Sentences with phrase «to trust the individual»

"To trust the individual" means to have confidence in someone's abilities, honesty, and reliability. It involves believing that the person will do what they say they will do and make responsible decisions. Full definition
Ask friends, family members, or other trusted individuals for support and explain the situation.
The manuscript that was illegally distributed on the Internet was given to trusted individuals for a good purpose.
We can not trust individuals, men or women, to make rational choices regarding reproduction.
A founder is the one who came up with the business idea, but without a team of trusted individuals, that idea will never flourish.
Parents already have established disciplinary practices, are more invested in their current practices and have sought advice from trusted individuals.
You can trust individual people who work for corporations, and you can trust those people to have something reasonably close to your interests in mind when they make policies.
We can't afford to trust individual women with complete reproductive freedom if we are to implement a rational plan to move the human species forward into the future.
I would be reluctant to trust this individual since he / she has a hard time following orders.
He says the company knows the secret to winning is to develop a solid game plan but trust the individual players to make the right plays when the opportunity arises.
We have a simple definition of what a results - focused learning environment is — one where trusting individuals are committed to asking the right questions to ensure positive educational outcomes for all students.
We need trusted individuals to help us complete these home checks!
At arbitration, the employee was found to owe the company a fiduciary duty given that he was an officer of the company and one of the few trusted individuals there.
And can you knowingly trust an individual to act with integrity when it comes to the interests of your organization if they lack integrity in creating their own resume?
Have at least one or two other trusted individuals look at your resume.
Families are encouraged to find trusted individuals and organizations in their community to support them through challenging issues.
As soon as he started studying to become an agent, he took action, contacting trusted individuals and letting them know about his career choice.
The reason it's true is because of the high level of trust an individual must have in us before they are willing to refer us to their friend, relative or co-worker.
You can assign up to 30 unique access codes to family and other trusted individuals.
«How can the residents of our communities trust an individual who claims he is working for them when he is, in fact, taking money from Republicans whose main focus is protecting the wealthy on the backs of New York's struggling working families?
Don't trust individuals with your personal information.
An LPA is a powerful legal document that allows a person to appoint trusted individuals to make important decisions about care and finances on their behalf, in the event of a loss of mental capacity through an accident or illness such as dementia.
By networking with trusted individuals within your professional community, volunteering, or following target employers on LinkedIn, you can maximize your chances of connecting directly with the intended recruiter or hiring professional.
Baxter has received an Artist Trust Individual Artist Grant, three 4Culture Individual Project Grants in Seattle, Washington, and was recently nominated for a Louis Comfort Tiffany Biennial Award.
We go through specific questions that mothers can ask daughters to explore what might be going on and how to find out informations without even attempting to talk to their daughter, i.e. approaching trusted individuals in the families network.
And as much as you may trust the individual hosting the sleepover you can not be sure who else will be there.
If you verify your identity through a confirmation process done by text, phone call, or credit card, you will be included in «Safe Mode» filtering, which only shows browsers trusted individuals.
Along the way, they learn to work together as a team by confronting their own insecurities and learning to trust the individual strengths each brings to the team.
According to Dr. Krzywacki, «We believe in the notion of «experts,» and trust individuals whether they be doctors, teachers or plumbers.»
They mostly trust individuals and markets to produce the best results in the most efficient ways and they mistrust monopolies, heavy - handed government regulations — and trade unions.
This is why we should be careful of trusting individual researchers or individual studies, but should instead base our understanding on an analysis of the overall position, not just the views of individual scientists.
If judges let it be known that they will trust the individual advocates, those entrusted generally raise their game.
Trusting individual lawyers to be ethical, or trying to hire honest lawyers, is unlikely to make any material difference in creating that sort of good behaviour (or any other).
LPAs enable someone to appoint one or more trusted individuals who assume total control of another person's assets and financial affairs as well as decisions about their future healthcare.
With Android 8.0, this setting is entirely gone, and now, you'll need to trust individual apps before you can install APKs they've downloaded.
But if you're short on options and know that you can unequivocally trust the individual to keep your job search confidential, you should ask them to be a reference.
What you want is a hiring manager and a recruiter who have a relationship with one another, where the hiring manager trusts this individual and the recruiter understands the needs of the hiring manager.
With over 60 hours of driving instruction training, an extensive background check and previous experience working with young people, our driving school instructors are trusted individuals who care about the quality of drivers training they pass on to their students.
Bridge Coffee Co. sources its green coffee with the assistance of respected and trusted individuals in the coffee industry.
Trusting individuals with autism spectrum disorders, who are oftentimes socially isolated, are especially vulnerable to online predators.
As a 501 (c)(6) membership - based non-profit trade group, we seek to encourage the research and development of new products made from industrial hemp while offering our members a network of like - minded, trusted individuals within the current hemp industry.
Even if corporate America isn't something to believe in, it still seems possible to trust individual people.
Lee has designed a simplified system that enables a way they can safely distribute the mnemonic phrase between two other trusted individuals or two vaults.
You can not trust those individuals, just like you could not trust brainwashed Hitlerjugend — they will do whatever they will be told to do.
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