Sentences with phrase «to trigger cancer»

Even certain flea and tick pesticides may play a role in triggering cancer in sensitive pets.
They will also look for evidence that it has made cuts in wrong places, potentially creating or triggering a cancer gene.
What triggers the cancer to emerge from its dormant state into a full - blown deadly disease remains a mystery.
It also protects DNA from mutations that could potentially trigger cancer — and strongly inhibits the growth of tumors in animal studies.
These enzymes are known to activate many carcinogens, which trigger cancer cell growth.
The idea is to send signals which trigger cancer cells to kill each other, which can be done with bacteria.
This deficiency is known to trigger cancer growths, to cause growth impairment, bone loss, infertility, and hypertension.
This is extremely problematic, as melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cell types, as well as triggers cancer cell apoptosis (self - destruction).
Rather than artificially triggering cancer by engineering genetic mutations, this model more closely mimics human liver cancer in that tumors develop as a natural consequence of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a chronic metabolic disorder that causes liver damage, fibrosis and numerous cell mutations.
But before it can begin to combat that threat, this new vaccine will face careful scrutiny from health officials to ensure that it doesn't trigger cancer - causing genetic mutations when it incorporates into a cell's DNA.
Whether semiconductor plants trigger cancers is even less clear, and the question has yet to be properly investigated.
Scientists have wondered why H. pylori triggers cancer in some people and not others; although there are different strains of the bacterium, they don't seem to account for the difference in risk.
Cancer stem cells are resistant to chemotherapy and consequently tend to remain in the body even after a course of treatment has finished, where they can often trigger cancer recurrence or metastasis.
«It has been an organizing principle for the field that these mutations trigger cancer by interfering with the on - off switch of these signaling proteins, but our study adds a big wrinkle: these mutations can also keep the enzyme on when the switch is turned off,» Shokat said.
The major difficulty, said Vogelstein, was distinguishing the «signal from the noise,» in this case, the mutations that would trigger cancer from the huge number of harmless variants in kinase genes.
I'll get to more details in a moment, but first I'd like to draw your attention to some new, groundbreaking research published in the journal Nature that discovered sugar triggers cancer cell growth and actually helps them multiply much more quickly.
Lead exposure, in particular, can cause malfunction in the formation of blood cells and can trigger cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma.
The metal has been shown to trigger cancer in animals but it is not known whether or not this could cause the same problems in humans.»
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital analysis reveals how the protein p53, which triggers cancer cells to commit suicide, attaches to its regulatory molecule; findings could lead to drugs to unleash p53 to battle a range of cancers.
In addition to helping you fall asleep and bestowing a feeling of overall comfort and well being, melatonin has proven to have an impressive array of anti-cancer benefits.4 Melatonin inhibits the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cell types, as well as triggering cancer cell apoptosis (self destruction).
One millionth of a gram of plutonium is sufficient to trigger cancer growth
Left unchecked, such damage can lead to genetic mutations that can trigger cancer.
Brooding over the finding — the BRCA1.185 delAG mutation that triggered the cancer — she made a mental list of the cancers she'd heard about among her husband's female relatives.
One drawback is that the resetting can trigger cancer.
In humans, the protein it codes for, p53, detects and deals with damaged DNA that could trigger cancers.
For the first time, specialised cells have been reprogrammed into the equivalent of embryonic stem cells without using genes that might trigger cancer.
First, the genes used for reprogramming are themselves known to trigger cancer, so if they were to reactivate could cause tumours to form.
When radioisotopes lodge in certain organs — such as iodine - 131 in the thyroid gland — the constant bombardment of surrounding tissue can overwhelm repair mechanisms and trigger cancer.
For decades, researchers have known that reactive oxygen species, or free radicals, can do serious damage to cells and trigger cancer.
He says that once we identify the viruses that trigger cancer, we can work to prevent their transmission and force them to evolve from fatal scourges into mere nuisances, eventually turning cancer into a manageable disease.
It was thought that the human, or «cellular,» SRC gene, after undergoing a mutation, would trigger cancer.
Abnormal activation of this pathway was known to trigger cancers.
The new approach to finding drug targets relies on looking at the whole network of interacting proteins, rather than concentrating on just those that are mutated to trigger cancers.
Now Sands's group and collaborators have evidence suggesting that the gene therapy vector did, in fact, trigger the cancers.
The problem is that they insert genes at random locations in the genome, as well as inserting regulatory sequences that can sometimes activate nearby genes and trigger cancer.
However, direct evidence that fusion of normal cells by itself could trigger cancer has not been reported.
Turning off the pathway can trigger cancer cells to self - destruct because the machinery used to untangle the DNA fails, meaning it is torn apart as the cell divides — ravaging and causing huge breaks in the code which lead to the cancer cells» demise.
But before it could be used in people, researchers will need to achieve reprogramming without leaving behind copies of the genes involved, which can trigger cancer.
As they reported in Science, they designed an RNA - based circuit that was simpler but could still distinguish modified cancer cells from noncancerous cells and, more important, trigger the cancer cells to self - destruct.
The DNA of BKV has been discovered in several types of human cancers including prostate tumours, and mouse studies suggest the virus can trigger cancer.
Some occur in genes that play a role in skeletal growth and development, which makes sense, but others lie in genes that trigger cancer or in undeciphered regions of DNA.
Many researchers blamed the therapy for disrupting the patients» DNA, but a new study suggests that the transplanted gene itself may have triggered the cancer.
Although this «bystander effect» has been observed in tissue culture and recently in living animals, no experiments have yet linked it to the main reason for concern: Bystander effects might trigger cancer.
St. Jude is revealing genetic changes that trigger cancer and identifying why some children are more at risk.
The understanding that genetic mutations are linked to cancer is decades - old; the first human oncogenes (genes that trigger cancer) were found in the early 1980s.
In many cases, the inherited virus DNA still has the potential to make new viruses that can infect other koalas and trigger cancer in them.
Not only is glyphosate toxic in and of itself, causing the inflammation, oxidative stress and DNA mutations that can trigger cancer, but — in a sort of biological «Catch - 22» — the chemical cripples the body's natural defense mechanisms that could otherwise help to detoxify and neutralize it.
They don't make food radioactive, nor do they trigger cancer - causing genetic mutations.»
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