Sentences with phrase «to take a second look at something»

The idiomatic expression "to take a second look at something" means to reconsider or review something again, usually after having initially dismissed it or overlooked its importance. Full definition
It's what turns heads when you walk into a room and makes both men and women take a second look at you.
«If you want a stroller that make's people take a second look at you are strolling by, this is the collection for you!
It burns fat and gives bodybuilders that shredded, defined, or lean look that we all dream about having one day...... so that we can look and feel great, make our significant others take a second look at us with their eyebrows raised kind of way, or maybe to get that girl or guy you have your mind set on.
They'll buy as many copies of Mario Party DS as they can find, but when it comes to an actual Mario platformer (an incredibly good one at that) they hardly even take a second look at it.
Overall, the CR - V is handsome enough that you would take a second look at it on the street were it not for the high probability that the car behind it was a CR - V as well.
I once heard advice along the lines of... when people criticize or point out a problem, there's probably some kind of issue and the writer should at least take a second look at it.
Together with the growth of banking online and through apps, these partnerships make smaller institutions competitive, so it may be worth taking a second look at them if their rates are particularly attractive to you.
The «elevator pitch» of your social media profile, a powerful Summary can compel employers to take a second look at you for their needs, particularly the first two lines.
Sometimes you need a reminder of the fact that you don't need something new, but take a second look at it.
Both groups point out different things, and those outside my genre / market notice things that make me take a second look at something I might take for granted in my genre.
It is a little known tool in the hardcore e-reading world, but lead developer Kovid Goyle hopes that indie authors and small publishing companies will take a second look at it.
I would get a vet to take a second look at them and let them assure you that it is not her anal glands.
Ms. Wagstaff knew the Met owned a Gilliam work, «Leah's Renoir» (1979), somewhere in its collection, and the visit «prompted me to take a second look at it
So in Dubai for the first in time 30 years I felt like no one was taking a second look at me.
The «elevator pitch» of your social media profile, a powerful, pithy Summary can position you as a strong candidate and compel employers to take a second look at you.
Once you have sent the resume, it is necessary that the employer pursue it, simply because there are several candidates who must have sent their resume, and your resume has to stand out so that the prospective employer (and the interviewer) takes a second look at it.
Well if the answer is no, then you need to take a second look at it.
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