Sentences with phrase «to turn something into a movie»

It's hardly surprising that filmmakers raised on TV series in the 1980s are now turning them into movies.
Future instantly turned him into a movie star, and while he never did quite become a consistent leading man, he obviously enjoyed a nice little career after this flick.
What drives you to write a short story and also turn it into a movie?
I turned down several offers because I was not convinced they were serious about turning it into a movie.
Its popularity justified talks of turning it into a movie, and within the past few weeks, Sony's been reportedly getting close to clutching the...
Just add a Bible to each of those folded arms and you could turn it into a movie called, The Attack of the Clones.
Director Todd Haynes and screenwriter Phyllis Nagy discuss the challenges of bringing to the screen the 60 year old Patricia Highsmith book, The Price Of Salt (which explores a lesbian romance in the early 50's) and turning it into the movie Carol.
It's a tribute to both Reynolds and director Rodrigo Cortes that they were able to take such a claustrophobic, one - actor situation and turn it into a movie as intense as most big - budget action flicks.
How many television properties has Hollywood ruined by turning them into movies?
Instead, Allen turned it into a movie, which, even -LSB-...]
Room is truly an amazing film.The story was really touching and Abrahamson did a great job in turning it into a movie and show beauty in such a dark plot.
Turn it into a movie projector, boombox, battery powerhouse, and more (Mods purchased separately)
Its popularity justified talks of turning it into a movie, and within the past few weeks, Sony's been reportedly getting close to clutching the production rights from Ubisoft.
Because as long as writers keep making millions by scaring teens with stories of mean adults and nasty technology, there will be producers making even more millions by using smart adults and new technology to turn them into movies.
But as usual, he's not curling up in bed with it, he's planning to turn it into a movie.
#BAYWATCH is the most successful TV show of all time and from the day we announced we were turning it into a movie, «The Hoff» has been our greatest supporter.
It's a common biopic misstep in my opinion to take their Wikipedia page and turn it into a movie.
So when Rob Marshall (Annie) turned it into a movie and rechoreographed all the songs, it was a brave thing to do.
What if someone bought the rights to the most popular songs done at karaoke bars around the country and decided to turn them into a movie?
It was an incredibly unique challenge to take some of the most vulnerable, painful, and beautiful moments from our life together and turn it into a movie.
The magazine piece that inspired «War Dogs» appealed so much to «Hangover» trilogy director Todd Phillips, that he reportedly became «obsessed» with it and quickly optioned to turn it into a movie.
You can turn them into a movie, sell them, use their characters for Zombie rewrites or print T - shirts with quotes.
More like some screen writer taking my books and turning them into a movie, making millions.
At least if you plan on accomplishing your dreams of making a living from your books, hitting the NY Times Best Sellers list and having millions of fans all over the world who love your books so much Hollywood decides to turn them into movies.
Wes Anderson should turn it into a movie.
Introduction — The Volatility Is Risk Myth If you were to take the essence of most people's beliefs and understanding about investing in common stocks, or the stock market for that matter, and turn it into a movie, I believe it would have to be labeled under the category science fiction.
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