Sentences with phrase «to talk about one's book»

... and that's if you're talking about your book on a store shelf.
You want people talking about your book in person and via social media before it's released.
You have to attend as many live events as you can and talk about your book in person to as many people as possible.
In some circles of writers, there is a lot of talk about book launches.
In talking about these books with some friends, I was reminded that books that challenge us at one stage of life or faith may not seem so challenging as we continue to mature.
When talking about book - inspired pillows, I haven't mentioned one very down - to - earth benefit.
She wasn't talking about book marketing when she said these things of course, but I heard them on my rides with her.
As an on - air personality, you can talk about your book as much as you'd like.
Talking about book cover design and the effects of colour, graphics and human nature.
Don't just talk about your book; make sure to talk about the topic of your book in your pitch.
Lets talk about the book experience now that we covered the home screen and content distribution system.
«Some people talk about books by their bedside,» he said.
Lots of people talk about book design, publishing and marketing.
This can work if you're nervous about talking about your book at first.
It sounds ridiculously naive to me when indie authors talk about book marketing or promotion.
If people start talking about your book around town, newspapers and local magazines may even reach out to you for an interview!
And you do talk about book proposals on your site and you've got a lead magnet about book proposals which is awesome.
I just ask that people talk about books more.
It is a gathering place for readers who talk about books with the same passion you do.
I'm not sure I really want coaching, but it would be great to talk to her just to talk about her book so I may get something set up!
I have already talked about this book in a book description accompanied by the excerpt, but only when I read it, I really appreciated the high literary value of this novel.
If you aren't talking about your book launch, why would anyone else?
They don't want to be constantly posting on social media, attending book fairs, or looking for opportunities to talk about their books before an audience.
Maybe it's time to read an award - winning or much talked about book in your genre.
We also talked about the book and the prospect for a robot to replace what we do here on a daily basis.
They will allow you to speak & build confidence in a supportive environment — so that eventually you might enjoy giving talks about your books!
If you're doing a great job of selling your book, you're going to be talking about your book all the time.
I always enjoy talking about book marketing and sharing as many tips as I can in an interview like this, but what was particularly noteworthy about this interview was the interviewer.
If you meet a reader who is always talking about the books they're reading, hand them a copy.
Maybe we'll talk about books while we're at it or play virtual bridge.
I mean, I know it's not exactly talking about book club events, but a lot of the information still applies!
You will spend your days talking about books, helping others discover a passion for reading, and learning about the library system.
We actually talk about the book, besides eating and drinking.
If you are constantly talking about a book then you are wasting time that you could actually spend reading it!
I never talk about my books in the formative stages, it takes all the mystery out of the process.
If you only talk about your book constantly, people will think you're a robot.
Best of all, it gave me a way of talking about my book without the obvious plea to buy my book.
Let's give away another copy of the book because I keep talking about the book and the schedule.
I made a short video course talking about book editing, self - editing, choosing an editor and the editing process.
You can also schedule a day and time for us to call and talk about your book project.
I'm not talking about book signings, although I've had one and I sold a nice number of books.
In short, there is no reason to fear talking about your book because you are the world's foremost expert on it.
Okay, so, you were on the show last year or the year talking about book sales descriptions.
Do not go there and talk about your book unless someone asks.
From my experience, authors who have the best success at readings talk about their book and writing process but do not spend a ton of time reading the actual books.
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