Sentences with phrase «to take one's dog with someone»

I don't take dogs with significant behavior issues.
Instead, you should consider taking your dog with you on your trip!
Many pet owners take their dogs with them on short trips, such as an outing to the park and most walk their dogs throughout the neighborhood and / or at local parks.
But unfortunately many people take dogs with problems there, hoping they will get over their problems by playing with other dogs.
We don't know why people think a sanctuary for disabled animals is the ideal place for an aggressive dog, but we get far too many requests to take dogs with aggression problems.
Dog clothes and accessories like dog boots should always be considered when taking dogs with a low cold tolerance for walks during winter months.
When the adults took dogs with them on hunting trips, they left other dogs at home to baby - sit children.
It only takes minutes... We understand you meant to be kind by taking your dog with you, but you could be risking his or her life.
We are not able to take dogs with serious aggression issues.
Especially if you are taking a dog with known problems.
To save money on hot water heating costs and electricity usage, you can even take the dog with you during your morning or evening shower.
Never have your pets around you when setting off fireworks in your yard and never take your dog with you to your neighborhood or town fireworks display.
Do not take dogs with history of severe aggression toward humans or other animals.
Many of these people have small dogs, and can easily take their dogs with them into stores and such, without having any trouble with store workers or customers.
Realistically speaking, you can't always take your dog with you in every vacation.
However, when you are a dog owner, you may want to start looking for a new vehicle that is going to be just right for taking your dog with you on numerous outings.
Rodriguez says, «I introduced an experienced foster parent of heartworm positive dogs to a new foster parent who was considering taking a heartworm positive dog, and their interaction empowered the new foster to take a dog with heartworm
He suffered from separation anxiety, and Justin started taking the dog with him everywhere he could.
Alexander the Great took these dogs with him on his travels.
To retrieve large game birds gently and repeatedly throughout the hunting day takes a dog with jaws long enough and broad enough to cradle that bird without putting a tooth mark in it.
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), more than 80 % of dog owners take their dogs with them when they
We always take our dog with us and have flown with KLM with no issues at least a dozen times.
We don't take dogs with aggression issues, serious behavioral issues, or medical issues that are terminal, degenerative, incurable, or prohibitively expensive to treat or maintain.
«People take their dogs with them to run errands, leave them in the car, and it doesn't take but a few minutes for a car's interior to heat up to 120 degrees.»
Small is good because â $ you can take the dog with you and fully integrate her into the fabric of your life, â $ he says.
Outside of work I love adventure and going anywhere I can take my dog with me.
I disagree with the Frasier comment... I don't think there is ANY way to make an episode of Frasier fun... unless maybe he falls out of a window and takes the dog with him.
The community is pet friendly, so you can take your dog with you.
Summer vacation time is approaching and many of us want to take our dogs with us on vacation.
The best place for pets to me means I could take my dog with me on a regular basis.
Raising a dog that can go anywhere If you want to be able to take your dog with you nearly wherever you go, you may want to sensitize your pet to both city and country lifestyles.
We do not discriminate against any breed, and will take any dog with any behavior issue!
This usually happens when a member of the family is constantly with the dog or takes the dog with them whenever they leave.
Often, people neglect to take their dogs with them when they move.
I inherited it by accident from a neighbor, who was moving away to the city and didn't want to take their dog with them.
Many people love to take their dogs with them on errands but they may not understand the potential dangers of even short time periods locked in the car.
If so, will you be able to take the dog with you?.
Please understand that we can not take dogs with a history of biting or with behaviour problems; unfortunately we do not have the resources to work with dogs with these problems.
Wether it be on a vacation to your favorite resort, or just visiting the in - laws for the weekend, many people are choosing to take their dogs with them when traveling.
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