Sentences with phrase «to subtract from something»

Don't change it, don't add to it, don't subtract from it, you're simply a line cook at this point, not a chef.
Question it or at to it or subtract from it at your own peril.
(Exports add to GDP, while imports subtract from it because money exits the country to buy them.)
In the interests of efficiency, the set - up — which uses an electronically controlled multi-plate clutch to shuffle drive between nose and stern — has also had 1.4 kg subtracted from it.
This fee is calculated as a percentage of an initial investment and then subtracted from it.
The downturn in temperature since the 1940s, whether due to a variation in the Sun's radiation or some other natural cause, could indeed change to a natural upturn that would add to greenhouse warming instead of subtracting from it.
This base level number will then have specific offense characteristics and adjustments subtracted from it, to reach a final offense level.
Policy Fee is an administrative fee which is incorporated in your premium payment and is regularly subtracted from it to cover the company's expenses toward your policy.
We should rather add more to the squad and not subtracting from it.
In a sense, within the historically determined canon, each individual or group really determines his own effective canon, and may add to or subtract from it at will.
We know from research that people often «rewrite» their memories, we add and subtract from them as our lives progress, providing more and more fodder for our hearts and minds to chew on.
As the chart below shows, we see the shift to bigger fiscal spending among G7 economies now making a small contribution to global growth rather than subtracting from it, as the IMF still forecasts.
My best guess is that one should start with reported GDP growth and subtract from it your best estimate of the amount of debt in each period that should be written down to zero.
Once the transaction has been confirmed by the network, that operation can not be altered, which ensures that when you send money to someone, it is subtracted from you and added to the other person.
Torah says not to add and subtract from it, but thats exactly what happens.
Actually, all the extra costs involved in detouring around broken bridges and arranging for temporary housing will show up as positive contributions to personal consumption rather than costs to be subtracted from it.
After that I made a real commitment to change myself and become someone that adds to life, not subtracts from it.
Whenever you open your mouth — or place your fingers on the keyboard — you have an opportunity to add to the love in the world, or subtract from it.
Instead, they were subtracting from it.
Whatever it is, honor what you need, and look for friendships that add to your life rather than subtract from it.
I don't know about you, but anytime I am making even a little money on my binary options trading I am adding to my investment account and that is much better than subtracting from it.
Reaching the magic number of seven (or more goals) seems easy, but the task quickly becomes daunting when your opponent nets a money puck that adds two to their score and subtracts from yours.
Gilad Efrat, who lays layers of thick oil paint only to engrave within it or the subtract from it, functions much like that ancient writer, who imprints marks by stakes onto a soft mortar plaque, hurrying to affix meaning onto the surface of the material before it will harden.
Your work involves this ongoing symbology — things are added to it, subtracted from it, and there's a different emphasis with each installation.
I start with a full sheet of paper and subtract from it.
Average Annual Percent Change (Coal): The average annual percent change over a period of several years that is calculated by taking the nth root [where n is the number of years in the period of interest] of the result of the current year's value divided by the value of the first year of the period; this result then has 1 (one) subtracted from it and that result is then multiplied by 100.
The Chief Justice also says something about the content of the Crown's underlying title, stating that it is «what is left when Aboriginal title is subtracted from it» and it is not a beneficial interest in the land (para 70).
Does such an interpretive principle comport with Virginia caselaw mandating that statutory interpretation focus upon a statute's express language, neither adding to nor subtracting from it?
If you maintain a good relationship with you, then the person who reflects you should simply add to your life, not subtract from it.
Architects and designers can help sort through all of these puzzle pieces, and then add to or subtract from them to determine the final picture of the dream home you've envisioned.
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