Sentences with phrase «to talk about the situation»

I'm not talking about situations where safety and well - being are involved.
Now, having said that, we just talked about situations in which sometimes there are scenarios where you can find a particular lab test where everybody's low.
Also avoid signing any documents or talking about the situation with anyone other than the police.
I'm not trying to get all political or anything on you, but it just feels very weird to not talk about this situation when it affects us all.
You know, I'm talking about that situation when you change the exercise and not sure whether it is harder or not.
Use photos to make the profile more attractive, and openly talk about your situation as a single parent if you are comfortable with it.
When men did talk about their situation, they were most likely to talk to their co-workers or supervisors.
And I assume you are also talking about situations where the personal savings allowance has been used up?
There is no cost in meeting with me and we will openly talk about your situation and evaluate the options so that you can find the right solution for you.
He said, «It is difficult to talk about the situation because I am focused about my work and improving the team».
When he can talk about the situation calmly, try to come up with a compromise you both can live with.
All of the characters talk about their situations and how to handle things, rather than doing anything about them.
Please talk about a situation that demanded critical thinking from you, and how your choices or decisions integrated intelligence and character.
As a group talk about situations in which students should call on the help of each professional.
Therefore, your executive resume has to take your brand message a step further than just listing results, and talk about the situations encountered in your career.
Couples often talk about situations and circumstances surrounding the interactions they have with their closest relationships.
You should be able to talk about your situation with the company before you enroll, and find more the specifics of their program.
I'm talking about a situation where they can barely be touched by my husband even when I'd like him to.
Talking about situations in their lives can help them sort things out, even if the listener doesn't say a word.
Living together can often be the beginning of a long term relationship and maybe you both need to sit down and talk about your situation when you are both feeling calm and relaxed.
I am going to be making a fair few assumptions here about Arsenal Football Club and the much talked about situation of our manager and whether it will be Arsene Wenger in charge once again next season, so please bear with me and remember that there has been no official declaration one way or the other and surmising is all we have left.
«I'm not out to ruin anybody's career like some people are out to ruin mine, and that's what has occurred here with the damages that have been done against me as far as people talking about the situation with Teri and I,» Lewza allegedly told Kerr last fall, according to details of the meeting that were shared with the Times Union.
«We are cooperating with the investigations and we've been asked to refrain from talking about the situation so we don't interfere.
When adolescents are emotional, parents learn to notice the emotion, name it, show empathy, and then wait for the emotion to subside before trying to talk about the situation leading to the emotional experience and or what to do about it.
Part of the problem, diplomats said, was that he concluded the meeting by asking the assembled staff to avoid talking about the situation outside the secure confines of the embassy, even with their families.
It dawned on us, as we tried to keep up with what was being discussed, that the synod fathers were in fact talking about our situation — Elizabeth's and mine.
Also after the game, Shugart retweeted a clip of Bryce talking about the situation and commented that he loves both Jordans and it was just the heat of the moment.
I was mainly talking about the situation with David De Gea going to Real Madrid meaning that we would be after the same transfer targets but you can apply that to any of the positions we need to strengthen.
I actually talked about this situation (with Guice in mind as trade - bait) just a few days ago.
Grieving family members usually find it helpful to continue talking about the situation as much as needed, as often as needed and allowing themselves to feel the full range of their emotions.
We assure that when our grandchildren have their own grandchildren they're going to be sitting around talking about the situation that we create in the next few years and they're going to be saying wasn't that a great time for Niagara Falls,» said Dyster.
«Surely we should be talking about the situation facing Britain today, the situation facing many of the poorest people in this country today, and maybe think if our policies are relevant.»
But it's also reminded me that citizens, when they come up to you, and they want to talk about a situation on their block, or at their child's school, or something going on at their job site, that that's what this campaign is all about — and I'll never forget that.»
Inside The NFL, Season 6, Episode 16: James Brown, Cris Collinsworth, and Phil Simms talk about the situation with Dez Bryant in Dallas, as well as the dysfunction in Washington surrounding quarterback Robert Griffin III and head coach Mike Shanahan.
Fifteen years ago, a horror movie called Scream arrived and changed the way characters in horror movies talk about their situation.
Summary: This article talks about situations where parents (and educators) can actually hurt students by providing too much help.
«I couldn't even talk about the situation without bawling my eyes out,» she says.
During an interview on 4Gamer Sony Computer Entertainment Senior Vice President Masayasu Ito talked about the situation of Sony's portable:
I don't know how many situations the press «gets», so it might get a little linear after a while but Rutter did talk about situations involving player happiness, injury, morale and retirement.
In an interview, Joseph Severe, Jean Frantz Jure and Nicolas Jean talk about the situation in Haiti.
When we speak of minor weather - related incidents, we're talking about situations like a gas grill being damaged during a hail storm, or even water damage to your furniture if a window was accidentally left open during a period of rain.
This is best done using the STAR method: first talk about the situation, then the problem, and finally how you dealt with it.
Sassler says the takeaway from her research is that couples need to talk about situations such as the possibility of getting pregnant, whether they'll split household expenses evenly, and general expectations about gender roles.
These people understand how your past experiences may be affecting you, and know the importance of building trust, a safe space, allowing you time to talk about your situation at your own pace, and offering you choices about your health care.
If you feel that you can't fully own your life, perhaps talking about your situation would be useful.»
Kirk Stange talks about situations where parties going through a divorce and a family law matter have to make quick decisions about important courses of conduct
The mission of the Children of Incarcerated Parents Interest Forum is to raise awareness of the existence of this group of children and the absence of services directed toward them, to help people in our field feel more comfortable talking about their situation with children, to widely circulate the new Bill of Rights for Children of Incarcerated Parents, to provide a clearinghouse for ideas and to disseminate resources.
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