Sentences with phrase «to take people with someone»

«I love taking people with absolutely zero real estate knowledge and helping them reach whatever level they want to achieve,» he says.
It only takes a person with a heart and a little bit of time to make a difference in the world.
I have found a couple that will take people with $ 100,000, but a minimum account size of $ 200,000 to $ 500,000 is more common.
An undergraduate degree is necessary and some schools will only take people with a bachelor's degree in psychology.
it's comical how religion can take a person with little more than a grade school education — and elevate their mind to the level where they literally believe they can argue subjects for which they are so completely ill - equipped — that virtually everything they posit seems as if it's coming from an 8 year old child.
, tried to fight off her attacker (an act proven to be pointless, not to mention it's an ableist suggestion in the first place (doesn't take people with physical or mental disabilities into consideration)-RRB-, didn't let her rapist in (even though most rape victims know their attackers)-- she wouldn't have been raped.
No different than the kids who are bullied and picked on and just go out and commit suicide is our kids are just taking people with them Both instances are directly related
You're taking people with diametrically opposed belief systems and they all need to find something to agree on.
Another symptom of a true shortage: «Take people with lesser skills and train them up,» Wadwha says.
NITP is a federally funded project whose agenda is «to take people with training that's nontraditional for neuroscience — engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, physicists, and so on — and to bring them up to speed on neuroimaging, a science that needs those sorts of technologies,» says Mark Cohen, who directs the program.
This information, Feistritzer concluded, «makes a strong case for taking people with basic subject competency and getting them into classrooms and working with mentor teachers as quickly as possible.»
If you have a friend who isn't a big shopper, consider taking this person with you to the shops so that they can help you to limit your purchases to only the things that you need.
My conception of a «non-debate» is to take people with divergent views on important questions and build a foundation for breaking deadlock by focusing first on points of agreement.
But these fundamental inequities exist on an institutional basis, and it will take the people with power — who are predominantly men — to bring about the institutional changes that are needed.
We know of 1 company actively taking people with COPD and it's «first day coverage».
Richard Dennis thus proved that a simple set of rules could be used to take people with little or no trading experience and turn them into very profitable traders.
The idea that if you take people with poor social skills and give them social training, they'll become less lonely.
I think that it takes a person with no sense of self purpose and a very low self image to write some of the things that you have... As I am sure that you will reply to this comment with numerous negative and disrespectful comments, it makes me sad to know that your lives consist of nothing more than sitting infront of a computer and insulting others.
It takes people with guts to fight corruption.
There is also a satan who is trying his best to take people with him and he succeeds whenever you read some of these comments..
They took people with pre-malignant oral lesions in their mouth and had them apply a black raspberry gel for 6 weeks.
What I've tried to do is take people with me — politicians, officials, the industry — and then hopefully if I fell under a bus tomorrow many of these things would still happen.»
We want to take people with us.
and we know our task is to take people with us.»
My experience as a councillor was that, if we took plans for development out to our constituents, confronted them with the challenges we faced as an area and carefully explained why we were proposing what we were, we could take people with us.
I think if you don't have an overall majority you need to make sure you take people with you.»
«Governments of all political colours in this country have had to fight terrorism and had to take the people with them as they do so and I respect people who've come to a different view from the government and the one I've set out today and those who vote accordingly.
«I recognise in a coalition you've got to take people with you.»
And as a Leader he has to take people with them.
It takes people with special kinds of expertise, people who understand business as well as understand research and innovation.»
If you take people with Hashimoto's they have a gene defect which makes it harder for them to detoxify.
dating online can be tricky, because people twist the truth and even straight out lie about who they are and what they look like Be careful when choosing an online dating service and be a little picky Try to talk on the phone with someone before meeting them and take another person with you to meet them.
I always try to take people with their good sides as well as shortcomings.
They could take many views, for example, do you take the person with the highest score as being the best, but if they have the biggest range could you say they were inconsistent?
Richard Dennis thus proved that a simple set of rules could be used to take people with little or no trading experience and turn them into very profitable traders.
Traveling with kids: In chapter 9 («Leaving Town: Business Travel»), in the section «Taking People With You», it specifically discusses your situation.
If you plan to meet a potential owner, meet at a vet's office or other public place and take another person with you.
Also, consider waiting until after the holiday rush so that you can take the person with you to pick out the pet.
Since Lisa thought it might be hard to clean up a regular studio after a class held with a bunch of cats, she took people with allergies into consideration and decided to bring the class to the shelter and shelter manager Lisa Johns agreed yoga classes were a great idea to draw potential adopters into the shelter.
Cyrus is a scholar whose field skill Scrutinize lets him get information from characters, and Ophilia is a cleric whose field skill Guide lets her take people with her.
«We took people with absolutely no involvement with or knowledge of the justice system.
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