Sentences with phrase «to train like someone»

Not everyone needs to be able to run a marathon, so if that's not your goal, don't train like it is.
If you're trying out a new style of training like high frequency or low volume training, follow it closely for one training cycle.
Also, while obtaining a bachelor's degree prepares a person for the subject matter of a career field, it does not provide hands on training like a certificate program.
SUMMARY: It is best to do some sort of resistance training like weight lifting.
While bodybuilding is all about appearance and bodybuilders work with weights to put as much muscle mass as possible, mixed martial artists are athletes and as such — they must train like athletes.
What's the pressure to speed through potty training like it's an Olympic event?
I am informed by my better half that Cats simply won't be trained like Dog.
Just because you want to start training like a pro, that doesn't mean you have to start doing what the pros do right away.
This is a pragmatic way to deal with specialized training like coding.
To teach more lessons, you should reward based training like feed or praise them for showing improvement.
They do not enjoy training like men, and also do not like the way it makes their bodies look.
We can not expect wingers to reach world class status by training like props or vice versa.
Some dogs require special training like this just like people do.
They thought their dog would arrive already trained like a consumer product.
This second network then only needs training like simpler neural networks, changing weights of the features and outputs that the first network passed on until it achieves an acceptable level of error.
There is no better training like seeing what people who have been in the industry for years do what they do best and make a healthy profit while at it.
There are different modes of power training like body weight or external resistance such as dumbbell or kettle bell medicine balls.
I still train like I did when I was in my 20's, and I never go over the caloric intake that my nutritionist has me on.
Women who train like men will not end up looking like a man, but will gain significant amounts of muscle and will get significantly bigger legs, shoulders and arms.
Also, bodyweight training like pull ups, push ups, squat jumps, and ring training will give your body a shock just moving your own weight.
Took me years to convince her that women don't react to heavy training like men.
The added benefit of circuit training like this is that you are adding fat - burning / cardio to your workout.
The intervening years between inception and release have bred a hype - train like nothing seen before it.
Some puppies take to paper - training like pros, while others need a little encouragement.
And if motivation still doesn't happen but you still want to be in good shape, then you'll just have to suck it up and treat training like a job.
But when she compares herself to her husband who has lost 20 lbs in three months she believes she needs to be doing intense training like this in order to see results.
It won't take long before you realize that your dog is looking at training like it's all work and no play, and then results will suffer.
They sometimes are a little tough during training but if you are firm and affectionate, they take to training like fish to water.
Nobody knows driver safety training like the people who pioneered it more than 50 years ago.
I'm so glad you are now on the coconut butter train like I am.
There is no reason for you to spend hours at the gym training like a professional athlete.
I look forward for more DVD training like this.
First, it's ideal to be done nursing before you attempt training like this.
However, this position will not give enough training like the tummy position.
You can train like major athletes do in the comfort of your own home.
To keep up the momentum of ripping your body, you need to have the energy to continually train like a champion.
I know you didn't think that, but it is one thing to know it and another thing to actually train like it.
Treat jump training like leg training, and keep the sets and time like a lower body lift session.
In fact, one can still deliver training like the aforementioned using the current existing channels.
As eLearning initiatives are having more of an impact on a company's internal constituency, training departments are being asked to design training like this for external stakeholders as well.
Of course pit bulls, if properly trained like any dogs, can be great family dogs.
Most dogs are able to learn the «quiet» command with repeated training like this.
I recommend approaching training like going on vacation (minus the leisure!).
Practical training like an internship in a pharmacy, is most times a prerequisite as part of training for anyone seeking employment as a pharmacy technician.
Adding certifications and training like first aid, special licensure, company awards on the other hand are a great way to finish a resume on a high note.
But that doesn't mean we can't train like our ancient ancestors.
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