Sentences with phrase «to treat brain cancer»

Dr. Okada is investigating the development of a cancer vaccine for treating brain cancer in children.
One of the fundamental challenges in treating brain cancer with drugs is what is known as the blood - brain barrier that separates circulating blood from the brain extracellular fluid in the central nervous system.
Other research at U-M is developing new options for treating brain cancer through immunotherapy — harnessing the immune system to attack cancer cells once an injection of a particular gene therapy is delivered into the brain tumor.
«We also identified a way to de-stabilize the SOX9 protein by treating the brain cancer cells with small molecular drugs, which made them less resistant to chemotherapy again,» says Olle Sangfelt, the other principal investigator of the study and research group leader at Karolinska Institutet.
Tracking tiny vessicles of genetic material emitted by tumor cells could help doctors better diagnose and treat brain cancer patients.
Bottom Line: Young mice that received molecularly targeted therapies used to treat brain cancer in human patients sustained cognitive and behavioral deficits, but the deficits were largely reversible through environmental stimulation and physical exercise.
One of the fundamental challenges in treating brain cancer with drugs is what is known as the blood - brain barrier, a membrane that separates circulating blood from the brain extracellular fluid in the central nervous system.
After graduating from college, he helped launch a biotech company that produced a drug to treat brain cancer; later, he launched a start - up that automated charitable giving programs for major corporations.
«Boosting immune system to treat brain cancer
«Counterintuitive approach to treating a brain cancer
This revolutionary technique, originally developed to treat brain cancer, relies on highly advanced imaging, treatment planning and radiation delivery technology to deliver an extremely potent dose with extreme precision from multiple angles and it has been shown to offer better cure rates for many cancers, particularly in cancers that have spread (metastasized).
Chemotherapy generally has not been used to treat brain cancer, because of the blood - brain barrier that exists between the bloodstream and the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain.
A chemotherapy drug used to treat brain cancer may increase vulnerability to depression by stopping new brain cells from growing, according to a new King's College London study out today in Translational Psychiatry.
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