Sentences with phrase «to target improvements»

The new manager training, development and education program targeted improvement in the critical behaviors that supported effective delegation of tasks to direct reports.
We also target improvement of symptoms as a goal of therapy.
The continuous improvement process provides structure for the development and implementation of targeted improvement planning.
Improve program effectiveness through targeted improvement efforts, and document the return on investment that programs have on student outcomes.
These results also highlight the very real opportunities for sizeable and rapid health gains through targeted improvements to primary and other health services to prevent, detect and treat these conditions.
This data will enable more informed decision - making such as targeting improvements where the need is the greatest.
With the results, education leaders and program directors can better target improvements, guide policy and funding, and keep stakeholders informed.
«Our vision is for better not bigger airports, with new investment targeting improvements in reliability and passenger experience,» he said.
The project primarily aims to improve attendance and behaviour but also addresses self esteem and targets an improvement in literacy levels, as this is seen as fundamental to achieving in all subjects.
Though states generally target improvement funds to the most persistently underperforming schools, some states did not fulfill key NCLBA requirements.
In light of this analysis, the Sutton Trust is calling for a renewed effort to close the attainment gap, recommending that: - Schools implement targeted improvement programmes for those students at particular risk of falling behind, including white working class children.
Schools implement targeted improvement programmes for those students at particular risk of falling behind, including white working class children.
The House Natural Resources Committee on Oct. 4 passed legislation that would make targeted improvements to the Endangered Species Act.
Zym - O - Factors ® Special and Ru - Mend ® Special are enzyme products that deliver targeted improvements in starch and fiber digestion to enhance performance in grain - fed or high forage production systems.
Continuing medical education targeting improvements in office - based therapy for opioid abuse.
The development and education program targeted improvement in a few critical behaviors such as timely communication, cross-functional team building, teamwork, and problem - solving behaviors.
One example of School Leader Trainings are Assistant Principal Institutes, which target the improvement of key skills necessary for leadership success.
In line with the Center on School Turnaround's charge to support states» efforts, we sought to highlight districts engaged in focused turnaround efforts where their respective boards played a key role in catalyzing, shaping, and supporting targeted improvement efforts.
The sense among SEL experts is that the tools should be used formatively to target improvements from one classroom to the next.
Investors want more rights, and shareholder democracy advocates like the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, which was formed in 2003 to represent the interests of institutional investors, are now targeting improvements to the way they elect their representatives on the board.
Federal and state policymakers should provide funds to support research on assessing infant and toddler child care quality, supply, and demand as well as to help states and communities determine what targeted improvement measures make the most difference for infants and toddlers.
Recently renamed Tam Woods Hotel, North San Francisco Mill Valley, the 100 - key hotel recently completed a $ 4 million dollar renovation and will undergo an additional targeted improvement plan including a redesign of guestrooms, remodeled public space and exterior improvements.
Recommendation: To enhance state efforts to target improvement funds to schools most in need of assistance, the Secretary of Education should review the Title I monitoring process to ensure that steps are in place to ensure that states comply with NCLBA requirements for allocating school improvement funds to districts for district - level activities and prioritizing funds to the lowest performing schools.
We find that this initiative led to meaningful increases in primary - school enrollment, particularly for young girls (i.e., a 12.4 percent increase), as well as targeted improvements in teacher attendance and school facilities, most of which were sustained in the months after the program concluded.
This big data can be used to implement targeted improvements and optimise the marketing strategy.»
Report cards are intended to help schools and districts use performance data to target improvement efforts to ensure students are ready for their next educational step, including the next grade level, graduation, college, and careers.
The Seven Steps to Writing Success program was introduced to target improvements in writing, Words their Way was used for spelling, and the school worked with its regional Principal Education Advisor and looked at the research of Alistair McIntosh in the area of numeracy — focusing on areas such as mental computation and warm - ups, and maths games and investigations.
The Department of Health is targeting improvements in the fight against the five major causes of death - cancer, heart, stroke, respiratory and liver disease.
By the U.N.'s development goals, sanitation is not expected to meet the target improvements by 2015.
The use of DT40 as a protein evolution platform was demonstrated with the targeted improvement of enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) producing variants displaying relative brightness up to 2.5 fold higher than the precursor eGFP, but without a spectral shift [12].
This is your best powder option on the market, with an impressive 15 billion CFU's and 8 different strains that all target the improvement of children's health, it makes up for the amount of probiotic that don't survive the journey through the body as efficiently as probiotic tablets would.
The first phase also serves to reduce the running costs to maximise resources available to target improvements to learner outcomes, as well as promote sustainability through reduced recurrent costs, energy consumption and carbon emissions.
Recommendation: To enhance state efforts to target improvement funds to schools most in need of assistance, the Secretary of Education should, to further support the department's proposal to eliminate the hold - harmless provision, develop an analysis comparing the characteristics of districts that contribute to the set - aside with those protected by the hold - harmless provision.
Recommendation: To enhance state efforts to target improvement funds to schools most in need of assistance, the Secretary of Education should ensure that states track which schools receive improvement funds and can comply with the requirement to make a list publicly available of all schools receiving Title I improvement funds by providing guidance to clarify when and how this information is to be made available and by monitoring state compliance.
And if identified schools in an LEA don't make sufficient progress to meet state «exit» requirements, Section 1111 (b)(3)(B) broadens state authority to act directly — potentially without LEA approval — to «take additional improvement actions» to implement «alternative evidence - based State - determined strategies» for improving the district's comprehensive and targeted improvement schools.
The strongest relationship here is with Emphasis on teamwork -LRB-.45), Focus on quality -LRB-.39), District culture -LRB-.38), Use of data -LRB-.35), Jobembedded professional development for teachers -LRB-.35), Relations with schools and stakeholders -LRB-.35), Targeted improvement -LRB-.31), and Investment in instructional leadership -LRB-.23).
Among the eight sets of conditions included in our district variable, significant contributions to explained variation in LSE were made by Emphasis on teamwork (18 % of variation), District culture (13 %), Focus on quality (12 %), Relations with schools and stakeholders (11 %), Data use (11 %), Job - embedded professional development for teachers (10 %), Targeted improvement (9 %), and Investment in instructional leadership (5 %).
The strongest relationship with LCE is the district «s expressed Focus on quality -LRB-.66), followed, in order, by District culture -LRB-.61), Targeted improvement -LRB-.61), Relations with schools and stakeholders -LRB-.58), Emphasis on teamwork -LRB-.57), Use of data -LRB-.52), Job - embedded professional development for teachers -LRB-.40), and Investment in instructional leadership at the district and school levels -LRB-.51).
Each of Carver's partner organizations aligned their services to focus on four target improvements:
Education watchdog Estyn has praised a primary school for how it has used performance data to target improvements.
Education watchdog Estyn praises one primary school for how it has used performance data to target improvements.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides states with significant flexibility to reimagine how to provide supports for low - performing schools, which the law categorizes as comprehensive improvement and support1 and targeted improvement and support2 schools.
Data analysis informs the needs assessment and leads to a targeted improvement plan.
While Campus Improvement Plans (CIP) and District Improvement Plans (DIP) are comprehensive plans for all of the activities of an LEA / campus, our guidance is designed to help develop a process to ensure successful implementation and monitoring of the targeted improvement plan to address areas of low performance as stated in TEC § 39.106 (d).
Last year, we committed to the principle that the mobile web should just work for everyone, and introduced hundreds of targeted improvements to Internet Explorer in the Windows Phone 8.1 Update to dramatically improve interoperability with the mobile web.
Last year, we committed to the principle that the mobile web should just work for everyone, and introduced hundreds of targeted improvements to Internet Explorer in the Windows Phone Update to dramatically improve interoperability with the mobile In November, we... Read more
Career Summary Saudi Industrial Project Co., Pepsi - Cola, Saudi Arabia On - boarded to deliver expertise in partnering with elite client companies to target improvements in manufacturing strategy development and launch.
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