Sentences with phrase «to talk things»

You might find it easier to identify these by talking things through with a friend.
Sometimes it is just a matter of talking things through and communicating effectively with each other.
We'll be talking things over as a family to decide how best to incorporate the screens back into our lives, got any tips or ideas for us?
Do not talk things as if you're a pro if in reality you are clueless.
My girlfriends and family members know that I could talk all things beauty for hours....
We're talking things such as travel perks, cash, merchandise, and more.
Just talking things through with someone you trust can really help you.
This month, we're talking all things sugar — specifically, how to consume less of it to improve your overall health.
Join us for a happy hour and then to talk all things blogging!
I always find talking things through with friends extremely helpful.
You can always talk things through later to drive home the finer points when things are less emotional and true learning stands a real chance of happening.
I love to talk all things fall and gardens and I would love to hear your ideas too.
If the moment is correct for you to get your ex back however, and your better half is willing to listen and talk things thru then do so.
This week we're talking all things sourdough: From how to make a sourdough starter to how to bake the easiest loaf of sourdough bread.
I think I don't have to fight with the yeast anymore — we are talking things slowly and we are at the stage of getting to know each other.
If you do not regularly talk things over with your mate, it is essential that you start now.
This might be more conversational and humor based, or you may be the one that talks all things political, or you may love to get out tech tips.
Doesn't mean we always see eye - to - eye about everything, like any committed couple we often have to really talk things through.
I sat down with the entrepreneur to talk all things meat, stress, and effectively working with your partner.
I'd much rather talk things out than argue.
Changing your relationship requires talking things out, and then doing things differently.
I have a hard time talking things serious but I can if I need to.
I prefer talking things out over violence any day.
And just know that you can also talk things through with an insurance agent — at no cost.
We're talking things such as travel perks, cash, merchandise, and more.
They'll be talking all things female art, from how they've achieved their own success to the qualities defining the new generation of female artists.
Now, some folks there who meet monthly to talk all things green building have come up with a...
For some it means talking things out to family or friends.
The company might have a hard time looking for another employee to replace you, so you might as well talk things over for further agreements to be made between you and the company.
While we're talking all things beverage... anyone who loves wine and travels will regularly run into the problem of how, exactly, to get their carefully curated collection of wine home.
Today we are talking all things sleep - in children that is.
He had a way of talking things through to make sure we understood where he was coming from.
If you would like to get together and talk things over I would be happy to give you benefits of my experiences.
This month, we're talking all things sugar - specifically, how to consume less of it to improve your overall health.
It was so great getting to meet you recently and talk all things blogging!
It's hard sometimes to know what choice to make — I find talking things over really helps!
If you can't talk things out without fighting, it's time to consider marriage counseling.
Prepare for those meetings by talking things over with your lab mates.
But a peer group is a safe zone, where you get the chance to talk things through in a confidential way where you don't have to look smart all the time.
And finally, if talking things out helps you clear your head and feel more centered, call a friend or relative to whom you haven't spoken in a long time.
Canada About Blog Here I'll be having fun making scrapbook pages and talking all things crafty!
Magazine Editor Katelyn and Social Media Manager Christine talk all things health and fitness describing their own struggles and victories and interviewing some of the biggest names in the fitness industry and beyond.
My husband, Gary, profited from talking things out and getting some fresh thinking.
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