Sentences with phrase «to sustain these improvements»

"To sustain these improvements" means to maintain or continue the progress or positive changes that have been made. It implies keeping things at a good level or progressing further without going back to the previous or worse state. Full definition
This must not only continue to address the need for sustained improvement in health services, but also consider the education of children in schools and adults in their workplaces and communities.
14 national teaching awards have followed plus a place in the top 100 schools list for sustained improvement from 2008 to 2012.
The most important thing of all here is that people who show improvement show sustained improvement as long as they stick to their program.
But, sustaining these improvements over the long term is a more difficult task.
Proven track record of achieving sustained improvements in quality, cost and delivery functions.
Yes, the process took longer, but ultimately it led to more sustained improvement.
It says that previous attempts to narrow the gap have not made «substantial sustained improvements».
This leads, at best, to limited short - term progress for some and little long - term sustained improvement.
For many Australian schools this represents the next step towards sustained improvement in teaching and school leadership.
Even those that are fully implemented often fail to sustain improvements because the schools are embedded in systems that face multiple challenges.
«Building respectful and trusting relationships with Indigenous communities» is one of five common elements identified for achieving sustained improvements in Indigenous student outcomes.
It requires a long - term focus and a whole of community response for sustained improvement.
Schools and jurisdictions that have achieved sustained improvements for Indigenous students have pursued consistent objectives for at least a 10 year period.
«The Committee remains concerned that, without sufficient policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions,» the Federal Open Market Committee's statement said.
Cases of sustaining improvement efforts to deepen teacher content knowledge in MSP projects:
Results showed that adolescents receiving MI showed a quicker reduction in internalizing and externalizing behaviors but also a quicker increase in these behaviors compared to adolescents receiving EBFT, who continued to show sustained improvements at 24 months.
A comprehensive evaluation of the cleanyourhands campaign has shown that this important intervention has produced sustained improvements in hand hygiene over time.
One of 22 Comprehensive Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) will strengthen the capacity of State Education Agencies (SEAs) to lead sustained improvements in early learning opportunities and outcomes.
Other challenges include finding and retaining staff in low - performing schools, staffing shortages in state education agencies that limit the ability to provide the schools with necessary support, and sustaining improvement efforts after the grants run out.
Monkeys implanted with neurons derived from stem cells showed sustained improvement after two years.
-LSB-...] Without sustained improvement, and without the ability to play a full 60 minutes at a high level, they will in no way be a favorite to beat two top - four teams in the College Football Playoff and win the national title.
In a new article for Education Next, Thomas Kane of the Harvard Graduate School of Education argues that, similarly, education research must make a fundamental shift toward small - scale, district - level intervention studies in order to support sustained improvement in student achievement.
That new mindset must include supporting teacher collaboration, establishing clarity of purpose, providing ongoing feedback, creating conditions that allow educators to succeed, and sustaining improvement through the PLC process.
Using boot camp techniques and structure at home The reason that residential care has been primarily replaced by home - based services is because the best and most sustained improvements are made in the home with the whole family's involvement.
NASUWT: Coalition's claim of increasing university places «risible» Commenting on the A-level results, Chris Keates, General Secretary of the NASUWT, the largest teachers» union, said: «Once again the hard work and commitment of young people and their teachers has secured sustained improvements in the results overall, building on the rising standards of achievement over the last decade.
He said that while Britain's schools have improved on the low standards of the early 1990s, «real barriers to further progress» have emerged which are preventing sustained improvement today.
Murray explained that parents not only reported sustained improvements for their children's ADHD behaviors, but also for their social skills and interactions with peers.
«I found that mitigation of these 17 tsunamis was rather erratic — there is not sustained improvement with time, nor a clear correlation of the wisdom index with the geographic location of the tsunami source.»
You are getting generalization to related things, and you're getting sustained improvement months down the line.»
In open - label studies treating patients for up to 3 years, some patients sustained improvements in milestones at ages when they would otherwise be lost.1, 2
OECD Director of Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher says Indigenous students face tough challenges in most education systems, but analysis of outcomes in Canada, New Zealand and Queensland, Australia reveals sustained improvements have been achieved through focusing on several or all of six areas.
This is the way to improvement and the only way we can ensure sustained improvement for our students over time.»
In the process, they are increasing their own capacity to make and sustain improvements within their schools using a sequence of steps drawn from improvement science methodology: define and learn more about the focus problem, pilot a small change in iterative cycles, and collect and reflect on data from the experience.
«Our ambition remains for all schools to become academies with more schools joining multi-academy trusts - our evidence shows this is the best way to bring about sustained improvement
The report How the World's Most Improved School Systems Keep Getting Better analyzed school systems in 20 diverse countries that experienced sustained improvement (Mourshed, Chijioke, & Barber, 2010).
The Office of School Improvement has developed materials to help schools prepare for the journey of school improvement, identify components of an effective improvement process, and provide strategies to help sustain improvement efforts.
A robust collegial approach that promotes sustained improvement across all areas of the Trust
She says: «The decision was finely balanced but my conclusion was that not levying a penalty was appropriate in the circumstances to reward the effort made and to incentivise sustained improvement
This robust, internationally - recognised tool brings unrivalled insights into personality and behaviour and is the most comprehensive system for creating sustained improvements in personal effectiveness within multiple business environments.
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