Sentences with phrase «to target these systems»

"To target these systems" means to focus or direct efforts toward particular systems or entities in order to achieve a desired outcome or goal. Full definition
Focus have mentioned an «expanded limb targeting system» for the sequel.
Using this artificial targeting system as a guide, CAR - T cells can detect and destroy cancer cells very effectively.
These include a new first person cover system, a new targeting system, a more «traditional» first person control scheme, and new new animations just for this mode.
Inspired by the best action console games, we've improved the MMO traditional targeting system and created visually stunning and highly visceral action - combat that will always be entertaining and satisfying.
But since the crisis the inflation targeting systems have hardly changed.
We feel that medications targeting this system may be effective for both women and men, but might operate through different mechanisms.
This passive targeting system meant that a low dose of the drug could make a strong impact on tumors, yet with few side effects.
Hit a switch on the dash and a heads up display targeting system would appear to blow away the offender.
The new and improve targeting system is so easy to lock on and shoot.
You feel less clumsy when gravity kicking enemies and the ability to lift objects is actually useful since there's more of an abundance of debris and more accurate targeting system.
Because the roots of toxic stress lie deep in the nervous system, we need tools that go beyond the conceptual mind to directly target that system.
Focus have mentioned an «expanded limb targeting system» for the sequel.
However, it's puzzling to see a game released in the modern era without some kind of targeting system in place.
Then there's VATS (or Vault - Tec Assisted Targeting System), which lets you pause the action and target specific body parts to cripple and dismember.
As a shoot»em up you're equipped with a standard shot, which in most situations is fairly ineffective, as well as an energy blade, which is an excellent means of gaining control of a seemingly lost situation, and a lock - on targeting system similar to that of Panzer Dragoon, which can take out multiple enemies at once.
«We recommend that common variation be taken into account in designing targeting systems for therapeutic editing, to maximize efficacy and minimize potential safety concerns.»
Cambridge Analytica reportedly built voter - targeting systems using profiles obtained from a personality quiz.
Nonetheless, it does take some time in familiarising yourself with the controls, especially the gyroscope controls but the auto - target system does assist in this overall process.
For the setup to find that target system drive, at least 10 percent of the active partition must remain free after the partition size is reduced.
Though Uncharted's aiming has always been problematic, either feeling way too loose or too sluggish, Uncharted 4 offers a new Grand Theft Auto - style snap - to - target system which makes gunfights much quicker and easier, but may frustrate those who want precise headshots.
It's easy to fall into the trap of seeing action combat as the wave of modernization over more traditional tab targeted games, but the truth is what targeting system works best for any given game is a lot more complicated than that.
And in September, ProPublica reported that Facebook's ad targeting system allowed buyers to reach people who identified themselves as «Jew haters» and other anti-Semitic categories.
As well as these evasive elements, there's also combat sections in the game where a dynamic targeting system is used which calls for fast reflex combinations.
Coupled with a slightly awkward combat targeting system this made some situations far too frustrating.
Aside of conventional bispecific antibodies and antigen specific chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) for retargeting of T cells e. g. to prostate cancer or leukemic cells we have developed a novel and unique modular cell targeting system allowing us to target any kind of antigen.
The resultant gene targeting system could be used to routinely deliver sequences of interest to cells with efficiencies of 1 - 40 % after G418 selection (Kohli et al 2004, Kim et al 2008).
Sophisticated cell targeting systems such as the gene therapy approach developed for senescent cell clearance by Oisin Biotechnologies could also be turned to stem cell or immune cell destruction, given suitable markers of cell chemistry.
Rifles pack a punch equal to a hundred submachine gun rounds and the game's single gimmick (and carry - over from Revolver)-- the Dead Eye slow - motion targeting system — comes alive now that Redemption is packing Euphoria.
I'm hoping for a more powerful sub-lightspeed drive and an updated computer targeting system.
The Surge's combat system is fast - paced, tactical, and brutal, with an innovative limb targeting system enabling you to attack and cut off specific limbs, farming materials to craft upgrades for your exo - suit.
The Fallout board game has its own custom dice mechanic, which blends the usual numerical material with an adaptation of the «V.A.T.S.» targeting system from the video games.
Moreover, knock in animal models for syngeneic studies and allowing us to isolate transgenic armed effector cells are developed in order to show proof of concept for the diverse applicability of our modular targeting systems including for tumor diseases, autoimmune diseases, GvHD, transplantation / rejection as well as viral infections.
Aiming at enemies, barrels, and achieving those all important head shots is all helped by a fantastic two - button targeting system, which makes perfect sense if you are wanting to pop some bullets into a very flammable barrel opposed to a single enemy, or vice versa.
Eventually I killed him in a classic Zelda battle, complete with the familiar targeting system in place.
The US military is currently working on two systems to increase the accuracy of artillery — the handheld Joint Effects Targeting System, which an Army official said could turn a howitzer «into a giant sniper rifle,» and Precision Guidance Kit Munitions that could be used with 155 mm rounds like those fired on Raqqa.
To truly understand what they have done there, try submitting a comment yourself about the «Automated Targeting System» (hint: the docket number is DHS -2006-0060).
Ambulance response data released under the new targeting system leaves us «in the dark» regarding the performance of the vast majority of emergency calls, the Welsh Liberal Democrats have said.
The federal government told election officials in 21 states — not New York — that hackers targeted their systems last year, although in most cases the systems were not breached.
This is because the greater radiation pressure from Alpha Centauri A and B provides more deceleration, and thus a faster approach, for any light sail targeting the system.
It is only a matter of time before we can therapeutically target this system as a preventative or curative intervention.»
Both RNA editing tools will be useful, but C2c2 might be more versatile because it is based on a natural RNA targeting system rather than an engineered one.
Since 2016, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has had the ability to choose its own science targets using an onboard intelligent targeting system called AEGIS (for Automated Exploration for Gathering Increased Science).
In parallel, we are going to finish the preclinical work for our modular mono - or multispecific targeting systems.
Due to laggy controls and a horrible targeting system, death is imminent almost any time you go against an enemy, especially some of the bosses that have far better weapons and cheaper tactics than you.
*** BASTION *** THE GOOD - Gorgeous artistic level design - Plenty of customization - Smooth controls - Cleaver narration THE BAD - Tricky targeting system OVERVIEW The Xbox Live Arcade, in the past coupl... Read Full Review
Instead you need to rely on something called V.A.T.S that is an automatic targeting system that allows you to create damage against your enemies.
The studio was staffed with many members of the team that had worked on Sony's PlayStation 2 brawler The Mark of Kri, a critical darling known for an unusual targeting system where button command prompts appeared above enemy heads.
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