Sentences with phrase «to treat one's symptoms»

Drinking a warm lemon infusion is an effective way of treating the symptoms of common cold and flu.
Don't just treat the symptoms of bad behavior; enable the cure.
Conventional doctors only treat the symptoms of autoimmune diseases; they don't look to find the root cause.
When you seek medical attention, ask your provider about the role diet plays in symptom management instead of just treating symptoms with medication.
It has also been effective in treating symptoms related to guilt, anger, depression, and anxiety, and can be used to boost emotional resources such as confidence and self - esteem.
Most medicines simply treat the symptoms rather than the disease itself.
This year, researchers also found that yoga helps treat symptoms of depression, changes the structure of your brain (in a good way), and even alters your DNA.
Modern medicine focuses on treating a symptom rather than the root cause.
Sure you could chase the symptoms with temporary band - aid solutions, but the optimal approach for treating symptoms associated with leaky gut is to focus on healing the gut for good.
If your eating is out of control, then go to a qualified and professional therapist, because you absolutely can not cure the problem by treating the symptom.
Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome aimed at treating the symptoms of it.
The treatment for allergic dermatitis in dogs involves both treating the symptoms as well as the allergy that triggered the skin condition.
The functional medicine approach is about treating health problems at their root cause, and not merely treating symptoms.
It should not, however, be used to treat symptoms associated with food allergies — food allergies are best treated under the guidance of a veterinarian.
They wait for symptoms to occur, and often treat those symptoms without addressing the root cause.
Despite decades of research, the only medications currently available treat the symptoms alone.
A vet has to provide supportive care, which treats the symptoms of the infection rather than the infection itself.
In other words, these drugs treat the symptom of itching, but can do nothing about the underlying cause of the itch.
Understand how to stop treating the symptom and address the cause to crush the crash before it starts!
Typically, we use medications to treat symptoms such as headaches, difficulty sleeping and depression.
But it's totally doable — it's not about treating symptoms or using some sort of magic pill.
Evaluate the traits of insecure attachment styles to more effectively treat symptoms of challenging behaviors in your clients.
Ideally, they could assist researchers in diagnosing or treating symptoms like grinding one's teeth, or for monitoring conditions following a surgery.
What's more, the drugs that do exist are far from perfect, often treating the symptoms rather than the root causes of disease.
In essence, the Catholic church, in my opinion, should agree to pay for birth control on the basis it be used to treat symptoms if needed, not prevent pregnancy.
Unlike the traditional medicine, which treats the symptoms after your pet gets sick, the main goal of holistic pet medicine is to prevent these diseases from occurring in the first place.
While this is indeed a helpful therapy for some women, the holistic health community widely believes that birth control treats symptoms of hormone imbalance without getting to the root cause.
Regular exams allow us to detect symptoms of disease or illness in your pet, and treat these symptoms before they affect your pet's quality of life or before they become an emergency.
As with people, treatment is supportive, which means treating the symptoms and letting the virus run its course.
And increasing instability will breed the impulse to drastically treat symptoms over causes.
But hypothyroidism isn't always a straight numbers game; more and more doctors are now treating the symptoms, not just the blood - test results.
Once your child has caught a cold there's not much you can do except treat the symptoms.
I want to solve the problem not treat the symptoms unjust font know who I should go see.
This program is for anyone looking to treat their symptoms naturally.
However treating their symptoms and finding relief are different than for adult sufferers.
But unlike when you have the real flu, you're not stuck treating symptoms.
If your pooch has a genetic condition, you know there's not much to do about it besides treat the symptoms and try to prevent issues from arising.
Remember, investing in discovering the underlying issue, rather than just treating the symptoms upfront will save you money and your pet from continual pain and suffering in the long run!
The goal of diagnosis is to identify the specific cause of the dog skin condition, and then to address how to avoid the cause, while at the same time treating any symptoms.
However, medication alone usually will not fully treat symptoms, especially those related to social skill difficulties.
Quite often, treating those symptoms offers a temporary band - aid.
This approach treats the symptom but not the cause — so the symptom will quite likely return.
Quick fixes such as no - bark collars is like only treating the symptoms of a disease and doing nothing about the weakened immune system which is causing disease in the first place.
This started the shift in our thinking; that health begins at the root cause, not merely in treating symptoms.
I think that we are simply treating the symptom rather than the disease.
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