Sentences with phrase «to take a stand on the issue»

How come he doesn't take a stand on issues such as gun control vs gun rights?
I don't know of any school districts taking stands on this issue; usually the parents know the right thing to do.
Specific people and organizations: This level of publication is about students taking a stand on an issue or problem that needs attention.
«But, if a science magazine does not take a stand on issues like those realized in Little Rock, then who will?
Their choice of the hot - button topic of Gun Control is a good one, but they smartly avoiding taking a stand on the issue by fairly presenting both sides.
«ARAMARK is the largest U.S. - based food service company taking a stand on this issue and the company's decision to eliminate pork from methods using gestation crates is a move toward even greater social responsibility,» said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States.
«It was very important to have such a prominent leader take a stand on the issue in the way he did because it opened the door for many others to follow.
In doing so, Cuomo is essentially daring lawmakers to take a stand on the issue before Election Day — a proposition for candidates or incumbents in tight races is virtually untenable.
Should a committee of MPs be allowed to decide who has committed wrong and who has not, it is easy to see how Parliamentary behaviour could degenerate into subservience to the elite, increased party - line voting, and unwillingness to take a stand on an issue unpopular with influential colleagues.
Aney Paul appears to be a lost cause as a Rockland County Legislator, as she continues to duck and evade taking a stand on any issue that actually requires an opinion.
«They were afraid of taking a stand on any issues because their interests were more to cater to the corporate sponsors and not to scare them and so bringing this parade back to utilize it as a platform to highlight the issues and concerns and not being afraid of taking on the issues,» Mark - Viverito added.
Students are then told they will be participating in a performance task in which they will read about the debate over the Internet's effects on young people's reading and write an argumentative essay taking a stand on the issue.
I am taking a stand on these issues even if it means butting heads with some of my valued colleagues, who often agree with me on most education - related matters.
The first to seize it as a campaign issue was Jay Townsend, one of Sen. Chuck Schumer's two GOP challengers, who has virtually no name recognition but who last week put out a release denouncing the sitting senator for not taking a stand on the issue.
The U.S. public outcry for GMO labeling has prompted the food industry to start listening to its consumers and take a stand on the issue of genetically modified foods.
It's also helpful to have somebody who understands which conversations to get involved in, or how a brand should take a stand on an issue.
While it's rare to see CEOs here take a public stand (witness the silence of Toronto's business leaders when the Rob Ford scandals unfolded), a growing number of American executives are stepping into the public spotlight, taking stands on issues like religious freedom, gay marriage and gun control.
And if Canada wants to promote LGBT + rights globally, it could do worse than making common cause with governments like Timor - Leste's that are taking a stand on this issue.
Many churches and other houses of worship have taken stands on these issues and lots of others, which is their prerogative.
We «Christians» are sought out, and forced by activists to take stands on issues that we may not be desirous of engaging in in such a public manner.
If Christians and other believers don't take a stand on this issue, then who can we expect to?
As the 2008 political season heads to its climax — please don't let there be a playoff this year — more players are taking a stand on the issues than this nation has seen in decades
If the SNA won't take a stand on this issue, the rest of us need to get our voices heard.
What makes Andy different is his courage to take a stand on this issue and his tireless push for positive changes, both systemic and individual.
We've seen bipartisan support in the state Assembly, we've seen the governor come out in favor of closing the loophole, so we're really just waiting on our Senate to take a stand on the issue
«By doing so we are taking a stand on the issue, especially on behalf of our communities that live on Lake Erie and for all who use it for recreation.»
Ms. Teachout had declined to comment to the Observer on the Israeli - Palestinian conflict in June and, in recent weeks, has come under increasing pressure in the press to take a stand on the issue.
According to Glenn Branch, deputy director of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), intelligent design's «vagueness» serves an insidious double duty: «First, by not taking a stand on issues that divide creationists, the intelligent design movement hopes to maintain a big tent under which creationists of all stripes are welcome to shelter.
The Lesson Present to students a statement that takes a stand on an issue of interest to students or of importance to the world.
Take a minute and make sure you're ready to take a stand on the issues that affect California public education.
Next step is taking a stand on the issue: Abortion legalization is ethically right.
But for those concerned about the future of the world, threatened by the hanging sword of global warming, there are still presidential hopefuls prepared to take a stand on the issue.
So it's not that it's necessarily adversarial, but it gives you the opportunity to choose where and how you take a stand on issues
«When you have the need to take a stand on an issue, you can be adversarial.
«Authentically and confidently express yourself» — whenever you have the chance to take a stand on an issue, stand with it or against it thoughtfully and sincerely.
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