Sentences with phrase «to touch one's nose»

It's the sense that allows you to touch your nose with your eyes closed and to button your coat without looking.
If a dog touches its nose on a plastic egg, they get the treat inside of it.
When you're done and you can't touch your nose because your biceps are so pumped up, you'll only have me to blame.
The infectious agents can be transmitted through the air, by direct contact with an infected dog (such as touching noses or barking through a fence) or by contact with contaminated surfaces.
He'll walk up to them to touch noses when we take him out for walks on his harness and lead.
I did nt think touching her nose to make her stop chewing would hurt her.
To get your baby to open wide, align their nose with your nipple and touch their nose with it.
The helmet or face shield should not touch your nose or chin.
In addition, your dog is at risk of exposure if any of your neighbors» dogs are boarded, groomed, at the park, etc, because your neighbors» dogs can expose YOUR dog just by touching noses through the fence!
Like how retarded are the refs that u cant see using a FOLDED piece of paper is gonna touch the nose of the ball....
Wilmington Illustrator Andy Lendway created the winning design that features a dog and cat touching noses, and a yellow background with paw prints.
Try using a «Watch Me» command (reward your dog for direct eye contact) or «Check In» command (reward your dog for touching their nose to your closed hand).
Colds are spread by touching infected surface and then touching your nose or eyes, and to a lesser extent the mouth; or inhaling virus - harboring droplets in the air after an infected person sneezes or coughs.
They can be as simple as lunging to the water cooler, holding a plank on a plank, standing on one leg touching your nose... and as fancy as handstands, jump - spins, ninja kicks and any variation you can come up with.
And now here comes the gross part: After about an hour, all that coughing, sneezing and heavy breathing I did caused the part of the mask touching my nose and mouth to become very wet.
- * Independent air ride suspension components - * Continuously variable dampers - * Enormous brakes as standard - * Self - leveling ride height - * One - touch nose raise for steeply angled drives - * Variable - ratio steering
Pretty soon you will see that your dog quickly touches its nose to your extended palm when you give the verbal cue «touch.»
They love to shower affection on their feline counterparts — they can be seen touching noses with other cats, or rubbing their bodies against them.
Most dogs will quickly become accustomed to the feeling of the muzzle touching their nose and put it on easily to earn treats.
Dr. Kolus said that regardless of sex, age of cat or temperament, about 80 % of the cats seemed open to basic training techniques (like touching their nose) and almost a third were able to be taught something more challenging, like sitting on command.
They managed to gently and curiously touch noses today.
I gingerly touched my nose to his palm and heard, «Yes!»
For example, I have a mild allergy to cats: if I pet a cat and then subsequently touch my nose or eyes, I will then have an allergic reaction (runny nose, sneezing, congestion).
Each day motorized skiffs take you out to the deeper waters of the bay, where «friendly whales» swim up to the skiffs for a closer look and often let guests touch their noses.
His cheekbones grew red and pointed, the tips of his mustache nearly touching his nose.
You should also try to avoid touching your nose or ears, these are signifiers that you may be lying, and whether you are or not, a mean interviewer might pick up on that.
~ Anum Hussain - Hubspot What is harder to do: Raising one eyebrow, while licking your elbow, while twitching your nose, while wiggling your ear, while touching your nose with your tongue, while sneezing with your eyes open... or Blogging?
Attractiveness was measured by how long the female spent in each chamber, as well as how much time she spent engaged in behaviors such as touching noses with the male rat and sniffing in his direction.
Humans greet each other by shaking hands; cats greet one another by touching their noses together.
Another way to train a cat is called targeting, which involved having a cat touch its nose to an object or «target» as it learns the behaviors you'd like it to exhibit.
Bacteria and viruses that cause pneumonia are easily spread through close contact by touching noses, grooming and sharing food or water bowls.
nose target (when cued, dog touches nose to handler's hand or any other object) and 2.
I touch his nose.
OLYMPIC FIGURE SKATER VIKTOR PETRENKO CHARGED WITH DRUNKEN DRIVING Petrenko failed several field sobriety tests, including walking a straight Salchow and touching his nose with a camel toe.
Because it can't be diagnosed by X-ray, doctors diagnose it by asking questions and getting patients to do simple physical activities — my son had to touch his nose and then touch the doctor's hand over and over.
Also, try not to touch your nose, mouth and eyes to prevent the spread of germs.
Touch your nose.
Stick out your tongue, touch your nose
A child or adult infected with the virus will, in coughing, sneezing, or touching her nose, transfer some of the virus particles onto her hand.
As I stroke her hair, look at her peaceful face, feel her hand caress my arm, reach up and touch my nose, I am desperate for this to go on forever.
By now, some little ones can cruise or even walk (and some can't and that's fine, too) and imitate you like a pro (you touch your nose, she'll touch hers).
Stand facing your children and give orders, such as «Simon says to touch your nose» or «Simon says to do a jumping jack.»
«Body language: She touches her nose with the middle knuckle of the same fi nger.
When asked questions such as «Am I touching my nose
Martinovi found a significant reduction in courtship behaviour, such as «chasing and touching noses», in males exposed to ibuprofen, she says.
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