Sentences with phrase «to take some practice»

The phrase "to take some practice" means that you need to practice or try something multiple times in order to get better or succeed at it. Full definition
I have never seen a child develop a love for learning, deep curiosity, critical thinking skills, and a desire to help their neighbor as a result of taking practice tests.
The connection remains strong, and I can't wait to keep taking my practice further.
However, it does take some practice using a curling wand, and the amount of time it takes depends on your hair length and texture.
With a plan and goals, you can then relax, and just take each practice day by day.
Allow students to take practice quizzes to gauge understanding.
It is common to prepare for this exam by taking practice exams and reviewing former course materials.
Take this practice of meditation from the rubber flooring to the rubber mat; sit, be still, and breathe.
It also takes practice for baby to learn how to latch on correctly in order to efficiently express milk from mom's breast.
Throughout her career, she has taken her practice in new directions.
Once you've established your paperless work flow, you can take your practice on the road.
How to Perform the Power Clean Note: This is a complex movement and takes practice before attempting to move heavy weight.
We are looking for a dynamic, confident, enthusiastic and determined candidate to help take the practice forward.
Experiment with those tools when studying, particularly when taking practice exams.
Be fully prepared for the written knowledge test by taking our practice permit tests.
She was a dance teacher who understood, like few people do, that any new skill takes practice and lots of it.
As with all interviews, video interviews take practice so don't give yourself a hard time if it doesn't go according to plan.
Saying no typically feels awkward and definitely takes practice.
I always took my practice seriously, but here are some things that I've learned by teaching.
Learning to count can take some practice though, so don't be discouraged if your child isn't getting it right away.
You can also take the practice exams on the website to get a feel for how the questions are asked and to practice answering questions on a computer.
Here are a few steps to get you started on pull ups, remembering that this is an exercise which takes practice to perfect.
Here are three ways to take your practice off the mat.
-LSB-...] good at voice projection sometimes takes practice.
This new way of thinking takes practice, but it will help you become the most attractive version of yourself.
Like any skill, leash training takes practice, patience, time, and treats.
Breastfeeding takes practice, patience, teamwork, and support.
Many students take practice tests to prepare for the exam.
To ensure that you pass the test, consider taking a practice permit test.
Getting a good handle on your dieting, finances, or anything else in life takes practice.
Many of the tracks will take some practice if you are new to these types of games.
You can know all the correct measurements for coffee temperature and own all the best equipment, but it still takes practice, experimentation and experience to produce the perfect cup.
Knowing how to read a paper takes some practice, but briefly scanning a paper before diving into it, will increase the quality of your reading time.
Learning to write takes practice and hard work, and maybe a few tips here and there from other writers.
If you don't pass your actual assessment after taking our practice tests we'll give you a full refund.
There's still plenty of time left to take your practice outside into the days of summer.
Let the thoughts go (this method takes practice and uses techniques that increase your awareness through meditation of prayer).
Learning the skills necessary for new ways of relating, communicating, and loving takes practice, patience and encouragement.
This method of communication takes practice so that there is only one speaker and one listener at any one time.
Yoga for pain relief is a great tool to teach your students because they can take their practice anywhere they go and use it anytime pain or stress starts to flare up.
Under the proposal, the state is asking students and teachers to take practice shots in the dark.
Taking the practice ACT writing test will give you a sense of how much additional practice you may need.
Being able to effectively answer difficult interview questions takes practice.
Learning takes practice and effort — effort that must be continued long after school hours.
Although it may take some practice at first, some women learn how to use their own hands to extract milk and find it easy, pleasant, and efficient.
You can take your practice here and apply it to other water sports (or snow sports) back at home.
Learning effectively takes practice to master the techniques that work best for you and to discern which resources are the most valuable in the acquisition of new information and skills.
Simply taking practice tests and gaining exposure to the types of questions you will experience on the real test can relax you, improve your confidence, and increase your speed and accuracy.
Just like anything you want to get good at, sex takes practice.
Learning how to change the way you communicate with your child takes practice.
This will take practice too, but you will master it in no time.
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