Sentences with phrase «to take off one's shirt»

In fact, lots of men won't take off their shirts in public, or even in private, because they don't want anyone to see their enlarged breasts.
You want people to loosen their shirt collars, but not take off their shirts.
As children get older, they learn to do more things for themselves, from taking off their shirt to getting their own bowl of cereal in the morning.
Finally, I decided I'd had enough — so I calmly took off my shirt and proceeded to eat my meal.
I don't realize just how hard I went down until we're back at the hotel and hear four pops while taking off my shirt.
About You overcoming that fear of taking off your shirt at the gym or wearing a swimsuit at the pool.
It's a prequel set before any of the other games featuring disco dancing and lots of grown men taking off their shirts to reveal awesome tattoos.
# 40) Finally get to a point where you're comfortable taking off your shirt at the beach.
Related: Kid takes off shirt in Jerry Jones» box after Kyle Orton's interception Related: Green Bay scores bizarre TD after Aaron Rodgers fumble
Supporters spilled onto the field in the 85th minute at Stade Geoffroy - Guichard after Lyon captain Nabil Fekir celebrated the visitors» fifth goal of the evening by controversially taking off his shirt and raising it in front of them.
I've seen parents in Asia beat their kids, I've seen Brits beat there kids, I could barely restrain myself from grabbing a young Russian woman who had grabbed her toddler's hair, pulling while screaming at her for taking off her shirt at the airport in Thailand when it was boiling hot.
... and if you actually apply these unique dietary strategies and secret training techniques, you will no longer be self - conscious about taking off your shirt at the beach and no longer force yourself to wear baggy shirts to help hide your gut...
Like to go sight seeing, Taking off my shirt on a nice sunny day, all so dance, play pool, sky diving, scuba diving.
► Two teenage boys take off their shirts, and we see the bare chest of one of them and the bare back and stomach of the other.
In «The Lincoln Lawyer,» McConaughey once again takes off his shirt, but only for a minute.
If you've paid good money to see the chiseled - chested actor take off his shirt, he does — albeit it briefly.
That leaves Wahlberg to carry the load, something he does with aplomb, turning his Flash Gordon - obsessed, thunder - fearing thirtysomething into an endearing man child (even if he does disappoint his female fanbase by singularly failing to take off his shirt here).
(At one point, during a moment of frustration at the dinner table, Marlo takes off her shirt in front of her children, revealing her bra and sagging skin.
Ryan Gosling fairs better in Gangster Squad but he is more known as a guy who takes off his shirt in the movies than for any acting skills.
At his best, he manages to sell us on characters built on big piles of rationalization and self - deception, and turns them into heartthrobs without even taking off his shirt.1 (Watching the movie now also makes me miss Dan Aykroyd.)
This week, the Bergstrom family visit Örebro to pay their respects, Roger records Game music, Q takes off his shirt and we read your murder...
She then proceeded to take off his shirt before they began dancing and making out, according to an eyewitness at the club.
► Two men take off their shirts and embrace (it is implied that they are lovers).
Wouldn't you agree that having abs like those fighters will help boost your confidence and you would be comfortable taking off your shirt?
... Jeanette Martin was at the annual Toronto beer gathering on Sunday when she took up a dare from one of her friends and took off her shirt.
The ad featured three women, each one taking off her shirt to reveal another woman.
Airport Police say the adult male smeared the excrement within a couple of bathrooms, took off his shirt and attempted to stuff it in the toilet.
Like the scrawny kid on the cover, this book is me taking off my shirt and showing my scrawniness to the world.
My daughter & son are just starting to ask, «why is it okay for men to take off their shirts when they're hot but not women?»
The other day, while playing the back nine of the Bay Course at Kapalua, I opened a beer, took off my shirt and liberally oiled up my body until I resembled — with my glistening, matted fur — a happy casualty of the Exxon Valdez spill.
Why are you taking off that shirt?
You would either have to convince Kraft to take off his shirt and tie (impossible) or let him fight in it (extremely inadvisable, and definitely how he gets choked out).
The tirade began from Bogomolov Jr's when he took off his shirt, shook his opponents hand and then told the chair umpire to «Go F*ck Yourself.»
When we arrived, they took off our shirts, tied our feet together and pulled our knees over a bar as we lay on our backs.
What we should do when we see another mom nursing their kid in public, so have you had bad experiences, do you feel like something went wrong, something went crazy for me, like I would be nursing a baby and I get my Starbucks spilled on me or something and I have to take off my shirt to nurse my kid but that would be something that would just happen to me.
It's not worth the effort to take off my shirt and regular bra and then put that on, especially at work.
My husband found what worked best for our little one after a few days; he would have to take off his shirt and lay baby semi upright with her cheek touching his skin.
With your baby lying on her back on a blanket, take off her shirt and give her tummy a sampling of the different textures.
If that doesn't work, take off his shirt.
«One of the first things I did after my son Walker was born was take off my shirt and hold him against me.
I often ended up having to take off both my shirt and my bra to feed my son the first time around because without a nursing bra it's just too hard and unsafe to do it any other way.
Encourage him to bond with a little skin - to - skin (take off his shirt and lay your diapered newborn on his chest).
Lactation consultant: Since you're home, take off your shirt.
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