Sentences with phrase «to turn a blind eye»

Do not turn a blind eye on such details because you risk a lot!
A teacher faces multiple child - sex charges, and the school's leader is accused of turning a blind eye.
We can not turn a blind eye on the development front.
Most are always quick to criticize the manager for holding back the while turning a blind eye to those players who in my opinion are nothing but parasites to club.
My goodness, you guys are just unbelievable, once you love a certain player you will absolutely turn a blind eye when it comes to his faults.
It may seem surprising, but parents can turn a blind eye for years while the other parent or step - parent abuses their child — this is a classic type of denial.
Like not just turning a blind eye but actual neglect.
The parent tends to turn a blind eye towards a child's behaviour whether it is difficult or favourable.
Rather than stop it, her mother simply turned a blind eye.
Should we put more injury on an awful situation that government was responsible for by turning a blind eye to regulation.
When it comes to consumer credit, many people turn a blind eye.
Yet people often turn a blind eye to family violence where they would not tolerate an assault in a public place.
So far, everyone has turned a blind eye because most people in town, especially in the 20 - 30 age range, see these as big assets to the community.
The government turns a blind eye to the # 120 billion lost in tax avoidance by the rich and then makes the rest of us pay for it.
It's time that we stop turning a blind eye to assault and start promoting not only a culture of prevention, but also a culture of awareness.
You represent the hypocrisy within any and all religions, and that is the uncanny ability to turn a blind eye at the filthy corruption that you subscribe to.
Police turned a blind eye to most of the smokers.
They'd rather turn a blind eye and not know than open the data and see just how ugly it is.
They even turn a blind eye to abuse and torture of animals in shelters.
Instead of reacting, these companies turned a blind eye or tried to ignore or bury the risks.
As our collective commitment to clean energy continues to grow, the federal government will have a harder and harder time turning a blind eye.
Today we live in a society which turns a blind eye to the total cost of carbon.
I want nothing to do with this gross and disgusting corruption and with those who pretend not to know it is, and so turn a blind eye.
Even if you decide to accept the position and the benefits accompanying it, never turn a blind eye to other opportunities for career advancement.
Ask anyone with a home alcohol still whether law enforcement turns a blind eye to such things.
Lawyers have largely turned a blind eye to security and the legal industry is seen by cyber criminals as ripe for data hacks, easy breaches and the like.
Turn a blind eye unless the smell becomes alarming or there is a very high chance of mold.
He said some people were deliberately turning blind eyes to the prevailing realities in the country.
These men turned a blind eye to the brutal abuse of children and women by their own hierarchy!
It is almost as though couples must suddenly turn a blind eye to one another and their history together as a prerequisite.
«Nobody turned a blind eye, nobody was slow to the draw,» he said of the response.
While the VP tried to address / resolve the issue the principal turned a blind eye.
But being obsessed with capturing the millennial mind share, are today's marketers turning a blind eye to more obvious truths of generational marketing?
This they allegedly did by encouraging — or at least turning a blind eye to — undercover officers having intimate relationships with members of groups under surveillance.
The county legislature turns a blind eye to line - item vacancies to a point, that point being somewhere around $ 2 million a year.
How can the government say that it's all «for hardworking people» and complain about the cost of benefits whilst turning a blind eye to this?
If the party leadership turns a blind eye to members openly advocating support for other parties then unity and discipline will be difficult to maintain in more difficult political times.
Initially, industry turned a blind eye to their research.
Principals practically turn a blind eye to the lowest performers.
Or did their CO2 advocacy turn a blind eye to bad science?
They care for the cash, and happily turn a blind eye to the ethical responsibilities of what used to be a respected profession.
Personally, I can turn a blind eye when I have a remarkable product, and at an incredible price.
And it wasn't just turning a blind eye to the shady backgrounds of its customers, according to investigators — it was fully aware of who was involved.
But don't turn a blind eye to the people who are actually making a profit off of you.
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