Sentences with phrase «to take over the school»

Other provisions impact teacher bonuses and scholarships and expansion of charter schools by taking over schools in low income areas without requiring district oversight.
This is not exactly news; states have been taking over school districts for years, often for lengthy periods.
If we want to win the fight for the more immediate future, we're going to need to take on the unions directly, and take over the school boards.
The complexity of taking over the school and then only have $ 1 million to «fix it» is a daunting task.
Private management organizations will take over the schools for a one - year observational period before making changes.
Catholic schools will have more control over who takes over any schools found to be underperforming.
Several months ago parents, teachers and community activists successfully prevented a charter management company from taking over the school.
If the mayor had not taken over the schools 20 years ago, where might we be now?
If the low rating continues for two years or longer, the state can intervene more directly, for example by taking over the school.
I say this twice as this was one of the first battles I had to fight when taking over the school.
However, due to unresolved financial and legal issues, the proposed sponsor did not ultimately take over the school and has withdrawn.
Thanks in part to digital learning tools, families taking over a school can bring high quality instruction to classrooms.
The person taking over the school and changing the school's mission was an educator brought in to improve test scores.
This can trigger the state's intervention in various ways, including having the state superintendent take over a school.
Having taken over a school consistently performing in the lowest 5 percent in the state, we were charged with producing results, aka student achievement.
Zombies had taken over the school library, and she and her fellow students had to work together to answer various questions about books — such as identifying where the index is located.
Common Core has taken over our schools impacting teaching and learning.
We should be starting today to build teams that will take over schools in the fall of 2010.
Consequently, the state can intervene proactively and take over the school district.
The focus shifted when the State of California took over the school system in the 90s, and schools with sub par test results were identified.
The AoC claimed that Tim Coulson, regional schools commissioner for the East of England and North East London, failed to follow the government's own rules after approving the request from the Loxford School Trust, which took over the school in February.
What does Gray say to those who complain about do - gooders taking over school lunch programs?
So far, no states have taken over schools as part of NCLB restructuring, and the number of charter conversions or privatizations is still quite small.
If creationists are set on taking over school boards or state legislatures, school - choice programs might also work as a release valve for creationists to inflict their teachings on only their own children, and not yours.
Since the State took over the School District of Philadelphia in 2001, it has been run by an appointed School Reform Commission (SRC).
For example, in Adelanto, Calif., where a group of parents this year became the first to use a parent trigger, a not - for - profit called Parent Revolution, led by former Clinton White House staffer and former California State Board of Education member Ben Austin, has provided the parents with significant support, including an extensive, multi-week curriculum for parents taking over the school.
The article features Paul Boundas, a chef who has taken over the school food at Holy Trinity High School in Wicker Park and is serving meals like «white [fish] fillets... in a crunchy panko - cornmeal crust or baked in olive oil, lemon and herbs, with collard - flecked teriyaki brown rice, olive oil roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli and freshly squeezed lemonade.»
In Gotham it was because of mayoral control; in other places, reformers have successfully taken over school boards.
It said that more than a quarter of the 36,000 students who entered first grade the year Daley took over the schools in 1995 had been held back at least once.
The ASD will make a decision between the two schools official by Dec. 12, around the same time Metro Schools Director Jesse Register plans to announce which of the city's low - performing elementary schools he will contract out to KIPP charter schools, which won a guarantee to take over a school over the summer.
I'm not saying I approve of billionaires taking over the schools — of course, I» don't.
The parents at 24th Street Elementary School in Los Angeles Unified will have plenty of choices for an operator to take over their school under the «parent trigger» process they initiated this month.
The Partnership for Los Angeles Schools took over the school in 2016.
For failing schools, he proposes using the Massachusetts Model: when a school fails for three years, another district or not - for - profit takes over the school and overhauls it.
I guess that's about as far as the similarities go though as this is an undercover mission for some mercs / Nam vets where as the other film was terrorists taking over the school.
One principal took over a school in disarray, which offered an opportunity for growth.
Thus we see Jumoke Academy taking over schools in Hartford and Bridgeport by leave of Mr. Pryor.
Objections range from the basic «it's too long» and «it's too stressful» side of the spectrum to weightier concerns about teachers being forced to teach to the test, racial and socioeconomic inequities, and private corporations taking over schools that, according to test results, are failing.
Parents signed a petition to take over the school through the state's Parent Empowerment Act, often called a «Parent Trigger,» which allows parent groups to push for sweeping changes and even create a charter school.
Since taking over the school two weeks ago, Conner has moved swiftly to restructure second - through fifth - grade classes to intensify and individualize instruction in English and math.
They fingerprinted the teachers, interviewed the parents, the principal was very upset because the task force literally took over the school.
Time to wake up and pay attention before a handful of uber wealthy take over the schools completely (see what's happening in Michigan).
Students of The Academy of Christ the King Senior High School at Cape Coast in the Central Region, have demonstrated against encroachers who have allegedly taken over the school's lands.
In 2007 we opened a middle school and, returning to our roots, we have taken over the school inside D.C.'s Oak Hill juvenile jail (see Figure 2).
Despite union and district efforts to overturn the vote, the Green Dot supporters succeeded, and after a year of transition, in which there was a good deal of disorder, Green Dot took over the school, with a new principal and new teachers.
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