Sentences with phrase «to take the oath»

"To take the oath" means to formally promise or swear to do something, usually in a formal setting or legal context. It is a commitment to follow certain rules, responsibilities, or duties, and can often involve placing one's hand on a religious book while making the promise. Full definition
It contains information about taking the oath of office, the big parade and evening balls.
This is obviously not allowed, except when that member has not taken the oath.
MPs will be sworn in on that day and for subsequent days - it's very unlikely that 650 MPs can take the oath on that one day.
We all trust that healthcare providers who take that oath will live by it.
Next week, after years of waiting and paperwork, he too will take his oath as an American citizen.
All 17 officials took an oath to abide by national, state, and local laws that govern the body.
Doctors take an oath to do no harm, shouldn't parents do the same?
You will be asked to take an oath prior to questioning.
Before you are questioned, you will take an oath promising to tell the truth.
He also took an oath upon being commissioned that he would honor this obligation in good faith.
Now the boys take an oath among themselves before each game that they'll obey the rules.
They also must pay a licensing fee and take an oath administered by the court.
If a person without religious belief takes an oath, is that oath binding?
But this provision is prospective, as no one is supposed to take the oath until after the passage of the law.
In a covenant marriage a couple takes an oath of understanding that marriage is a lifelong commitment.
Every school board member must take an oath of office promising to uphold all laws.
Though the real impetus for the federal legislation was the Federal Court of Canada decision ruling that it was «unlawful» for Ottawa to order new citizens to remove their face - covering veil or niqab when taking the oath of citizenship.
Here he is lining up to sign the register, behind Sir Gerald Kaufman, who took the oath before him, and in front of George Osborne.
«Today, on the first day of 2018, we celebrate how far Rockland County has come in just four short years and, as importantly, how much more we will achieve going forward,» Day said after taking the oath of office, administered by Clarkstown Justice Craig E. Johns.
When Trump takes the oath of office at noon on Friday, he will be the first New York native to be president since Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Vincent Tamagna, the Republican chairman of the nine - member Legislature, would not say why Leibell would not take the oath in a month's time but said he is working now on a transition government that will involve appointing an executive officer.
He could even take the oath before the 20th, and be able to exercise the powers of the office from the moment he becomes President.
Back in 1994 TV viewers all over the world watched transfixed, as South Africa's first democratically elected president took the oath of office.
And because of its incorporeal nature, it can not even meet Delaware's statutory requirement that a person taking an oath do so «with the uplifted hand.»»
Thomas More refused to take oath which dishonored his country and looked for the unity of the universal church.
Paterson's last day as governor is next Friday, before Gov. - elect Andrew Cuomo takes the oath on Jan. 1.
George Washington kept his faith to himself mostly from what I've found, and Southern church goers tried to BLOCK Thomas Jefferson from taking his oaths of office on the basis that they believed him an Atheist.
Bratton broke recent tradition by taking his oath at police headquarters instead of City Hall.
David Wildstein takes an oath during a hearing Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014, at the Statehouse in Trenton, N.J. AP Photo
«I have just taken the oath of office on the Bible my mother gave me a few years ago, opened to a timeless admonition from the ancient prophet Micah: «He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.»»
«Just as the Supreme Court has held that «the world is not made brand new every morning,» a person is not made brand new simply by taking the oath of office,» Brinkema wrote in her ruling.
Victoria Kolakowski takes the oath with presiding justice Anthony Kline (right) on Tuesday evening to become the first openly transgender trial judge in the U.S.
(By the way, in that famous photo of Lyndon Baines Johnson taking the oath after Kennedy's assassination, that's not a full Bible.
Said Higgins, «I am a firm believer that jurors take their oath seriously.
Accordingly, after much reflection and consultation with my family, this will be my third and final time taking the oath of office as a Representative in the US House.
More's answer helps us to understand why we need to keep our promises: «Ah, Meg, when a man takes an oath he holds his own self in his hands, like water, and when he opens his hands he need not hope to find himself again.»
Beside as mentioned how the courts accept non religious to swear taking oath by the bible when they are not believers?
We offer this President George Washington taking oath coloring page with several different sentences in addition to our U.S. Presidents collection of coloring page sentence readers.
Public officers take an oath to uphold the Constitution, to uphold the law of...
ALBANY, N.Y. — Judge Paul Feinman took the oath of office Wednesday to become the newest member of the state's highest court, making him the first openly gay judge to sit on the bench of the Court of the Appeals.
«Obedience to the rule of law by all citizens but more particularly those who publicly took oath of office to protect and preserve the Constitution is a desideratum to good governance and respect for the rule of law.
After Katko took his oath of office last January, and started learning the ropes in Washington, he says the atmosphere was highly politically charged.
This compelled the Managing Director of Citi FM, Samuel Atta - Mensah, and a United States - based Ghanaian lawyer, Prof. Kwaku Asare, to file a suit at the Supreme Court, to among other things, seek an interpretation of Article 60 (12) of the 1992 Constitution, which requires that the Speaker takes the oath of office each time he is to act as President.
The Lagos State Police Command has uncovered a shrine located at Ayegbami quarters, Imosan, in Ijebu - Ode, Ogun, where suspected badoo cult members take oath before going...
9:00 AM — City Councilman - elect Rubén Díaz takes the oath of office for the 18th District in a special ceremony prior to the the New -LSB-...]

Phrases with «to take the oath»

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