Sentences with phrase «to take a lifetime»

The phrase "to take a lifetime" means that something will require a very long time to complete or achieve. Full definition
And it doesn't take a lifetime of practice — brain changes have been observed after eight weeks of brief daily meditation training.
It would take a lifetime for someone to build an infrastructure of so much trust, so many avenues, in so many corners of the world.
We don't take lifetime royalties; this was just a brief overview of the model.
But remember, if you're taking the Lifetime Learning credit there is no double - dipping.
Responsible breeders take lifetime responsibility for the animals they have bred.
You only need to learn the product once but having a strong commitment to achieve, being focused and process driven takes a lifetime to develop.
This post took me a lifetime to actually put up once I'd planned on making it.
In some respects, a human egg takes a lifetime to mature.
Becoming a teacher takes less that two years: being an effective teacher takes a lifetime of curiosity, imagination and diligent study.
All joking aside, it typically takes a lifetime to generate this much wealth.
Some people take only a few months to learn a new language; others take a lifetime.
These lessons took a lifetime to learn and to pass on.
It's taken a lifetime of saving and investing to get to this point.
This is a lived in performance that has taken a lifetime for her to perfect.
Really great people take a lifetime of trial and error, and careful curation to gather into your closest circle.
Lifetime withdrawal benefit amount tied to the length of the deferral period — the longer you wait to take your lifetime withdrawal benefit amount, the higher your lifetime income will be5
While some agents who've attempted to work with indie authors have been accused of being nothing more than scam artists who take a lifetime 15 % of sales only to push the book through to Kindle, there are agents who are working in different areas of publishing on behalf of their clients, with everything from negotiating foreign rights and translation to putting the manuscripts in front of Hollywood producers.
When you decide to take your lifetime income stream from the higher of the two annuity ledgers (income rider or investment), the annuity carrier assigns a percentage based on your life expectancy that will determine the lifetime payout.
After taking a lifetime's worth of burns over the Internet's most hated app, they ditched the five - star rating system and opted for an opt - out.
It would take a lifetime just to be an expert on retirement plans.»
But it has taken a lifetime since then to know for sure I am saved because it was a gift that was beyond my comprehension, but after reading the Bible and immersing my life in his word I finally know I have his unfailing promise that I am saved.
Achieving healthy teeth takes a lifetime of care.
Just because you feel extreme anxiety about your weight and you try over and over again to do the Fast Fat Loss route, you know from experience that that Fast Fat Loss actually takes a lifetime.
Because let's face it, when you read the back of a generic cake mix or brownie mix you're faced with words that would probably take me another lifetime to be able to pronounce.
, not to mention the deranged arty camp of the Jennifer Lopez vehicle The Boy Next Door, which similarly took a Lifetime Original scenario and ran it into the ground.
Take you lifetime chance now, download LS 19 Cars mods now and dive into whole new experiences and pleasures!
Nine years is certainly not the biggest gap between films in a series (the recent sequels in the Indiana Jones and Tron franchises took a lifetime to come to fruition), but it is nevertheless a long time since Ferrell & Co. brought their off - the - wall characters to the silver screen.
Uprooting racism from our daily actions takes a lifetime of work.
In this, among other topics, he explores the elements of happiness and, having listed the attributes, concludes that to be happy takes a lifetime because one swallow does not make a spring.
That it had no equal and that it was worth searching for, even if that search took a lifetime
Now agents do everything in their power to take a lifetime percentage of an author's work and many have set up their own publishing companies in the guise of helping their clients who could do the same thing for a ton less than a lifetime 15 %.
With regards to the couple's pensions, Feigs suggests taking a lifetime monthly income from their company pensions rather than a lump sum pay out.
It is better to take the single lump sum distribution from my pension and invest the money rather than take the lifetime distribution»
Pet ownership takes a lifetime commitment, through good and bad, life changes, and behavioral issues that may arise.
The city is so enriched with cultural, artistic and architectural treasures that it could conceivably take a lifetime to experience and admire them all.
We are truly «the crazy ones» because we realize we want a different life and are currently planning to hit the road again in the next two years but this time as global nomads, becoming location independent and truly taking a lifetime to explore the world.
If you're looking for ecstatic mindfulness at mind - blowing levels — the kind yoga takes a lifetime to crack — try mountain biking in Tropical North Queensland.
-- The extras needed to develop characters and add that depth can only be unlocked by getting further Championship mode, which can take a lifetimes due to poor and frustrating controls.
The console, which went on sale in November 2012, managed to sell 470,000 units in the three months between April - June 2015, 40,000 lower than Nintendo's projections, but still enough to take lifetime sales to 10.01 m.
One acre of hemp equals four of timber for pulp and you harvest it every year, trees take a lifetime.
I want this house done tomorrow, even if it could be, the upholstery people take a lifetime and to rush means the antiques I really want may not be available right now at ant decent price...
Income limits for taking the Lifetime Learning Credit for 2017 are $ 56,000 for single filers and $ 112,000 for those filing a married filing jointly return.
Members should take LIFETIME responsibility to ensure that Swedish Vallhunds of their breeding are cared for in a safe and healthy environment and should require purchasers to sign an agreement to this effect.
Lucky for you though, it won't take you a lifetime to take it off, but it will take some time.
«We have had a long, long, long obsession with youth in the art world and I think it is good to recognise that it often takes a lifetime to really have the work recognised, to be an artist.
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