Sentences with phrase «to testify before the grand jury»

By law, the judge pointed out, neither lawyer can be compelled to testify before a grand jury unless granted immunity from prosecution.
Rensselaer County District Attorney Joel Abelove declined to obtain a waiver of immunity from a Troy police sergeant when the officer testified before a grand jury that cleared him of wrongdoing in the shooting death of a Watervliet man, according to two people briefed on the matter.
NY1 political reporter Grace Rauh is in the courtroom today for the oral arguments in John Haggerty's trial, and reports Manhattan ADA Eric Seidel (Rackets Bureau chief) revealed Mayor Bloomberg testified before a grand jury in the case.
Ortt's wife, Meghan, a design specialist from North Tonawanda, was among those who testified before the grand jury on March 9, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
Stephen Bannon, Trump's former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Trump's associates and Russia.
Earlier this month, Hafner issued a related order saying Fitzpatrick can compel two city hall attorneys to testify before the grand jury about the preparation of the councilors» affidavits.
The revelations come as James and Kimberly Snead, who had taken in Cruz after his mother died, testified before a grand jury Wednesday in a closed - door session.
Democratic City Councilman Kevin B. McGrath, 40, who testified before the grand jury that indicted McDonough and LoPorto, gave State Police a sworn statement in March 2010 in which he said McInerney was involved in collecting the WFP ballots at the center of the case.
Bannon is expected to be interviewed by prosecutors instead of testifying before a grand jury, after he received a subpoena
UPDATE: More from Grace... Apparently, word about Bloomberg testifying before the grand jury came as a complete surprise to the defense, which is being led by former AG Dennis Vacco.
But even if there were sufficient evidence to charge the officer with a crime, which there is not, doing so would be «impossible,» the AG's report says, because Rensselaer County District Attorney Joel Abelove allowed the cop to testify before a grand jury regarding the shooting without waiving immunity.
Last month, Bannon reportedly struck a deal with Mueller's team after he was subpoenaed, sparing him from testifying before a grand jury.
After Michalek testified before a grand jury, Pigeon last June was indicted on nine felony counts of bribery, rewarding official misconduct and grand larceny by extortion.
The motion, filed by Vincent Messina, who argued that he should not be required to testify before the grand jury because it would violate attorney - client privilege and force him to disclose «secrets,» was rejected in court today.
Two civilian witnesses, who did not testify before the grand jury that Abelove convened last year, told investigators they did not believe French was in imminent danger when he fired.
The county executive, who other sources said had previously testified before the grand jury investigating the Skeloses, and Walker have every legal right to refuse to answer questions about Singh or Oyster Bay politics, the sources said.
• Richard Winter, who was best man at Maziarz's wedding and Maziarz best man at his, had also testified before the grand jury.
The Times Union reported last year that French testified before the grand jury but was given immunity from prosecution.
According to a source who heard Haste testify before both grand juries, the officer's testimony before the new grand jury Wednesday was less «nervous» and more «emotional, precise and passionate.»
In Erie County Court, it was believed he would plead guilty but his attorney requested more time with her client and that Gregorek is expected to testify before a grand jury before a formal charge comes forward at the county level.
A privilege so extensive might be used to put a stop to the examination of every witness who was called upon to testify before the grand jury with regard to the doings or business of his principal, whether such principal were an individual or a corporation.
Rensselaer County DA Joel Abelove declined to obtain a waiver of immunity from a Troy police sergeant when the officer testified before a grand jury that cleared him of wrongdoing in the shooting death of a Watervliet man.
Assemblyman Michael J. Norris, R - Lockport, answered a subpoena he received last week and testified before the grand jury on Thursday, according to attorney Joel L. Daniels.
James and Kimberly Snead, the couple who gave Nikolas Cruz a home after his mother died late last year, testified before the grand jury Wednesday.
Moreover, if he is called to testify before a grand jury in the Russia investigation, his conversations with Trump would not be protected by attorney - client privilege.
McInerney is expected to testify before the grand jury as part of the plea arrangement.
According to CNN, Mueller has considered subpoenaing President Trump, to compel him to testify before a grand jury.
No one who is called to testify before a Grand Jury is required to keep the hearing private.
Tyson obviously was less than convincing when he testified before the grand jury that indicted him in September.
He did something that is rarely done — he appeared and testified before the grand jury.
He also agreed to testify before a grand jury and at trial if asked.
Aiello and Gerardi were subpoenaed in April 2016 to testify before a grand jury.
Abelove did not have French waive immunity when he testified before the grand jury, which didn't indict French.
The Times Union reported last year that Abelove didn't require French to sign an immunity - from - prosecution waiver when he testified before the grand jury — a decision that made it impossible to bring charges against French after his testimony.
Fitzpatrick issued subpoenas March 9 to force two city hall lawyers to testify before a grand jury.
McGrath and DeFiglio have cooperated with Smith's investigation and testified before a grand jury.
Wojtaszek was offered a plea deal to testify before the grand jury, with no decision yet made on the attorney general's offer, according to a source familiar with the situation.
«Mr. Aronow was subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury,» Cheryl Meyers - Buth, Aronow's attorney, said in a statement.
Federal prosecutors investigating Gov. Andrew Cuomo's shutdown of the Moreland Commission have subpoenaed the assistant to its former executive director to testify before a grand jury.
(In fact, he sought to quash a subpoena that called him to testify before the grand jury and was denied).
Among the other six Democrats, so far, two have been indicted, county Democratic Elections Commissioner Edward McDonough and Councilman Michael LoPorto; one, William McInerney, the former city clerk, has pleaded guilty; two have cooperated and testified before the grand jury, Councilman Kevin McGrath and operative Anthony DeFiglio; and Councilman Gary Galuski has been identified in the investigation but otherwise has not been implicated publicly.
Forty - eight hours before the trial started, without any advance notice to Judge Fiorella or Officer Hassett, and without providing Officer Hassett the opportunity to testify before the grand jury, the District Attorney's Office obtained an indictment on the same exact misdemeanor charges.»
The Times Union reported last year that Abelove did not require Sgt. Randall French, the officer involved in the shooting, to waive his immunity from prosecution when he testified before the grand jury that cleared him five days after the shooting.
Liang's lawyer decided not to allow him to testify before the grand jury, and sources speculated that decision was based on his inexperience and it would be wise to tell his story one time if he was indicted.
The Times Union reported last year that Abelove, who personally presented the case to the grand jury that cleared French, did not require the officer to sign an immunity - from - prosecution waiver when the officer testified before the grand jury that cleared him — a highly unusual move that makes it virtually impossible for any prosecutor to pursue potential future charges against French for conduct surrounding Thevenin's death.
The report chronicling Schneiderman's year - long investigation into the shooting death of Edson Thevenin, 37, highlighted the controversial decision by Rensselaer County District Attorney Joel E. Abelove to secretly grant immunity to Sgt. Randall French when the officer testified before a grand jury that cleared him of wrongdoing.
The official misconduct charges accuse Abelove of withholding evidence from the grand jury investigating Thevenin's death and failing to secure a waiver of immunity from French as a condition of him testifying before the grand jury.
Hoover added, «Forty - eight hours before the trial started, without any advance notice to Judge Fiorella or Officer Hassett, and without providing Officer Hassett the opportunity to testify before the grand jury, the District Attorney's Office obtained an indictment on the same exact misdemeanor charges.
The cops who killed an unarmed immigrant in a flurry of 41 bullets are so confident their actions were justified, they're willing to testify before a grand jury, their lawyer...
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