Sentences with phrase «to take real action»

This isn't intended to make you feel worse about your approach thus far to business, it's meant to wake you up so you can start taking some real action.
I had been thinking of writing an ebook but hadn't taken any real action.
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, take real action today and schedule your complimentary strategy session with me.
But it's all about your consistency in taking real action to prioritize your dating life.
It is a losing belief system unless the pope takes real action, which he does not appear likely to do.
You have to be careful that you don't let a little action trick you into thinking you are actually taking real action.
Now it's your chance to stop complaining of being lonely and take real actions towards your happiness.
It's easy to complain about this without taking any real action.
The magic happens when real people take real actions, through community initiatives that show authenticity to the cause.
Selina Robinson demands the government take real action on homelessness and the lack of affordable housing in the Lower Mainland.
This is stalling on taking real action against climate change.»
Wantrapreneurs will not take real action until they get their proverbial ducks in a row.
Van Dijk is also a great example of how we seem to like to «track» players for too long before taking real action about it.
«Our ambitious insulation plan will see the next Labour government take real action against fuel poverty, making homes cheaper to heat, improving people's health by improving our housing, creating new jobs and reducing carbon emissions.
At the 23rd UN Climate Talks (COP23), where Fiji holds the presidency, the Pacific Climate Warriors are showing true leadership and urging the world to take real action now.
but all gov.agent should take a real action agenst all those carzy ppl.
Considering that the Code was introduced in 1981 and the US has yet to legislate it or take any real action whatsoever against Code violators, I think there is a lack of action, plain and simple.
«The Legislature has had an ethics committee since 2007, since 2007, the Legislature has never taken a real action.
«At a time when the price of most things seem to be going up,» said Lanza (R - Staten Island), Gov. Cuomo... has once again proven that he understands the plight of Staten Islanders to make ends meet and has taken real action by reducing the Verrazano toll for Staten Islanders and families.»
«Ministers are just trying to get away with as little as they possibly can instead of taking real action to remove innocent people from the DNA database.
A nourishing, 8 - week private experience where you'll carve a whole new path for yourself, and take real action steps to live that path (and inspire the people you love to do the same).
Today's G8 announcement is just another attempt by the Bush administration to avoid taking any real action until the end of the president's term.
It wasn't until after the Observer and the Times published blockbuster stories on Cambridge Analytica's actions this past weekend that Facebook finally took real action, suspending Cambridge's account and demanding to audit its servers.
The game of chicken has reached stage 2 with both «players» having loudly and firmly planted their feet, clearly displayed their weapons and waiting to see if one will blink before taking real actions.
We will have to keep the pressure on because Starbucks has gone back on similar promises in the past — but they are definitely in the spotlight to take real action now.
This also gives the world a unique opportunity to take real action against climate change and create a world that runs entirely on green energy,» he said.
And it's come to a point where they feel the need to take real action against North Korea.
People are pressuring the government to take real action and Kim Jong - Un tried to ease this tension at home during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, gesturing for harmony with South Korea and giving people hopes for more foreign aid and increase in their quality of lives.
Secretary Zinke promised that the Department of Interior would be taking real actions to support American energy development, and today he delivered in a big way.
The B.C. Liberals must embrace all of the recommendations of the independent advisory group and take real action to protect consumers and hard - working members of the real estate profession who follow the rules in our province.
However, I find it interesting that other countries have recently been so worn down by financial advisor fraud, scandal, and abuse that they've finally decided to take real action — action that isn't even on the radar screen in America.
VANCOUVER — B.C. New Democrats are marking Homelessness Action Week by calling on the B.C. Liberal government to take real action to help the homeless by passing poverty reduction legislation and providing real support to communities.
My question - why do people CHOOSE to follow a deity who holds that over people's heads, but refuses to give any real proof, or take any real action.
Thus, when Japan wantonly invaded China in the early 1930's, nobody in the League was willing to take real action.
«I don't think the supermarkets will take any real action, they will only come out with soundbites,» said dairy farmer Handley.
I knew then and there — after the GALLAS, who was captain, sulk at Birmingham, that Wenger did not have the toughness to take real action to change things.
«Promoting engineering to women is particularly important given how few currently work as engineers, so it's disappointing to see that so many employers are taking no real action to improve diversity.
Horner: Time for Cuomo and Legislature to Take Real Action on Reform Blair Horner, legislative director of the New York Public Interest Research Group, in a commentary piece for the WAMC Northeast Public Radio, demanded that Governor Cuomo and the legislature take real action on campaign finance reform.
«Instead of trotting around New York with phony job bills Gillibrand should take real action and pledge to repeal this job killing tax and all of Obamacare.»
I look forward to cleaning up the corruption in Albany and taking real action on tax relief so no more Hudson Valley residents are forced from their homes and communities.»
One needs to take real action and chopping off Silver & Kolb for starters will sent the proper tone.
«Communities don't want gimmicks like «respect handbooks» - they want police officers on their streets to take real action against antisocial behaviour,» said shadow police minister Nick Herbert.
According to the Bishops, government must change from just talk about ending vigilantism and take real action.
New York's leaders and lawmakers must take real action to send the message that this state isn't some banana republic where palms have to be greased, political mouths have to be fed, and favored firms get the inside track.
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