Sentences with phrase «to turn into cancer»

A healthy person whose life was never threatened by breast cancer is suddenly turned into a cancer survivor.
Our body has a system to repair DNA damage (DNA repair mechanism), so why a normal cell turns into a cancer cell and why radiation exposure causes cancer have not been clarified.
Basically, CAR - T therapy involves taking a patient's own immune «killer» T - cells, inserting new genetic code into those cells which turn them into cancer - hunters that can home in on malignant B - cells (another kind of immune cell), and then pumping these specialized leukemia - busting cells back into the patient.
While scientists previously thought that a drug targeting TGF - ß would only be useful in advanced cancers, she discovered that the same drug may help prevent precancerous cells from turning into cancer.
Cells from one man's tapeworms turned into cancer cells and spread throughout his body.
«If you kill the damaged cell, it's gone, and it can't turn into cancer.
But Morrison thinks a little decrepitude might be worth it: «The cells are shutting themselves down when they get old to avoid turning into cancer cells,» he says.
Inflammation within the masticatory muscles can develop as pre-cancerous and then turn into cancer.
By inhaling the mist, users enjoy the same satisfaction they would get from an ordinary cigarette but do not expose themselves to tobacco, which turns into cancer - causing tar when it is burned.
The most common type of skin lymphoma is caused by the fact that specific immune cells — CD4 - T - lymphocyttes — turn into cancer cells.
Pap tests can identify cervical precancer before it turns into cancer.
Senescence helps contain cells so badly damaged that they could turn into cancers.
DCIS is a form of breast cancer in which cells in some of the milk ducts in the breast have started to turn into cancer cells.
After 3 to 4 years, the two groups were compared and no difference was found in rates of colon polyps — noncancerous growths that can turn into cancer.
If abnormal cells are found, they can be easily treated before they turn into cancer.
High - risk HPV can usually be easily treated before it turns into cancer, which is why regular Pap / HPV tests are so important.
It's a quick and easy way to find cell changes in your cervix that may turn into cancer.
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