Sentences with phrase «to throw something at someone»

It's not the case of throwing yourself at employers and begging them to employ you.
If you have something in your hand then throw it at the lion.
In my day to day life, I quite often feel like picking up a ball and throwing it at someone.
Sadly, it took me quite some time in remembering to call off that weapon after throwing it at enemies.
Russian women also don't throw themselves at foreign men, desperate for attention.
But don't waste them by just throwing them at a house and thinking that you'll end up with a green home just because you put solar panels on the roof.
Sure you will get young women throwing themselves at you offline and online alike.
Getting Started If you're feeling confident and want to start your solo adventure by throwing yourself at the deep end and choosing an exotic or remote destination — go for it!
But what most news media outlets aren't clarifying is this key face: that young man was throwing that smoke bomb BACK at the police who threw it at him.
No matter what, though strategy and tactics take a backseat to clicks per minute, and simply building a crap - load of stuff all the time before throwing it at the enemy.
RIM is really throwing themselves at the feet of the developer community.
You can also throw it at them, but it just doesn't look as cool that way.
Its almost as if you had girls throwing themselves at you so you never see any value in any of them.
Once your puppy is able to run after the rolling disc, you can now start throwing it at relatively shorter distances first.
Just make sure you don't throw it at anyone.
And he's lonely and here's a good - looking lady throwing herself at him.
When you get comfortable and assume you've got your path figured out, life throws something at you and shakes everything up.
If you have a weapon worth keeping, but it is almost used up, keep throwing it at zombies until you can repair it again.
But when the woman asked for hot water for instant noodles she'd purchased on the plane, she allegedly threw them at a flight attendant's face.
When you do have twins, one throws something at meal and the other one feels like they've got to throw their bowl or whatever at meal time.
Zombies will continue throwing themselves at you until they die, so you can use your weapons to your heart's content.
It's a mark of how well sorted the front end is that you can throw it at corners at ludicrous angles and it still doesn't lose its excellent steering precision.
Pretty much, at this point your gold nuggets and bars are only as valuable as a rock, because you might be able to throw it at something and kill it.
In this ultimate display of submission, puppies typically throw themselves at the owner's feet.
If you haven't given your pup a command in six months and then randomly throw it at him, he may not respond the same way he used to.
Even growing up, I was never afraid of big waves, readily throwing myself at them at every opportunity.
He can either hit nearby enemies with the axe or otherwise throw it at them if they are further away and cause even more damage.
Because ironically, you're liable to throw yourself at apocalypse mode far more frequently than the normal mode.
When I started out I did all of the above — threw myself at everything to see what worked and what didn't.
It can not help but bring to mind the figure of the artist throwing herself at the canvas.
You learn something because a partner throws something at you.
It's not always the best approach to throw yourself at difficult monster over and over in the hopes of getting the very best armor.
The successful ones threw themselves at it 100 % and had multiple strategies.
This means that when you've just taken out your mortgage, you probably are better served putting extra money into investments instead of throwing it at your payment.
You create a simple profile with a handful of photos and a few sentences about yourself, then throw yourself at the internet's mercy.
Don't throw them at the back of the closet because they'll transition your wardrobe effortlessly the moment summer is over.
If you're feeling confident and want to start your solo adventure by throwing yourself at the deep end and choosing an exotic or remote destination — go for it!
Also, with that kind of attitude, it seems unlikely you would have a big issue with pretty ladies throwing themselves at you.
These were immensely frustrating, but I understood why someone would keep throwing themselves at these challenges over and over.
Now we have games like Robocraft that allow us to make up our own brilliant technological inventions and then throw them at others in a cage match to the death.
Whenever you see a turnip, always throw it at someone.
They are also capable of throwing off the players timing by tripping while leaning forward and throwing themselves at Mario while spinning.
Here, a corporate ass - hat wanted for murder grabs his passport and literally throws himself at the embassy doors demanding refuge.
Maybe «I have so much money that I sometimes just throw it at people» is not the best message for a guy accused of stealing $ 14 million from a health clinic and paying his janitors $ 1.70 an hour.
Exiting to the main menu and restarting from your last save point because of a glitch is infuriatingly unfair, especially right after successfully completing a difficult platforming puzzle you'd been throwing yourself at for an hour.
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