Sentences with phrase «to trust the government»

Nearly the same amount (52 %) don't trust the government's ability to screen out would - be terrorists.
How can anyone fully trust our government that has led us into this position in the first place.
Most people trust the government not to be so criminal so denial is common.
If you can not trust that the water being pumped into your home is clean and free of toxins, it makes it very difficult to trust your government about really anything else.
That matters: economies work best when economic actors trust the government.
It also raises important questions about what makes a life worth preserving, and if we can trust government entities to treat people with dignity and value.
Now, you may trust the government agencies more than you do private companies because the agencies are supposed to be serving the public, not increasing profits for shareholders.
A land titles system depends on owners being able trust the government and on the integrity of the system.
People trust their government will be able to pay back the loan — with interest — to cover its debts.
A teacher might explain why we say «In God We Trust,» but we don't trust government with God.
«The bottom line is that New Yorkers will never trust government until they know the who, what and where of outside employment and unprecedented reforms put forward by this administration and the New York State Assembly will do just that,» Cuomo said.
Ever since the Vietnam War and government disinformation from the Lyndon B. Johnson administration, it's a cliché that citizens trust government much less, if at all.
And while he acknowledges that the percentage of American Muslims who trust the government's anti-terror efforts is rising, he says it's still not high enough.
Over half (57 percent) of Americans say that they're frustrated with the federal government and only 19 percent say that they can trust the government always or most of the time.
Asked what message he thinks investors are sending with their response to the CNBC poll, Tim Maurer, a certified financial planner and director of personal finance at the BAM Alliance, said: «Investors don't particularly trust the government.
But within its own borders, people on the margins lack information on how such peace should look, what concrete benefits they will get and why they should trust the government now, given that it has never cared for these people before.
BY DOUG KELLOGG Communications Director, Reclaim New York While New Yorkers have been struggling to make ends meet, get to work, and even trust their government, legislators have spent time crafting proposals so ridiculous they're laughable.
«An approach like this, where you sort of give the money back to the people, has real political advantages, especially for those who don't instinctively trust the government,» he said.
These are patriotic men who once trusted the government, but are now so disenchanted they ask «what's the point?»
It is only then, we Malaysians will start trusting the Government and in return, foreigners also will start again to trust Malaysia
We live in an era where citizens trust the government possibly less than ever before, and a story line in which a soldier dies in Afghanistan and later manages to contact his son can grab anyone who watches the evening news.
Monbiot, and many like him do not trust corporations, do not trust the governments which seemingly regulate them, and do not trust scientists when they produce arguments which coincide with commercial interests.
We don't generally trust our governments, and considering the level of corruption we Australians are seeing in the Abbott and Turnbull governments, the way they are pandering to the fossil fuel lobby and ignoring the need to act for the good of all people and of the planet, we would have to be stupid to trust them.
Twenty - six percent of the U.S. is too young to vote, and must therefore trust the government to act in our best interest, but they have betrayed that trust, squandering away the stability of our planet in favor of short - term profit.
And, it turns out, the accomplishments have won the agency the public's trust: Polls have consistently shown NASA to be the second-most trusted government institution, behind only the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Nor should we readily trust the government, the court system, or corporate America to protect that right when there is big money to be made by them at our expense.
there were major differences on some questions: 63 per cent of Chinese respondents trust the government to protect the personal information it collects compared to just 48 per cent of Canadians and a mere 20 per cent of Brazilians say they trust their respective governments with their personal information
You can't trust governments with the power to sidestep parliament.
The British Social Attitudes survey found 32 % of people almost never trust the government, up from 11 % in 1986.
I'm not sure where you are getting your information from but most Americans do not fully trust their government.
The community will not trust government anymore
Anyone who believes Al Gore over someone who knows about climate / biology ect is an idiot, I know all you sheeple out there love to believe everything you see on TV but come on, do you really trust the Government and that douche bag Al Gore to tell you what is true and what isn't?
«The constituents that I'm talking to in the district that I represent are feeling a sense of not trusting government.
As a result, investors around the world currently «do not trust governments to do the right thing.»
It is particularly cruel to offer young people the American Dream, encourage them to come out of the shadows and trust our government, and then punish them for it.»
The story that bitcoin victims are being sold is that, because we can not trust government - issued currencies, bitcoin is the future of money.
«And I would say that's the single biggest impediment to getting anything done on this — that people just don't trust the government
Only 26 % of Trump supporters said after the election that they trusted the government to do what is right.
By contrast, almost 50 % of Clinton voters said that they trust the government.
But what Trump has tapped into, Cuban says, is that people don't trust government.
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