Sentences with phrase «to take on more responsibility»

We have seen teachers take on more responsibility in and out of role - play, driving the story forward and leading the students in more integrated movement with the book.
Teachers would learn to teach in these specialized residency schools, and they would gradually take on more responsibility as they showed more competence.
Your web presence (yes, more than just your website) must take on more responsibility for not only supporting the sales process, but driving the process as well.
Request: Your manager wants you to take on more responsibility at work without giving you a pay rise.
Reduced overhead by taking on more responsibility with creative and administrative projects.
Maybe by taking on more responsibility or widening your role, you can make their lives easier or eliminate the need to hire another person.
Having the provinces take on more responsibility over immigration is not a new idea.
As the role of a pharmacist expands — taking a more active role with patient consultations and offering flu shots in some pharmacies — pharmacy technicians are also taking on more responsibilities.
However, if an employee takes on more responsibility, they are rewarded with more money.
As they gain experience, technicians take on more responsibility and carry out assignments under general supervision.
This is where your partner will really need to jump in and take on more responsibility so you can rest, especially if you are recovering from a c - section.
As grade school kids take on more responsibility, they often want more freedom than they can handle.
It takes very special people to knowingly face continual cuts each day and continually take on more responsibility purely for the sake of children and their learning.
As an author takes on more responsibility (and risks more $ up front), the deals get better and the professionalism scales as well.
Employees that meet or exceed standards may be able to take on more responsibility if the need arises.
Finding opportunities to develop your skills and expertise in your current role or taking on more responsibility elsewhere in your organisation will ensure that you are challenged.
Here, I demonstrated great dedication to my work and consistently took on more responsibilities.
The learning curve As your child takes on more responsibility and independence, there might be times when things don't go to plan and he ends up in hospital with medical complications.
It often leads to people taking on more responsibility than is theirs in the relationship, she said.
Taking on more responsibility at work, visiting the in - laws, saying yes to every wedding invitation (even the destination ones).
Reduced overhead... taking on more responsibility with creative and administrative projects.
As she gained more knowledge she was excited to take on more responsibilities in many different areas of real estate.
An example of this is that employees are free to take on more responsibilities as well as develop their competencies and skills.
As the publishing industry becomes more and more financially streamlined, authors of every genre and publishing model are taking on more responsibility for promoting their books through social media and online outlets.
If you stayed with one company for a number of years, use the role description and bullets to explain how you've taken on more responsibility over time.
In this process, the younger Dyson, who had been a Non-Executive Director at Dyson since 2013, now took on more responsibilities at the company by becoming its Research and Development Director, as well as its Chief Lighting Engineer.
Paladini was told his shift would change, and he was to take on more responsibility without a pay increase.
During the meeting, be sure to phrase everything positively e.g. — instead of saying «I've been here over a year now, I'm doing much more than most people earning my salary do, yet I haven't seen an increase in my pay» you would say «I've had a really progressive year within this role, I feel I have made taken on more responsibility, and I would like to continue to do so whilst earning a salary that is more reflective of this progress.»
Scicchitano has been with Corner Bakery Cafe through different ownerships and took on more responsibilities beyond his culinary and baking worlds as the years went by.
NOP is forcing everyone else other than Lillard to make a play, so we're gonna have to let Nurk take on more responsibility and let CJ and Dame play off ball more.
After all, in real life, you need to show you are ready to take on more responsibility before you are entrusted with it.
Paterson insisted to WOR's John Gambling that he «shouldn't have» succumbed to pressure and taken back the raises, noting the people who received them have taken on more responsibility since the departure in March of his $ 175,000 - a-year communications director, Peter Kauffmann.
«As fathers take on more responsibility for care giving, workplace norms may inhibit the development of a true involved sense of fathering for these men.»
The Edges address fundamental shifts to our thinking about schooling; ways in which technology is transforming when, where, and how students learn; and roles of teachers and students with teachers forming teaching teams with other experts and students taking on more responsibility for their own learning.
It's a great way to experiment without having to take on more responsibilities like deciding to be an ID@Xbox partner.
Take on more responsibility too, and you'll soon be ploughing ahead.
Why do paralegals have to go through an LLLT program in order to take on more responsibility within their firms, including responsibilities that might currently be considered UPL?
Professional with demonstrated project management and systems skills, consistent track record of successfully taking on more responsibilities.
That is, they start believing that their jobs are more important, that they should be the primary breadwinners while their wives take on more responsibility for childcare.
Even though you've likely been asked these same questions before, it's still a smart idea to review what you would answer TODAY, vs. what you may have answered years ago, especially if you've been steadily taking on more responsibility.
Be aware that not all states require you to complete formal training or to be registered to work in a pharmacy; however many states are moving toward more rigid requirements as technicians begin taking on more responsibility in the pharmacy.
With HR departments taking on more responsibilities and with a competition for talent on the rise, there are serious concerns among companies about providing the best candidate experience, while maintaining compliance throughout the hiring cycle.
• Minimum of a high school diploma • Minimum of one year of secretarial experience preferred • Great organizational skills • Great communication skills • Willing to take on more responsibilities not on job list as they are needed
But exactly what their role is should be clarified as schools take on more responsibility...
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