Sentences with phrase «to trigger a leadership contest»

«If anyone in the Conservative party has any integrity or sense of duty left, we call on them now to save Brexit by triggering a leadership contest
When the Mail on Sunday asked Ben Wallace whether he was considering resigning to trigger a leadership contest against Theresa May, the security minister (and good pal of Boris Johnson), protested his loyalty to the prime minister.
Former minister insists she does not regret decision to trigger the leadership contest after challenging Jeremy Corbyn
The vote is likely to trigger a leadership contest — but whether Corbyn will automatically get a place on the ballot is unclear as nobody knows for sure what they party rules are.
But now that former shadow business secretary Angela Eagle has triggered a leadership contest (before stepping aside for Owen Smith), Labour members have to consider whether somebody else should carry its new leftist banner.
Whilst David Cameron was prime minister, Osborne was widely viewed as a potential future leader of the Conservatives were Cameron to stand down and trigger a leadership contest, despite being seen as a relatively unpopular figure with the general public.
By Friday morning, we had moved from 1990 to 1995, the year in which John Major called his enemies» bluff, triggered a leadership contest, and manoeuvred Michael Portillo into remaining loyal.
Eagle has received the required 51 nominations required from fellow MPs to trigger a leadership contest.
«The majority of colleagues who yesterday said they had no confidence in him feel that he should resign and trigger a leadership contest, just like John Major did.»
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