Sentences with phrase «to testify at trial»

Silver, who didn't testify at trial, is expected to appeal.
Nevertheless, the judge allowed five women with similar stories to testify at the trial with their unproven allegations.
The best evidence in these cases will be the testimony of a qualified medical expert who will testify at trial as to the nature and extent of the injuries.
Several medical experts examined the plaintiff and testified at the trial in his subsequent personal injury lawsuit against the negligent defendants, who conceded liability for the accident itself.
The purchasers testified at trial that they believed the answer to question two to be in reference to the proposed chemical disposal site.
The insured testified at trial that he signed that application without reading it.
The employer testified at trial that it had no internal records of the events which had led to this termination.
They are expected to testify at trial against their former company and president.
An expert witness is an individual who has been permitted to testify at trial due to a proficiency in a particular field relevant to the case at hand.
The complainant testified at trial, as did the accused and two defence witnesses.
Silver, 74, also did not testify at his trial three years ago.
Rechnitz, a convicted felon who testified at the trial of former corrections union boss Norman Seabrook, admitted some of the $ 41,650 he raised as part of the bundle for de Blasio actually came out of his own pocket and was funneled through straw donors to get around CFB rules.
Alfonse M. D'Amato, who served three terms in the United States Senate, after testifying at the trial of State Senator Dean G. Skelos and his son, Adam B. Skelos, on Friday in Manhattan.
Moreover, the plaintiff's expert witness testified at trial that the cause of death was uncertain, for the husband's fatal head injury could have been caused by the impact with the windshield, the collision with the pavement, or the crushing by the garbage truck.
(p. 242) Linda thinks this to herself after testifying at the trial, and says she should've asked Patra.
The statements attributed to Mr. Harding in the Vancouver Sun article were critical of Dr. Amrit Toor, an expert witness who testified at the trial on behalf of the defendants,» said the recent Supreme Court ruling by Justice G. Bruce Butler.
«One of the experts who testified at trial stated Hans and Nils may have been suffering from what he described as «parental alienation.»
A former Cuomo administration official testified at the trial of Joe Percoco that the former top aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo had pressured his prospective employer into not hiring him — a sign of the power and sway Percoco would exercise.
A number of other grounds of appeal are advanced in the written submissions, including what the officer's lawyers say was a legal error by Superior Court Justice Edward Then, when he refused to permit a «suicide by cop» expert testify at trial for the defence.
Hearsay is a statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.
But the Section 50 - A law was enacted in 1976 primarily to prevent criminal defense attorneys from having instant ammunition to use in court to undermine or besmirch the credibility of an officer testifying at a trial, or harass them, without court approval, DNAinfo New York reported earlier Thursday.
Glenwood CEO Leonard Litwin was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator, and Glenwood officials testified at the trials under immunity.
Several prominent Niagara County Republicans had been expected to testify at the trial next week, some of whom were granted immunity last spring by an Albany County grand jury.
Bonomo testified at the trial that he couldn't fire Adam for not showing up for work because he feared he'd «have a problem in Albany» if he did.
Anthony Gulino is expected testify at the trial, prosecutors said in court filings.
The founder of the struggling environmental services company at the heart of the federal corruption case against former Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and his son, Adam, testified at their trial yesterday that days after Hurricane Sandy hit in 2012, the senator provided valuable business intelligence that the company felt would be helpful.
DeMarco testified at the trial last year that he had his investigators follow Walsh when he was supposed to be working at the county jail.
Linda Lacewell commented briefly to reporters outside Manhattan federal court after she finished testifying at the trial of Joseph Percoco, Cuomo's longtime confidante and the chairman of his 2014 re-election campaign.
«I think it's a defense attorney's dream to be able to have an informant testify at a trial first and find out all the skeletons and motivations and bad things about the informant right up front,» he said.
Perez - Melgosa's «poor judgment» and «poor record keeping» meant that work had to be repeated, which «put us behind in the project,» Nickerson testified at the trial.
Without one, Perez - Melgosa testified at the trial, «my career was over.
Amazon Kindle Content VP Russell Grandinetti testified at trial that «[i] f it had been only Macmillan demanding agency, we would not have negotiated an agency contract with them.
An expert called to testify at the trial explained that without provenance, authenticating art would be a little like watching Elvis Presley against several Presley imitators — one intuitively knows which is real and which is fake.
[75] Ms. Bae testified at trial with the assistance of an interpreter.
READING OPPOSING PARTY»S ANSWERS INTO EVIDENCE (13) An answer or information given under rule 20 (questioning) by an opposing party may be read into evidence at trial if it is otherwise proper evidence, even if the opposing party has already testified at trial.
The judge, having observed the claimant testify at trial and lamely attempt to offer several explanations for his deceitful behaviour, formed the very strong view that his evidence lacked any strong degree of credibility.
In personal injury cases, the lawyers have the ability to take the depositions of the witnesses that will testify at trial so that they know ahead of time what the expected testimony will be.
Fekre testified at trial that he tried to avoid Hodgson by hitting his brakes and turning the steering wheel towards the road, but was unsuccessful.
After entering into the contract to buy the house, a home inspector went through it and didn't note anything in regards to smell despite later testifying at trial that he thought there was a strong odour, «like some kind of bathroom deodorant,» according to Hogan.
«Much or most of Mr. Hunt's brain had lost tissue and shrank,» a psychiatrist testified at the trial, while a doctor said Mr. Hunt was «increasingly malleable and easily influenced using cuing and emotional simulation, including sexual relations.»
Although I have concluded that she exaggerated the severity of her symptoms when testifying at trial, I accept that she continues to have symptoms from time to time.
Second, we all know that as counsel it's our job to get our experts totally ready to competently and persuasively testify at trial.
The testing revealed that the blood was in fact Hardin's own blood, as he truthfully testified at trial.
The worker testified at trial that he had not been trained in the use of fall protection equipment, had not used it in the past, and that he had not been provided with any fall protection equipment.
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