Sentences with phrase «to take off one's makeup»

I still take off my makeup before cleansing, but I'm always surprised how much makeup is still on my face even after taking it off.
It has made my skin feel so smooth and is great for taking off my makeup!
I typically use waterproof make - up if I can so it won't rub during the day, and always take off my makeup with baby oil.
I would have never thought that an oil based cleanser would take off my makeup so well, but it does an excellent job.
I hate taking off my makeup because before this product, I never felt like it all completely came off.
With makeup applications, we must not forget to take off our makeup properly in a way that doesn't do damage to our skin.
These gentle, coconut oil - soaked wipes won't make skin more red and raw from taking off makeup.
Some makeup you can really feel that you are wearing it and I hate the feeling, usually I can't wait to take off the makeup when I get home.
I was very excited about this product since taking off my makeup before washing my face is a pain.
You can also use these for taking off makeup.
I have a lot of dryness, especially in the sometimes - harsh New England winter, and I get breakouts in the typical spots because I'm terrible at taking off my makeup at night.
«This does a really nice job of taking off makeup without a greasy feel.
In turn, women use moisturizers to replenish their natural levels of hydration after taking off their makeup.
And for those of us who are lazy about taking off makeup at night like I am, Neutrogena Naturals makes a makeup remover towelette that makes it too easy (you basically have no excuse).
The first step in getting to that dewy skin status is actually taking off your makeup before bed with a cleanser (not a wipe...) and slathering on some moisturizer.
I use cotton rounds especially when I'm taking off makeup on my face (paired with makeup remover) so it's really great to know that there are specifications like this on quality, etc..
«I like to have these Yes to Cucumber towelettes in my bag so I can quickly take off my makeup and let my skin breathe during my sweat sesh,» she tells us.
The cleansing milk takes off my makeup (full disclosure, I do not use waterproof mascara so I can not attest to that) and leaves my skin feeling moisturized and clean.
I use the konjac sponge to take off makeup like blush (but not my eye makeup), and to simply cleanse my face.
The pre-cleanse balm gently takes off all makeup, even waterproof.
Micellar water is beloved for its ability to remove impurities from the skin's surface, effectively take off makeup, and soothe the skin, all in one simple step.
I sooometimes wash my face in the morning, but regardless of whether or not I do that, I always take off my makeup and give my face a good wash before I hit the gym after work — then I make sure to wash immediately after as well.
Pharmagel Hydra - Cleanse: This is a very gentle cleanser that takes off your makeup extremely well.
Beauty Secret # 3: Take off your makeup as soon as you get home to let your face breathe!
What more could a girl want??? When my skin gets dry and flaky towards the end of the day, I just wash it with this and it effectively takes all of that away and takes off my makeup without irritating my very sensitive skin!
I love Garnier's Micellar Water for taking off my makeup at the end of the day - it's gentle but so effective, and wicked cheap!!
While I typically use it mostly for taking off my makeup, shaving my legs, moisturizing my hair, and similar things, I also wanted to see what I could mix with coconut oil to use in my beauty routine.
No matter how diligent you are about taking off your makeup before bed, you're bound to come across some smudged mascara or leftover eye shadow the morning after a night out.
Hhaha might be too soon to tell but I am happy that I am actually taking off my makeup!
«By me taking off my makeup and showing my rosacea or showing that I have no brows, I hope that women feel better about their own issues, because everyone has them — even if they don't buy anything.»
I take off my makeup with coconut oil (best makeup remover), cleanse with Pai cleansing cream, apply Pai rose hip oil in the evening and use Ren moisturiser with spf in the day.
You fall asleep midway through telling your spouse you love him, and without taking off your makeup or brushing your teeth.
It's not greasy but it is denser than daily moisturizer, so it is best used at night after I take off my makeup.
It takes off makeup, food (kids faces, not mine!)
She sees many patients who are using toner incorrectly, using it to take off makeup for example.
With the extra vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, not only will your skin avoid looking drier and duller when you come to take off your makeup at the end of the day, but it's likely to be in even better condition from nourishing plant oils and extracts.
Because it cleanses your skin, takes off makeup easily, and leaves your face we'll hydrated and toned.
It takes off my makeup without burning my eyes and drying my skin.
While I typically use it mostly for taking off my makeup, shaving my legs, moisturizing my hair, and similar things, I also wanted to see what I could mix with coconut oil to use in my beauty routine.
A two - ingredient makeup remover that takes off makeup... without striping your skin of its moisture or natural oils.
I was using makeup wipes to take off my makeup, but I always felt like I still had makeup on.
After changing it's time to take off the makeup.
It takes off makeup so easily, even waterproof tattoo eyeliner and eyelash glue.
I took some of my makeup off with a wipe and used this afterwards and it felt amazing and took off the makeup that was left over from the wipe!
I am the laziest person when it comes to taking off my makeup but it's a swipe on my whole face morning, after the shower, and at night and I am DONE.
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