with your loved one when the clock strikes midnight — in my case, that means locking lips with the hole on top of a Miller Lite can.
Most of the time the clock strikes midnight... No one expected Team Radist to get this far, besides them (or including them)..
Leave it to stealthy GM Sam Presti to swipe Paul George from the Pacers hours before the clock struck midnight on June 30, signaling the start of free agency.
However, as much as I've tried to make a case for them to continue their storybook run, I'm afraid it'll strike midnight on Cinde - Sparty.
Almost as the clock came closer and closer to striking midnight in Italy on Thursday night, Sky Sport Italia transfer reporter Gianluca Di Marzio is here to tell us that Can has decided to join Juventus on a free transfer in June.
Come the clock striking midnight and the calendar flipping from Aug. 31 to Sept. 1, the ability to try and sign players or sell them will be over until the new year for mostly all of the European leagues.
It's a tall order but worth it when you track down the right pair that won't have you bowing out before the clock strikes midnight.
These are perfect for popping around the house when the clock strikes midnight.
Now available in a striking Midnight Blue in limited quantities, the rear - facing infant carrier builds and improves on the strong tradition premium infant car seats, with a ground - breaking, ergonomic design offering a full - recline position outside of the car.
Join us today and start on your new career path well in advance of New Years, that way, my the time the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, you will be happy to know that you will be helping teach people the importance of baby bonding.
A week ago, when the clock struck midnight, California began legal sales of cannabis for adult use.
The ten years since the new millennium have seen the world change in ways we could never have predicted when the clock struck midnight a decade ago.
Lawmakers are still hoping that they can fulfill Gov. Andrew Cuomo's wishes and get an early 2011 - 2012 budget by passing everything before the clock strikes midnight this evening.
When the clock strikes midnight, New York's minimum wage will increase to $ 9 an hour.
To prevent these logs from becoming a deportation database under a hostile administration, the City Council deliberately wrote a clause into the legislation that created the program enabling the administration to purge the files when the clock struck midnight on 2017.
When the clock struck midnight, I couldn't wait any longer: I helped myself to a serving of plain white rice.
I always equate the change of seasons from cool to cold as soon as the clock strikes midnight on November 16 (My B - Day).
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