Sentences with phrase «to talk things over»

Prepare for those meetings by talking things over with your lab mates.
We'll be talking things over as a family to decide how best to incorporate the screens back into our lives, got any tips or ideas for us?
If you do not regularly talk things over with your mate, it is essential that you start now.
And then, if and when issues arise, talk things over again.
It's hard sometimes to know what choice to make — I find talking things over really helps!
The company might have a hard time looking for another employee to replace you, so you might as well talk things over for further agreements to be made between you and the company.
She appreciates having common planning time with the grade 10 team and regular opportunities «to bump into each other in the hallways, have lunch together, and talk things over together.
Or how many, because they fear divorce, are inhibited from talking things over and trying to reach an agreement.
After talking things over with my husband and my doctors, we have decided that the best option would be to pump and feed the baby with a bottle instead of trying to latch her on.
If you have had a cesarean birth and are contemplating a vaginal birth, then talk things over with your healthcare provider early in your pregnancy to determine if there is anything in your prenatal care program that can enhance the chances of a vaginal birth over a cesarean.
I'm the type who's comfortable discussing how i feel emotionally and this you can see from the way i write huh guess its a gift... lovingly talking things over with an open mind and heart.
But I came to teaching to continue the conversation of ideas with people who were so passionate about them, that they appear to list to one side, fix their eyeglasses with a Band - Aid, wear strange trousers, and exhibit a relationship to their subject that to an untrained eye is identical to the person talking things over with themselves on a subway.
The mayor talked things over with the village, and they had decided that Jack could stay as the rightful owner if he could restore the farm back to its original state.
The Care scale consists of items tapping warmth, understanding, and acceptance (e.g., «Enjoys talking things over with me,» «Makes me feel better when I'm upset»).
... even if we are prevented from clarifying our minds by talking things over, we can still pray, and it is only in the spirit of prayer that any such work (intellectual discussion with the world and risk saying controversial things) can be begun and carried through.37
from solely make formalized petitions that almost feel like letters to Santa, to talking things over with family ask seeking advice and assistance from them.
After regular sessions are over, many counselors encourage people to check back occasionally or to get in touch whenever they feel the need to talk things over.
Priests are dotted around to receive the steady queues of people moved to want sacramental forgiveness or just to talk things over.
It's pretty humbling, but I would also say your wife is blessed to have you there to talk these things over with.
«Talking things over» with a friend is one of the most enjoyable and, dare we say it, useful features of our relations.
My finally acquiring me a «sponsor», someone to talk things over with and help in understanding the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, I have finally turned the corner of my life path.
AA member: Pastor, I've talked these things over with my sponsor, and it helped, but it seems like it would be a good idea to discuss them with you, too.
Nevertheless, if we could all sit down and talk things over, it seems likely that we could come up with a few basic fundamentals of the faith.
Being three good friends, as I hope we still are, Donald and Sandy and I had met and talked things over.
It's important to reward good behavior, including your child being able to settle down and talk things over with you.
Before you can decide among the birthing options and find the one that's best for you, sit down with your partner and talk things over.
This gives you a support network of experienced parents to talk things over with.
An Australian Breastfeeding Association counsellor will be happy to talk things over with you.
A few years later, at Unger's suggestion, Smolin organized a workshop at the Perimeter Institute called Evolving Laws and invited Unger to come and talk things over with the group.
Before making any changes, talk things over with your primary care provider.
Thanks, Mica, agree with you, talking things over can help at such times.
I am a very good communicator who loves to talk things over, I really hate to argue and I am a very honest..
I am a very good communicator who loves to talk things over, I really hate to argue and I am a very honest and caring woman looking for a true love..
I'd prefer to talk things over and learn from them, I'm n..
Unlike so many recent comic book based movies, Miller is able to string together scene after scene of action / racing / beating / shooting while still remembering to give us reason to care about his heroes, who are given precious little time to talk things over.
His absolute dedication to the gangster lifestyle is mined for great laughs, with a personal favourite moment being when Marie implores him to put his gun down and talk things over, to which he bluntly replies: «Don't be stupid.
Schools adopting this approach become places where resolution techniques are modelled by adults and older pupils, where pupils are encouraged to talk things over and get problems sorted and where mediation and restorative support by adults or older pupils is on offer.
Talk things over with your agent, your spouse, your talking cat.
Having someone to talk things over with, even if all they do is listen, can help keep you going when the unexpected problem or other frustrations hit.
I hope it's okay if I say that I miss you, Mike, I wish that I could be talking these things over with you more regularly.
If you enter «Oblivious Investor» in the Search box at my site, you will pull up many e-mails in which Mike and I talked things over.
Talk things over with your veterinarian and answer questions to the best of your ability in order to help determine the cause of your cat's baldness.
The scientists were driven by a shared sense that world leaders still think there is plenty of time to talk things over, year after year, he said.
Talk things over with your agent or an adjuster if you are dissatisfied with the settlement offer.
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