Sentences with phrase «to take a closer look at»

Lets take a closer look at just how safe kids were in 1970.
It's worth taking a closer look at what precisely is being said, in both the highly positive and highly negative reviews, to determine how much they are likely to effect you.
We will also take a closer look at how addiction to money follows similar characteristics to other addictions.
This can get a little confusing, so it's worth taking a closer look at what statement credits are, and how you get them.
I would start by taking a closer look at what your free testosterone.
Instead, they focus on creating small details where the player will seek them out, such as when taking a closer look at the player character's hands.
Banks also take a close look at the business owner's personal credit history and credit score, and factor this against the business activity.
So lets take a closer look at all the changes done for phase 2.
Before we share out nine favorite belly wraps, lets take a closer look at why they're so effective.
At a career fair, you meet an executive at an advertising agency who is impressed with your internship experience and interested in taking a closer look at your book.
It has a low price and a good number of feature options for staying visible to cars and other people at night as well as taking a closer look at your surroundings.
Before making an allocation, you will want to take a close look at where exactly the fund invests and which countries you are gaining exposure to.
Just take a close look at competing sport sedans, too; you may find a lot to like elsewhere.
Then take a closer look at how your peers teach this kind of online training materials and confirm what skills your eLearning team will need in order to design the eLearning course.
A book released today takes a close look at why only 60 percent of students entering four - year colleges are graduating.
Take a close look at who built their businesses the right way.
Not to worry, everything is fine now, but it really prompted me to start taking a closer look at what I was eating, as well as the products I was using.
It's an inspirational post, so you better take a closer look at the details.
It is worth reviewing the political role of such traditions in American elections before taking a closer look at 1996.
After taking a close look at your budget, you might reach the opposite conclusion: You can pay more each month and get out of debt even faster.
In all these studies, researchers took a close look at whether there was something about the older fathers — unrelated to age — that increased the risk of schizophrenia in their children.
Before we get into the solutions, let's first take a closer look at how debt collection companies operate, behind the scene.
To succeed, the industry and the educators need to understand and take a closer look at new trends that emerge.
Today, we'll take a closer look at everything you need to know about dog safe laundry detergent.
This article takes a closer look at whether or not it can also fight acne.
These case studies take a close look at some of the private schools accepting voucher students.
If you haven't really taken a close look at your dog's feet lately, check those nails.
Instead of switching strategy, I recommend taking a closer look at how you are executing your trades.
The exhibition takes a closer look at the creative dialogue between film and the visual arts, presenting works by contemporary international artists who found inspiration in the eponymous French film classic.
Instead, you need to take a closer look at several factors that could affect your decision about giving gifts now or later.
However, there ARE shortcuts to creating a strong first impression; starting with taking a closer look at what you may have missed in writing your leadership resume.
This post updates earlier assessments by taking a close look at recent studies on the reliability of the electricity grid to answer that question.
And since you're already in the insurance mindset, you're primed for taking a closer look at other products that can protect life and limb.
Posts take close looks at cases that make the appellate courts or hit the mainstream media.
Just by taking a closer look at food labels, you'll be surprised by the many foods with hidden dairy ingredients.
Have your students take a closer look at trees to identify where leaves come from and how changing conditions affect leaf growth.
First, we began taking a closer look at our nutrition labels.
Next, the scientists took a closer look at how the green - colored stem cells behaved in the mouse brain.
If these goals and objectives are appealing, take a close look at life insurance premium financing.
If so, consider taking a closer look at that behavioral pattern or situation.
This means taking a close look at your current monthly expenses to see what amount can be consistently set aside for this transaction.
This video takes a closer look at these communities working for climate action.
Take a closer look at technology and you'll see how often it tries to recreate the feeling of being involved with nature.
Our most - read item this week took a closer look at the figures.
This report takes a close look at some of the hottest new or extensively redesigned vehicles debuting for the 2000 model year.

Phrases with «to take a closer look at»

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