Sentences with phrase «to threaten ecosystems»

This comprehensive resource will help local governments protect threatened ecosystems.
The other day, I argued we need a push for restoration and rehabilitation, not just conservation, of threatened ecosystems.
Experts expect peace to lead to a development boom, threatening ecosystems all over the country with deforestation and runoff.
Humans are causing declines in biodiversity for many of these groups and evidence from experiments on plants suggests this might threaten ecosystem services.
We need energy, but we need to do it in a way that does not threaten the ecosystem that supports our life (water, air, soil etc.).
Beyond threatening ecosystems and human health, plastic waste is already taking a financial toll on fishing industries, urban infrastructure, and tourist economies.
How quickly is the rainforest — the most threatened ecosystem on Earth — being destroyed?
The cooling from solar geoengineering could help some important but heat - threatened ecosystems such as coral reefs that provide livelihoods to millions of people.
We were invited early this year by CSIRO to co-host a workshop at Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef to address «Engineering Resilience in Threatened Ecosystems,» based upon a workshop format that we successfully introduced in 2015.
Far from ravaging threatened ecosystems, non-native species could be powerful allies in the fight to save them
At the heart of seagrasses» success — and the secret to efforts to restore the increasingly threatened ecosystem — may be a small clam.
The hypoxic zone off the coast of Louisiana and Texas forms each summer threatening the ecosystem supporting valuable commercial and recreational Gulf fisheries that in 2011 had a commercial dockside value of $ 818 million and an estimated 23 million recreational fishing trips.
Knowing the right amount to leave behind can help local fisheries set clear limits to how many fish can be taken without threatening the ecosystem they rely on.
Invasive species cost the U.S. $ 1.2 + billion every year and threaten ecosystems around the globe.
Unnatural light threaten ecosystems, as we see in Florida where turtle hatchlings are drawn away from the ocean environment they need to survive and scurry as they hatch toward the bright lights of boardwalk hotels instead.
The kelp forests at the Channel Islands are some of the best examples in the world of this rich, diverse, and unfortunately threatened ecosystem.
When we talk about threatened ecosystems, seagrass meadows are not often high on society's priority list.
Why It Matters: Fossil fuel development has filled the state's coffers, but its impact is being felt on the landscape at a time when climate change may also threaten ecosystems.
According to the Salt Lake Tribune, instead of studying the ways that climate change is threatening ecosystems worldwide and making life miserable for people and wildlife, these kids will learn that the greenhouse effect «maintains Earth's energy balance and a relatively constant temperature.»
The Global Witness report Shifting Sand: how Singapore's demand for Cambodian sand threatens ecosystems and undermines good governance reveals that:
Which is why fishermen and charter boat captains who've lost their livelihoods, volunteer cleanup workers from around the Gulf who are sick at the thought of their beaches getting coated with oil, and environmental groups of every stripe working to protect gravely threatened ecosystems should come together to stop the spill: Let's do it for the tired, beleaguered Tony.
These biomes contain some of the most threatened ecosystems, including biodiversity hotspots.
The possibility of transferring this capacity to organisms as simple as bacteria opens a wide range of options in the world of biomedicine and, as the authors point out, to other fields as diverse as the repair of threatened ecosystems.
Across this expansive flyway, such iconic bird species as the Greater Sage Grouse, Sandhill Crane, and Yellow - billed Cuckoo drive Audubon's work to protect threatened ecosystems.
Deforestation is one of the biggest causes of global warming and threatening the ecosystem that provides chocolate ingredients.
If they are, they could play a role in repopulating these threatened ecosystems.
The illicit trade in wildlife and wildlife parts is now a multi-billion industry decimating iconic animal populations, undermining security across nations, and threatening ecosystems, food security, human health, and livelihoods among the world's poorest communities.
They may be trickier than trees for environmental protesters to chain themselves to, but it turns out that seagrass ecosystems hold as much carbon per hectare as the world's forests — and are now among its most threatened ecosystems.
Researchers say that there is an urgent need to uncover how specific coral picoplankton interactions contribute to these threatened ecosystems.
Seagrasses are among the world's most threatened ecosystems, with annual global loss of around 1.5 % and accelerating in recent decades *.
Environmentalists are keeping close watch on a controversial Chinese - backed canal development with the potential to boost Nicaragua's economy but also to threaten ecosystems and indigenous communities — added incentive to explore now.
Find out more about the world's most diverse, fascinating and threatened ecosystem.
Orca whales in the San Juan Islands prey heavily on chinook salmon from British Columbia's Fraser River, underscoring the connected nature of the Salish Sea's threatened ecosystem.
Future disruptions to fire activity will threaten ecosystems and human well - being throughout the world, yet there are few fire projections at global scales and almost none from a broad range of global climate models (GCMs).
But we'll forge ahead with our aggressive reporting on environmental and energy topics, including climate change, land use, threatened ecosystems, government policy, the fossil fuel industries, the growing renewables sector and consumer choices.
DiCaprio has been a staunch environmental activist for years; the actor's foundation, founded in 1998, raises money to protect threatened ecosystems and conduct conservation efforts worldwide.
The Foundation is dedicated to ensuring the long - term health and wellbeing of all Earth's inhabitants by building climate resiliency, protecting vulnerable wildlife and restoring balance to threatened ecosystems and communities.
Through collaborative partnerships, we support innovative projects that protect vulnerable wildlife from extinction, while restoring balance to threatened ecosystems and communities.
This could threaten ecosystems, public health, and the livelihoods of small farmers, among other unintended and even frightening consequences.
Stephanie talks with Time magazine about coral bleaching and how to save these threatened ecosystems.
Ocean warming and increasing acidity are threatening the ecosystems of coral reefs, pelagic micro-organisms, and food chains.
More on the Gulf Oil Spill: Scientists Hope BP Oil Spill Offers Clues About Global Warming Nearly 80 % of Oil From Gulf Spill Remains in Water, Threatens Ecosystems: Independent Analysis How Much Oil is in the Water at Gulf Coast Beaches (Video)
Residents of Pittsburgh are empowered by the ordinance to enforce those rights on behalf of threatened ecosystems.
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