Sentences with phrase «to take meaningful action»

These initiatives are helping one regional health authority take meaningful action on its commitment to improve the way health care services are delivered to Indigenous people.
Climate change is already affecting our health, our environment, and our economies — we have to take meaningful action now.
It's imperative that the package take meaningful action toward ending the patent troll business model.
Is the thought of a permanent split so overwhelming that you just delay taking meaningful action or feel frozen in place during the separation or divorce process?
The project will also develop opportunities for local residents to participate in stewardship projects and climate literacy discussions that focus on taking meaningful action at home and in their communities.
Service learning is a great way to not only take meaningful action but also teach important content and curriculum objectives.
They had to deal with busy stock brokers who may not have been able to follow instructions properly, and they had to wait days and weeks to take meaningful action with their stocks.
This is a shame, because every month's delay in taking meaningful action likely will lead to more climate - related death and destruction in the future.
We want to explore how you can set up your business to learn from the customer and then take meaningful action based on these insights.
Cities across the globe are stepping into the leadership vacuum left by nations, which have failed to take meaningful action on global warming for more than two decades.
The Make the Switch campaign is a collaborative effort between nonprofit Mass Energy Consumers Alliance and Mass Audubon to help residents take a meaningful action against climate change.
The SPC has developed tools, applications, and services to help your company take meaningful action toward packaging sustainability.
To help Massachusetts residents take a meaningful action against climate change, Mass Audubon has partnered with Massachusetts Energy Consumers Alliance (Mass Energy), a local nonprofit dedicated to making energy more affordable and sustainable.
Patrick Sweeney from EveryLibrary shares with you why it's important to build a network of activists who will take meaningful action for your library and its initiatives.
When one of them does take meaningful action, in the film's strong final moments, Beast roars to life, jolting us without resorting to dreams or fakeouts.
«Regrettably, the Legislature has not yet taken meaningful action to provide independent contract oversight,» Singas wrote to Gonsalves.
Functional outcomes measure a child's ability to take meaningful actions within the context of everyday living and refer to an integrated series of behaviors or skills that allow the child to achieve important everyday goals and successfully participate in daily activities.
This semester - long immersion in environmental studies and outdoor activities deepens students» love of nature, reinforces their commitment to conservation, and equips them to take meaningful action as environmental stewards.
Taking meaningful action fosters positive change for an individual, care providers, and the system that encircleshealthcare.
It took until the 1990's until the U.S. Congress took meaningful action; we are still waiting for action in most European, Asian and African capitals.
Gail Gatton, Executive Director of Audubon Washington: «How much longer can we wait to finally take meaningful action on climate change?
Although real estate had always piqued an interest in me work, school, and life always seemed to get in the way of taking any meaningful action.
• Consumers have way less capability to take meaningful action from YouTube.
Join industry leaders gathered at Natural Products Expo West to get the tools, information and inspiration you need to help your company take meaningful action to reverse global warming.
The stakes also are huge for Obama, who has little chance of pushing major climate legislation through a divided Congress but has vowed to take meaningful action against emissions that raise carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
Surfrider calls upon all elected officials in the U.S. to hold the Administration accountable for taking meaningful action on climate - both through federal policies and displaying international leadership.
Studies have found that this energy often dissipates before we can take any meaningful action.
The theme of this year's International Women's Day is «Be Bold for Change,» calling on all of us in business to take meaningful action that ushers in the greatest change for women.
By showcasing the most innovative and successful city solutions out there today, we hope to inspire local leaders throughout the country and the world to capitalize on the potential that cities hold to take meaningful action against change.
After signaling earlier in the week that he was serious about doing something on guns in the wake of last week's massacre at a Florida high school, Trump's promises to take meaningful action on guns look increasingly hollow.
Now, we are seeing the devastating results of this Liberal mismanagement, and still they are refusing to take meaningful action to fix the ferry system our coastal communities and our provincial economy depend on,» said Trevena.
The old PC government acknowledged the existence of climate change but never actually bothered to take meaningful action.
VICTORIA — Taking meaningful action on climate change to protect British Columbia's environment and the economy from its effects doesn't matter to Christy Clark, says New Democrat environment spokesperson George Heyman.
Right across B.C., there are more opportunities for us to take meaningful action against climate change.
On Friday, President Barack Obama said «we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics.»
Join us for the inaugural Climate Day at Expo West to get the tools, information and inspiration you need to help your company take meaningful action to reverse climate change.
OzHarvest is constantly looking for new ways and innovative solutions to combat food waste and hunger and use technology to mobilise everyday Australians to take meaningful action.
If you can find a way to unite all the peeps from all the factions on this point AND get them to all take some meaningful action, then we'll be onto something!
Lastly, I want to pick up on what many seasoned organizers dismiss as a wingding, and that's NGP VAN's actionCenter («an online office where supporters can leverage their existing relationships to take meaningful action on behalf of the causes they support»).
In response to the article published in the Daily News where the two women were interviewed, Mayer's campaigned stated, «The harassment these women endured was and is unacceptable, and Shelley followed proper procedure by forwarding the information she had to the proper authority, who wrongly refused to take meaningful action.
With the East Hampton Town Board finally proposing to take meaningful action to reduce the burden of airport noise, aviation interests, those who make money by making noise, have been working hard to intimidate the board into doing nothing.
The Chancellor also failed to take meaningful action on Universal Credit or the public sector pay cap, preferring instead to simply pay lip service to the suffering these policies are causing.
They've learned it's far easier to rail about conservatives in abstract than take any meaningful action.
«It was clear to me that Oklahoma was not going to take any meaningful action.
We can take meaningful action and use our power right now to create consciousness, and we can do it easily.
Our Growth Platform gives you the power to identify trends from student and educator data and take meaningful actions to improve success.
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