Sentences with phrase «to target teachers»

Target teacher education and compensation, to ensure well - educated teachers with the necessary knowledge and best skills are teaching young children from families receiving subsidies.
Don't underestimate the importance of writing a resume to target the teacher position you have your heart set on.
This work has resulted in more effective interventions and supports for students, more targeted teacher retention strategies and more influential investments in educational programs.
The court argued that the law, rather than targeting teachers unions, focused on a particular employer, public schools.
It also identifies specific tools that can be used to improve instruction, address assessment concerns, and target teacher growth in each of these five episodes.
The full - day conference targets teachers, school leaders and academic administrators, offering 15 sessions on charter school best practices.
Provides strategies and sample resumes targeting teachers specializing in varying levels such as early childhood, secondary schools, and universities, as well as professionals in educational support and administration.
Targeting your teacher resume will mean uncovering relevant teaching skills, experiences, and accomplishments.
Yet he documented multiple instances in which principals had targeted teachers for dismissal without even observing them or rated teachers ineffective when they would not change grades or would not pass students who barely attended class.
Interestingly, the #GoOpen repository is not targeting teachers as its main audience.
After reviewing project documents to get a sense of each project's context, goals, and strategies, interviews with MSP Principal Investigators were conducted with a sample of 27 MSP projects targeting teachers of mathematics and / or science within the entire K - 12 spectrum.
Those groups would like to scrap the Common Core as part of a reform agenda that would also target teacher tenure and boost charter schools and voucher systems.
Districts and charter schools could use the extra dollars to lower class sizes, improve classroom technology, or target teacher training in grades K - 4.
Our experience was peppered with exemplary examples of intentionality, highlighted by a professional learning community focused on student achievement by way of targeted teacher development.
«We all share serious concerns about the governor's education proposals, because by only targeting our teachers and ignoring the real issues, our schools will be taken in the wrong direction,» Stewart - Cousins said in the video.
«Targeted teacher turnover boosts teacher quality, student achievement.»
Administrators have a better sense of how on target teachers are in terms of curriculum and pacing.
By targeting teacher absenteeism and lack of guidance counseling head on, startups like these are aiming to provide opportunities for students that our traditional system can't offer.
Here I would distinguish between efforts to sell products into the system (to be tackled in a future post) and work - arounds that target teachers directly.
Although pay - for - performance policies have often targeted teachers and administrators, NMSI's program demonstrates that including the students themselves in such policies, if done right, can have game - changing effects.
By knowing how teachers perform on different outcome measures, education leaders can better target professional development to teachers» needs and can better target teachers to classes or subject areas for which they are effective.
Several groups, including LCPS and the Virginia Education Association, filed petitions to intervene in the case, citing concerns that the information would unfairly target teachers whose students show low progress rates.
This project focuses targeting teacher's pedagogical knowledge through innovative, kinesthetic, and collaborative teaching strategies.
NCTQ has pushed for aggressive education reforms across the country and have targeted teacher preparation programs as institutions in need of drastic changes.
* When teachers have a skill deficit which can not be addressed by profesional development or administrative support, they need «targeted teacher remediation
Targeted teacher deferment for borrowers under the Family Federal Education Loan (FFEL) Program and the Federal Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS) programs [34 CFR 682.210 (q)-RSB-;
Thus, students can chart their trajectory toward the transparent achievement targets their teachers have established.
Duncan targeted teacher accountability as a key element in turning around our schools, incurring the wrath of the NEA and UFT.
As more families choose language programs that lead to biliteracy for their children, the state can address this shortage by initially targeting teachers who are bilingual but are teaching in English - only classrooms with the professional development that would prepare them to teach in bilingual settings.
After resigning under a cloud of controversy as Washington, D.C.'s schools chancellor, Rhee embarked on a national campaign to target teacher tenure and seniority laws.
I would encourage policy makers and teachers to make widespread use of the TNA reports and teacher - specific findings provided by the study to improve and target teacher training, classroom reforms and processes.
You may be the best candidate for the post, but if your resume targeting a teacher position doesn't have the necessary keywords in it, your resume won't get viewed by a human eye.
The latest deal, which was just announced last week, targets teachers as part of Barnes & Noble's annual «Educator Appreciation Days,» offering a variety of discounts — including $ 20 off the Nook HD and HD + — between April 13 and 21.
Initial interviews with MSP Principal Investigators were conducted with a sample of 27 MSP projects targeting teachers of mathematics and / or science within the entire K - 12 spectrum.
Inspired, he enrolled in HGSE after completing his Ph.D., targeting the Teacher Education Program for its focus on urban education.
Other times, teachers can become the lightning rod for a host of other problems; your child may be unhappy about something else at school, but it's easiest to target the teacher.
The way the Westminster government has targeted teachers» pensions is disgraceful.
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