Sentences with phrase «to track people»

So whatever be the type of match you are looking for, you would not have any difficulty in tracking people who meet your credentials and compatibility level.
You can also create a favorites list by clicking on the yellow star, which makes it very easy to track people in whom you are interested.
Civil liberties groups are concerned that the system could be adapted or combined with other technologies to produce a device for tracking people.
By tracking each person's progress and certifications, the program can match qualified employees to openings at any property — providing further opportunity for advancement.
What were the complications that came up with tracking these people down, and trying to write code for a 20 - year - old console?
I tried several times, but then gave up because it came down to writing or wasting time tracking people.
, and thus track the people at the protests who brought their phones.
I'm thinking something simple that can track people while they walk up that looks like it has a gun on it.
Dollar bills, cell phones, and radio - tagged badges are letting researchers better track people's movements and interactions.
Many Chinese government offices have been public about their interest in taking advantage of the blockchain technology for tasks like tracking people and products moving through industrial supply chains.
This allows you to immediately get a feel for candidates who could be a good fit for your organization and fast track those people to the next step of the process.
The emails also show that the department then tracked people who read the study online, grouping them by institutions with which they were affiliated.
The map tracked people to within 1 metre of their actual position, and its algorithms were far more accurate than other software systems tested.
But when the reviewers looked at individual studies, they found that those that began tracking people's drinking habits at age 55 or earlier did not suggest a protective effect.
The integration is about tracking people's activities on your dating site and apps.
Also, steam always tracks people because people don't normally get on the computer unless they have internet connection.
Several publications have been tracking peoples online activities and concluding that more people than ever play games of some type online.
The store uses artificial intelligence and hundreds of cameras (many of them in clusters in the ceiling) to track every person who steps inside.
To track people in the event that they may be involved in something the Police should be aware of!
Develop a good method of tracking the people and information you gain in your search so that you can use these resources effectively.
Now a day they have been renowned for tracking people.
The add - on will also block any Facebook domains from loading, effectively stopping Facebook from tracking people as they move across the web, a capability that Facebook has thanks to its social widgets and buttons embedded on countless of sites.
Facebook and Google have decimated brand value by tracking people across the web, not only when they visit the Wall Street Journal or Seventeen magazine.
Happn CEO, Didier Rappaport, says that the app doesn't track people and only shares profiles and the approximate location of where paths were crossed.
The add - on will also block any Facebook domains from loading, effectively stopping Facebook from tracking people as they move across the web, a capability that Facebook has thanks to its social widgets and buttons embedded on countless of sites.
«Since Covertband enables through - the - wall surveillance, anyone can play music on their smart devices to track people through walls,» said Takakuwa.
Between the two hearings, questions surfaced on Cambridge Analytica, how Facebook tracks people around the web, privacy protections for children, and GDPR
It's an issue that was on full display during Mark Zuckerberg's congressional testimony, when he deflected multiple inquiries from representatives asking him whether Facebook tracks people around the web who aren't logged into Facebook.
The subsequent Soviet collapse, scarce funding, imprecise dosimetry, and difficulties tracking people over the years have limited the number of studies and their reliability, he says.
This was not a study tracking people who eat fresh, unpackaged food from BPA - free plastic containers vs. those who eat fresh, unpackaged food from glass or stainless steel containers.
Gameplay loops are based on tracking people without being hard.
Congress is considering legislation that would make it easier to track people with autism who wonder off from educational institutions.
Mobile devices offer people a means of ubiquitous online communication — they also give companies a way to track those people using the devices» geolocation capabilities.
First, randomness influenced which tracks people picked early on.
P - REACT tracks people's movements to work out whether they are simply walking along a street, for instance, or doing something dodgy.
We also tracked the people who lived in this apartment before us and made them pay their share:)
She will learn scent discrimination, which will allow her to track a person based on their unique odor.
In addition, you can use Skype to do video calls, with the Kinect camera automatically tracking the people in the room — zooming in and moving to keep them in the center of the frame, while continuously adjusting the camera based on the brightness of the room.
Concern about Facebook Inc's respect for data privacy is widening to include the information it collects about non-users, after Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said the world's largest social network tracks people whether they have accounts or not.
But what's needed is a nationwide study that tracks people living close to drilling over time, Portier said.
One in 20 people admitted to hospital pick up an infection while they're there, but cameras tracking people's movements could spot who's spreading diseases
Offer a flexible schedule, since stalkers track people's whereabouts and movements.
Because that whole tracking people's every action and location thing worked out so well for Tom Cruise in that movie, right?
Before he joined Facebook last summer, Dellaert was the chief scientist at Skydio, a small startup that is working on an unreleased drone that can autonomously track a person while navigating through physical space.
Google's current virtual reality headset, the Daydream View, must be connected to an Android - powered smartphone to function and is not capable of fully tracking a person's movements.
Given that personal pronouns flow out of sexual difference, and given that nobody can change sex, personal pronouns track a person for the whole of his or her life.
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