Sentences with phrase «to sustain the innovation»

"To sustain the innovation" means to continue supporting and growing new ideas, making sure they are successful and can be maintained over time. Full definition
What might those kinds of sustaining innovations look like?
In the paper we concluded that some models of blended learning were hybrids — sustaining innovations relative to the traditional classroom — whereas other models of blended learning were disruptive to the traditional classroom.
This has led to investment in high - priced, sustaining innovations such as teacher residency programs.
New companies introduce products that for them are sustaining innovations along their trajectory.
While complex and multifaceted, one reason often referenced is the lack or regression of systemic transformation needed to sustain the innovation generated by these new schools.
This shift in power often catches companies focused on sustaining innovation off guard.
Sustaining innovations in law firms include email (a more efficient communication medium than letters or faxes) and time - and - billing software (a more efficient docketing methodology than making hand - written entries on timesheets).
This development is an important sustaining innovation for both Google and HMH that shows virtual reality in education could move beyond fad status.
Many education schools will «cram» digital technology into their existing products and deploy them as sustaining innovations rather than create a product with a lower cost structure.
Put another way, is the legal profession continuing to evolve with sustaining innovations or are we headed to an inevitable new market created by such disruptive innovations as AI that can review contracts and compile discovery?
Our analysis shows that the only options available to them are to implement sustaining innovations relative to their existing classroom — by flipping their classroom or maybe implementing a Station Rotation model.
Would the next mayor appoint a chief analytics officer, a chief digital officer, and continue sustained innovation throughout City Hall?
Sustaining innovations improve existing products and services, which can then be sold at higher prices to better customers.
We call innovations that sustain the leading companies» trajectory in an industry sustaining innovations.
If we think about this through the patterns and processes that guide innovation, I don't think sustaining innovations — that just improve our ability to outsource more and more work — will solve this problem.
Although incumbent firms, such as traditional universities, have a distinct advantage in delivering sustaining innovations, they struggle to manage disruptive innovations.
Mature organizations naturally pursue sustaining innovations — that is, innovations that align with their time - honored processes and priorities.
But while the system is apt to absorb successful sustaining innovations that improve on traditional metrics of success, it will routinely reject disruptive ones.
We outline how state leaders can act as effective innovation managers by understanding which dimensions of the law will encourage sustaining innovations and which offer an opening for disruptive innovations that break free from tradition.
KIPP's thousands of students are under - served, not over-served or un-served, and therefore need sustaining innovations that improve upon today's offerings.
Therefore, the guidelines should create separate funds with separate criteria for each type of innovation, to make sure that disruptive and sustaining innovations don't compete for the same pool of funds.
Justin Reich and Peter Senge discuss sustaining innovation and learning organizations, in the Launching Innovation in Schools MOOC.
During the second presidential debate, I had to complain via Twitter when, after President Obama spoke of the importance of sustaining innovation through federal funding of science, Romney offered an odd overheated mantra:
«On our side, our 2030 carbon neutrality goal, for our extended supply chain, will be met through sustained aggressive eco-design, strong circular economy innovations, renewable electricity adoption, sustained growth of services revenues, sustained innovation on energy efficiency technologies, and, maybe most importantly, the conservation of resources by each and every one of us.»
Relationships are what foster sustained innovation, product or repair improvements, and the creation of new knowledge.
He shared his thoughts on the distinction between sustaining innovation vs. disruptive technology, and the impact of each on the legal market.
Aided by outside investment, client demands and internal pressures, law firms consistently drive sustaining innovation.
Under this definition, LegalZoom and Rocket Lawyer are actually sustaining innovations: they are providing a more efficient and accessible method of acquiring legal documentation.
They focus on open ended coupled innovation and a cooperative approach with incumbents balancing sustaining innovation with the new radical innovation of decentralized systems to reduce transactions cost, improve record keeping and transactional traceability.
Disruption can happen on a smaller scale, of course, just as sustaining innovations can have a huge impact.
Launching Innovation in Schools guides school leaders — teacher - leaders, principals, department heads, IT directors, superintendents — through fundamental principles of launching and sustain innovation in schools.
The legal market stage has been set, by the clients themselves, for not just an evolutionary or revolutionary form of sustaining innovation, rather for a disruptive innovation that creates a new market.
Another aspect of sustaining innovations is that they tend to fit in well with current processes and customers, so costs for ramping up production and gaining adoption tend to be far lower.
Unfortunately, adjacent opportunities are far riskier than sustaining innovations.
Sustaining innovations are improvements to existing products and services that align well with your organization's current strategy.
The truth is that it is sustaining innovations that create by the the mast majority of value.
As I learned what drove and sustained innovation, as well as what prevented it, I decided to develop an assessment tool that would help companies better understand their own innovation capability.
Nearly 20 years ago I began looking at the behaviors and capabilities needed to sustain innovation.
The result was what I call a company's Innovation Quotient — a single number that illustrates the inherent ability of an organizations to sustain innovation by having the right foundation in place for it to thrive.
To sustain innovation, pharmaceutical companies will have to change the way they do research, says Derek Lowe.
When collaboration is valued and partnership is practiced between district leaders and union members, districts can embrace and sustain the innovations that lead to greater student success.
Author Meredith Liu writes that in contrast to sustaining innovations, by which education schools might add some new faculty or online course offerings but not change their brick - and - mortar model, fully - online degree programs offer the potential to «transform the industry into one that has lower costs and higher quality, and is more widely accessible.»
Whereas in higher education, online learning poses an existential threat to many traditional colleges and universities, in K — 12, online learning appears to be a sustaining innovation to public K — 12 schools, as it is growing within, largely in blended - learning environments.
Successfully introducing sustaining innovations is vital for any organization to be successful; a sector without sustaining innovations stagnates.
They will be able to implement the disruptive models of blended learning — but our paper also points to solid reasons why they might want to implement both sustaining innovations as well as disruptive innovations.
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