Sentences with phrase «to suffer a loss»

The phrase "to suffer a loss" means to experience or go through a situation where you lose something valuable or important to you. Full definition
Older people who suffer the loss of a spouse and care for a companion animal are less likely to experience deterioration in health following that stressful event.
If someone suffers a loss as a result of the insured's negligence, there's coverage for the loss and coverage for defense.
Liability coverage on your renters insurance is what protects you when those people who suffered a loss because of your negligence come calling looking for money to make them whole.
At around the 6 month mark, I dropped my overnight pump and did not suffer any loss in supply.
What would happen if you had company and their personal property suffered a loss from that fire?
Some lending platforms keep a fund of money that it can use to compensate investors who suffer losses due to borrower defaults.
You simply don't suffer any loss of momentum and hence get across so much quicker.
Additional living expenses are covered under the policy, to make sure that the insured doesn't suffer a loss because of it.
However, if the contents and your personal property suffers a loss as a result, such as in a fire, you could have coverage for that loss.
Obviously one should not suffer the loss on failing the renewal of the insurance policy.
This means that investors are not offered any protection in the event of suffering a loss at the hands of malicious attackers or extraordinarily volatile market.
The marketing department would also suffer losses in the company's cost cutting efforts.
Replacement cost coverage on renters insurance means that you can buy new property to replace what suffered the loss, at retail prices, without depreciation.
Personal risk can best be thought of as anything that you do (or don't do) that would allow someone to suffer a loss for which you would normally be responsible.
If someone suffers a loss as a result of the insured's negligence, there's coverage for the loss and coverage for defense.
Once upon a time, our founder suffered a loss without insurance and was determined to turn the process of buying renters insurance into something positive.
Our mission is to not let another child and family suffer a loss of life in this dangerous product.
If your negligence led to someone else suffering a loss while you were away, you could have coverage for that, as well.
Why should your company suffer losses from a bad hire?
Anyone who suffers a loss caused by your negligence can recover, as long as they're not 51 % responsible for the loss or more.
If your negligence led to someone else suffering a loss while you were away, you could have coverage for that, as well.
A personal injury lawsuit may be filed when a plaintiff suffers loss due to the negligent, careless, or reckless actions of another party.
Many South Korean investors suffered losses as a result.
Have you ever suffered a loss and wondered what you could claim on renters insurance?
In any event, airlines suffer losses through accidents on a frequent basis without the need for an ash cloud.
If you already didn't have a great credit score, you may only suffer a loss of 100 points or so.
This means that you can replace the property that suffered the loss with property of like kind and quality.
While markets can always have a bad day, week, month or even year, history suggests investors are less likely to suffer losses over longer periods.
Whether you think you might suffer from complicated grief or if you've recently suffered a loss and need additional support, our Christian counselors are here for you.
It protects you from claims of your clients who suffer losses resulting from your malpractice, advice, errors or negligence.
You also get a guaranteed minimum interest rate, which means while you are taking advantage of the market going up, you will never suffer losses due to the market going down.
That means your claim will be paid based on the actual cash value of the items suffering a loss at the time it occurred.
If you provide a service or give professional advice to your clients, in case their business suffers a loss because of it, you can be sued.
Instead of accumulating thousands of dollars in profits, many of the traders complained that they actually suffered losses.
You can be doing everything right and still suffer losses in muscle growth and strength due to a lack of sleep at night.
The gaming industry has just suffered the loss of a prominent gaming studio.
If their cell phone or computer suffered a loss, they'd want to get enough money to pay for a new one, right?
In order to be entitled to this exception the worker must demonstrate that they intended to continue working past age 65, therefore suffering a loss of earnings.
People with cancer, for example, often suffer a loss of T cells when they undergo chemotherapy.
Watching a friend suffer the loss of a child or baby is one of the most difficult situations you may ever encounter in life.
The most reasonable cause of concern for parents of a newborn with a birth injury is if they were told that their child suffered a loss of oxygen.
However, you could suffer losses under other heads of income such as loss from house property, business loss and capital loss.
The last thing you would ever want is to start suffering losses even before it takes off.
If your phone suffers a loss and the video is on your phone, you're in trouble!
That's always a bad position to be in, because you've obviously suffered a loss if you're making a claim, so you need that coverage to be available.
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