Sentences with phrase «to train up»

The phrase "train up" means to teach, instruct or educate someone in a particular skill, behavior or knowledge. Full definition
The scheme will see 10,000 school children trained up in the first year alone, in addition to delivering training to businesses.
Just wanted to say a big thank you for setting this 2 - Day training up for everyone and having the professional speakers come was very helpful.
We'll even train you up on how to use it and answer any questions.
An ideal place for a group or clan or to relax or train up new players.
Other firms prize work / life balance, and seek to recoup the cost of training up junior associates by having them stay long term.
I am grateful for all that I have learned training up here.
You'll need to pay them hourly until they get trained up, but then you might be able to pay them on commission when they get good at it.
If your dog is not training up well ask your veterinarian staff for help.
No need to train up local people; we'll come back with a team of outsiders every year!
With its release a few weeks away, the publishers and developers are getting the hype train up to speed.
My other duties include training up junior members of staff and personally interacting with Customers on a regular basis both over the phone and in person.
The new plan will cost # 100 million and will go towards training up more genetic scientists to find new drugs.
We'll even train you up on how to use it and answer any questions.
With Olympic level athletes in strength sports who train up to 5 times a day, that value can climb up to 3.3 g / kg to 4.4 g / kg.
I often talk about breaking your exercise training up into 2 - 3 month blocks throughout your year.
The player would then train them up and watch them evolve on your trading card.
We are dedicated to training up men, women, and children of integrity, respect, and wisdom.
While large companies are likely to let you try working in various departments throughout the business before training you up, smaller companies will probably be looking for someone to fill a role.
Remember too, there is a growing need for trained up professionals in the area of 3D printing.
Presumably, that's why these are the tools we've been using to train up lawyers for decades (or longer).
One way we try to position people for promotion is by cross training up.
To set your kids free, train them up bit by bit.
If you're senior, train up others to complement or succeed you.
At a longer term level there are a range of options to train up teachers or contract in specialist providers.
For your more ambitious staff don't be afraid to encourage them to access training up to or above your own level of qualification or learning.
Also good to hear the way they do their training with three weeks working, one week training up to a certain point.?
You can recruit followers, and train them up etc. but everything feels like it takes an age to do.
You get meaningful choices of what to do between fights in order to get your fighter trained up and noticed.
According to Kings, most chambers who can afford to have now either brought in professionals or trained up existing staff to the requisite level needed to run a modern set of chambers.
Working together with you to train up safe and conscientious drivers.
Warning: Some driving schools will enroll you and have you pay for Driver Education and Driver's Training up front.
Assisted training up to 15 new employees, as well as assisting in the hiring process with supervisor / manager with job interviews for future employees during the hiring process.
There are lots of ways you can slice this type of training up, and it doesn't need to always be on one minute intervals.
While you are with us you can be trained up on the photo ID software and can contribute to our overall knowledge of the individual turtles we see on a daily basis.
Sometimes organizations may not be happy to keep you in your comfort zone, and instead they may want to train you up in specialist skills.
You might want to train up for that by completing the tutorial, practicing your tricks in training mode, and taking on the AI in offline play.
The long - sought rail expansion would send Metro - North trains up from Penn Station and down from Connecticut along existing tracks to new stations in four East Bronx neighborhoods: Hunts Point, Parkchester, Morris Park and Co-op City.
Britain should concentrate on training up young British people to fill vacancies rather than «taking the easy option of recruiting from abroad», a minister has claimed.
- Expertly lead company through unit train up with three field exercises, 11 marksmanship and demolitions ranges, two range control construction projects, and two Joint Readiness Training Center Rotations.
Interns can be fun and having a company - sponsored internship can not only benefit your company (if you pay) but help train up a new generation of great workers.
Additionally, one's calorie expenditure may seem to be higher during altitude training, but this is less likely to be due to being at elevation and more likely to be attributed to the hard workouts athletes generally go through while training up there.
Sea fossils embedded in the hillside as you ride Roaring Camp Railroads» steam train up Bear Mountain.
The Cinderella Express was a campaign to get people to take the Shinkansen super express train up north from Tokyo, into Snow Country.
That lot are harder to outmanoeuvre than Titus Bramble was in training up at Sunderland.
I did nt know about early potty training up until now, my little girl is 4 weeks old, i put a few drops of water on her wipes, and start cleaning her bottom, then i ask her to please pee, and SHE DOES!!!
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