Sentences with phrase «to turn something into a positive»

Rather than complaining about the problems at prior companies, turn it into a positive by showing how you contributed to solutions.
Fine tune your ability to take feedback and get good at turning it into positive results.
I've always been fascinated to observe how some people are able to take a challenging situation and turn it into a positive while others take that exact circumstance and feel defeated.
Instead of feeling depressed about the colder months, why don't you try and identify your negative feelings and turn them into positive ones?
It's OK to admit to a real weakness, as long as you can turn it into a positive for the job.
Next time you are anxious about your business, turn it into positive energy.
It allows the interviewer to compare you to other candidates so rather than seeing your weaknesses as negatives you can easily turn them into positives and impress the interviewer with your answer.
Therapy taught me to identify negative patterns in my relationships and how to turn them into positive patterns instead.
The SEN coordinator at that time had the «unfortunate» responsibility of also being the MFL coordinator and was struggling to provide adequate content, support and foreign language skills to advise other members of staff, who equally did not know how to really grasp this issue and turn it into a positive experience for both pupils and teachers alike.
«It's a fight to get anyone other than your mom to care about your startup,» Ohanian said, but you need to find ways to take an unenthusiastic response, or even hate, and turn it into a positive outcome.
«As an entrepreneur, that's the best thing you can hear... you're always turning it into the positive, and trying to make the impossible possible is what we do.
The Blues have looked far hungrier for success this season than last term and even when they weren't playing well against Watford they still managed to turn it into a positive win.
You'll find yourself trying to turn her into a positive person, a «Negative Nancy» into the proverbial «Sally Sunshine.»
Vitamin D regulates the conversion of L - Tryptophan into serotonin turning you into a positive human being.
Consider the shows not so much as an immediate profit center, but as a resource for continued sales throughout the year, and you can indeed turn them into a positive aspect of your retail experience.
An interview you aren't sure is an interview can be an awkward situation, but if you prepare yourself properly and follow these informal interview tips, you can turn it into a positive thing.
Don't deride your past employer; simply state what you learned and how you benefited from the negative experience and intend to turn it into a positive in the future.
I was impressed by Ralph Wiley's portrayal of the two men and their successful efforts to overcome hard times and turn them into positive experiences.
It can even turn into some bonus points for you in an interview, especially if you can turn it into a positive by talking about it as an area for self - improvement or showing how you overcame something you had difficulties with.
«Brian has taken some very difficult situations in mediation and turned them into positive results.
I've always been fascinated to observe how some people are able to take a challenging situation and turn it into a positive while others take...
Its also important for them to quickly erase what was a negative selling point for them, and turn it into a positive one that they can trumpet.
«Even if he affects one person, he will have taken a negative and turned it into a positive
Instead, turn it into a positive: Dig deep to learn more about yourself, and develop a plan to improve.
Seeing the opportunity in a negative experience and turning it into a positive isn't going to be easy, but with a lot of determination and help from others, you can awaken your entrepreneurial spirit and help change the course for others behind you.
In Cakes, Zafar has taken what some might have seen as a distressing situation and turned it into a positive.
«The truth is that we think it's the first application because it can do the most good, and the truth is also that your Supervisor made a very powerful and intelligent case on how the tollbooths were a negative and how we can turn it into a positive.
A new MRI study by USC and a group of international researchers has found that having the opportunity to learn from failure can turn it into a positive experience — if the brain has a chance to learn from its mistakes.
What life challenges did you face along the way, and how did you turn them into positive growth?
If you are prospering financially without the use of credit (and subsequently have low FICO Scores), you may want to talk about this in your cover letter or during your interview and turn it into a positive.
While receiving a ticket might have you feeling at your lowest, traffic school being available at such a great price can turn it into a positive.
«Just to get their minds off so many negatives and turn it into positive, it's good,» Gostisbehere said.
Instead, pick one of your weaknesses and try to turn it into a positive.
Try to turn it into positive.
But sometimes you can use a negative and turn it into a positive, such as a manager that hires a new chef, helps recreate the menu and rebuilds the reputation of the restaurant.
Instead of focusing on them in a negative way, turn them into positives and marry them with skills that you feel can enhance their goals.
It is best to look for a situation where you can turn it into a positive.
Develop customer relations through personal handling of complaints allowing the opportunity to take a negative situation and turn it into a positive.
To keep job seekers from falling into the trap of seeing the glass as half - empty, we talked to hiring professionals about some of the negative things hiring managers find on resumes and how job seekers could turn them into positives.
«Rather than make it a negative, I found out what it was about, and we were able to turn it into a positive,» Oleson - Fredrick says.
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