Sentences with phrase «to target the problem»

I hope to target the problem of student motivation and retention in my research.
Across our network of public neighborhood schools, we have created regular opportunities for targeted problem - solving and feedback.
If you've been battling a flea infestation for a seriously long time, it's most likely because you aren't targeting the problem at its root: the flea eggs.
With the above sorted out, it's time to look at what treatments you can add to this basic healthy lifestyle to specifically target problems with your adrenal glands.
Like with other fat problem areas, many falsely think that you can some how target the problems areas.
Here are some of the tried and tested methods that may sound funny but really target your problem areas.
Some shampoo formulations target problems, allowing retailers to help solve specific issues for customers.
They also target problem solving skills, in context with situations.
So, we can target problem areas before they become a problem for your fur baby.
Prior to group work, the therapist initially meets with each member for a pre-group individual meeting, with a focus on identifying target interpersonal problem areas through a standard diagnostic interview and administration of the interpersonal inventory, and to establish an explicit treatment contract to work on target problem areas.
NAIA opposes laws that target these problems by attempting to restrict or ban breeding or penalize responsible owners of intact dogs and cats.
Norwood Marble & Granite After failing at its first attempt to become a B Corp, this stone and tile fabrication and installation company targeted problem areas.
Featuring two funny friends — Larry (a cucumber) and Bob (a tomato)-- the show scenarios target a problem that the characters eventually solve, learning a life lesson during the process.
McCoy's hope is that this research will help inform policymakers of the potential economic and health consequences of wildfires, the magnitude of this type of disaster, and the mechanism behind wildfires — all of which enable people to better target the problem.
«We hope this technology will in future enable researchers to design personalised diets or drugs that can efficiently target problem areas in the gut, to help the millions of people worldwide that are affected by digestive disorders and diseases.»
First, our expert team targets your problem areas, and uses our Zerona laser to painlessly reduces the fat cells under your skin.
In addition if you take a tennis ball or softball (if you can handle it) then you can directly target the problem knotty area in your upper back by leaning against the wall with the tennis ball at the knot.
In addition, Somatics is a type of yoga that specifically targets problem areas to release tension in areas such as the back, neck and shoulders.
As a William T. Grant Foundation study has revealed, the active ingredients in the programs that worked were largely the same, no matter their ostensible target problem.
«It doesn't seem like our global response targets these problems,» said Rajan.
I am now getting to a stage where I don't need to take as much risk to achieve marginally higher returns (I will hit my retirement / lifestyle targets no problem) and having preservation of capital along with some growth is more important.
So along with encouraging pet relinquishment, feel - good laws guarantee that good breeding and placement practices will be replaced with poorer practices, and in the long term they assure an increase in shelter animals — one of the original target problems that the new restrictions were supposed to solve.
Our Dog Training Programs target problems including Dog Behavior, Dog Aggression, Excessive Barking, Children & Dogs, Destructive Chewing & Digging, Dominance / Leadership, Jumping, More Than One Dog, Pulling on Lead, Separation Anxiety, Shyness, Submissiveness, Chasing, Bolting / Running Away, Car Related, High Energy, Home Alone, Moving, Obsessiveness and the like.
These resins target problem areas such as nitrate and phosphate removal, water softening and organics removal promoting the health and vitality of your aquarium fish and corals.
Found Object (Balance), depicts a wooden model of a scale targeting the problem of the lack of material relation in the global finance system.
Each session involved a review of sleep diaries and progress, education about sleep and the causes of chronic insomnia, behaviour therapy targeting problems with sleep onset and maintenance, relaxation training, cognitive restructuring procedures, and sleep hygiene education.
SEEK HPs screened for targeted problems more often than did controls - up to 24 months after the initial training.
The initial phase (sessions 1 - 5) of IPT for groups is devoted to managing negative feelings and developing positive group norms as group members test out and refine their individual target problem area (s).
«While such programs are somewhat beneficial to an employee's health and well - being, they don't target the problem of inactivity at work,» said Pedersen.
In this book, I would target the problem of animal experimentation, the raising of animals for food, the breeding of animals for pets (among other significant topics), all in connection with the question: What rights should animals have, given their sentient nature?
This # 1 billion social enterprise is targeting problems in local councils throughout this region in England, with school buildings receiving significant attention.
Google is targeting this problem by creating data management quick settings that can be accessed by pulling down the menu from the top of the screen.
Too much CPD comprises one - off sessions with dry external experts rather than active learning with fellow colleagues on targeted problems.
Vast sums are spent user testing games and analysing behaviour as a result, but by employing large - scale analytical techniques, researchers can target this problem at the scale of populations.
Target problem areas with this cleansing stick by massaging it over damp skin in a circular motion, and follow up with your fingers before rinsing it off.
Target the Problem!
Welcome to Target the Problem!
Targeting problems in the nervous system, together with the harmful immune reactions, is essential, scientists say.
And it will not target the problem: the individual foxes that actually pose a risk to people.
I call the process «sociocultural homeostasis» because it targets a problem in the complex system — in this case, society — so the system operates as efficiently as possible.
Therefore, we integrate computational tool development with applications to targeted problems.
For a more detailed work - out plan that targets all your problem areas check out the 3 Steps to Lean Legs eBook, there are a lot more exercises and videos than in the blog.
That way you can target the problem and treat it effectively.
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