Sentences with phrase «to teach the doctrine»

The phrase "to teach the doctrine" means to educate and provide information about a specific belief or set of principles, often related to religion or philosophy. Full definition
Some clergy are afraid that by teaching the doctrine they will lose their people.
You're letting your doctrine interpret the scriptures rather than let the scriptures teach the doctrine.
If we were to take the time to study the entire book, as I hope to do someday, we would discover that the book of Hebrews teaches the doctrine of eternal security more than many other books of the Bible!
Even those denominations that don't teach the doctrine of original sin suggest that sin is something that has to be taken from our lives and is the at the root of evil in this world.
It is Calvin who taught the doctrine of Total Depravity, not Luther.
One who is born, for example, into a Christian group which teaches the doctrine of perfection may be expected to interpret a decisive religious experience as the granting of perfect love by the Holy Spirit.
You are treading a dangerous path teaching doctrine contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and anyone to whom this false doctrine appeals had best examine themselves and see just what's wrong with them that they find it appealing.
Approaching hemlock, Socrates impressively «did not merely teach this doctrine: at that moment he lived his doctrine.»
I know it to be so because Paul teaches this doctrine in his New Testament letters.
Any group that teaches a doctrine other than Christianity is a cult?
Does any verse in the Bible clearly teach the doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture?
Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield — even the great medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas taught this doctrine.
He had never taught the doctrine known as universalism, namely that all will be saved.
Even those denominations that donâ $ ™ t teach the doctrine of original sin suggest that sin is something that has to be taken from our lives and is the at the root of evil in this world.
The Bible is not so interested in teaching a doctrine about God as it is in eliciting a kind of relationship to him.
What most people actually complain about is DISCIPLINE - how individual preachers teach doctrine and dogma.
We can not teach doctrines such as forgiveness, atonement, redemption, sin, salvation, the person and work of Christ, and a host of others without speaking of the Christ's shed blood.
1 - you Beliefe that Islam teaches the Doctrine you described, and Muslims follow Islam which means they follow that Doctrine, that would mean 1.2 BILLION Muslims Prescribe to said doctrine
Waldorf education acknowledges the spiritual nature of each individual, without teaching any doctrine or dogma.
«The academic study of law does not only teach doctrine, though it does do that, but in addition teaches the kind of critical thinking and imaginative problem - solving that is required for success in law, and in many other walks of life,» he said.
Those who teach a doctrine of sanctification in the Wesleyan, Holiness tradition, the «three works of grace.»
And I quote, «A cult is any group which teaches doctrines or beliefs that deviates from the biblical message...» I'm sure he must be in this catagory because I have not found anywhere in the bible where Jesus or his disciples mixed politics and religion.
There is no Scriptures that says unrepentant Christians can live a sinful lifestyle, or teach doctrines contrary to the gospel of Christ and remain saved.
A reason given was that «heretics,» by teaching doctrines which imperiled the eternal welfare of souls, were even more dangerous than murderers who took physical life.
And when the great Socrates traced the arguments for immortality in his address to his disciples on the day of his death, he did not merely teach this doctrine: at that moment he lived his doctrine.
I Agree with you... there arent many religions that teach the doctrine of Love, Peace and Forgiveness.
Read Revelations and look this up * Spirit to be poured out on all flesh (Joel 2:28) * Universal apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:1 - 4) * The watering down of the gospel, teaching the doctrines of man rather than those of God.
If the Book of Mormon really contains the fullness of the gospel, why does it not teach the doctrine of «eternal progression»?
The Pope is the teaching the doctrines of the Anti-Christ.
North Korea has strict laws about Christian evangelism so the school doesn't teach doctrine, but does teach its students about other countries and other forms of government — something you can't get almost anywhere else in North Korea.
If the Bible doesn't teach the doctrine of the Inspiration of Scripture, where does that leave us regarding the Bible?
I believe that he taught this doctrine for two main reasons.
Therefore anyone that tries to teach a doctrine not based on the bible, but tries to insert it into the Bible, are actually doing the will of Satan the Devil.
He taught a doctrine that sounded very much like baptismal regeneration, denying the direct agency of the Holy Spirit in conversion.
I fear you do not study quran for yourself and are being taught a doctrine of division.
The case for Paul's teaching the doctrine of the atonement actually rests, not on this whole passage, but on one part of one verse, Romans 3:25.
One wonders whether De Vries the ex-Calvinist might have been rescued from such horrible fears if he had been taught a doctrine of divine sovereignty that did not insist on God's omnicausality.
Below are a few quotes from Calvinists who believe and teach the doctrine of reprobation, beginning with John Calvin himself:
Jesus, whether you believe in God or not, taught a doctrine of love.
We missionaries went over to Sort them out and taught them doctrine of different Churches which caused division (heretics) The Chinese told the various missionaries to leave and went back to a united Church.
After Jesus» resurrection he appeared to the Nephites and taught them all his doctrine, and among them he found his most faithful followers.
His commission came from beyond himself — «Tien has appointed me to teach this doctrine» — and, as for creation itself, «All things originate from Tien.»
But it is not just the winds of doctrine that blow immature Christians around, it is also the false teachers who teach these doctrines.
The great contribution of Eduard Schweizer's fresh appreciation of Romans is to enable us to see that the book did not arise primarily to teach the doctrine of justification by faith to disciples struggling under the burden of producing their own righteousness, but as an expression of Paul's implementation of the church's calling to be the missionary body of Christ.61 The thrust of the letter and the church consciousness it represents is summed up in Rom.
Peterson became one of 27,000 Mormons proselytizing around the world, teaching their doctrine that God still talks to humanity through prophets, and trying to increase the church's membership of six million.
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