Sentences with phrase «to underline something»

Although Microsoft Word still underlines it in red, googling the word cyberchondriac provides 46,800 hits, and the term cyberchondria has had its own Wikipedia entry since June, 2005.
When the automatic spell - checker flags what it thinks is an incorrect word, by underlining it with a red dotted line, just right - click (or Ctrl - click) it, and pick Learn Spelling from the pop - up menu.
For that, you can underline them on the printed copies and write down the number of page on a separate sheet.
And also underlines something else: we take beauty literally.
Emphasize the company names by underlining them, capitalizing them, or printing them in bold characters.
And even this broad ancestral difference underlines something important about enslaved Africans, according to Schroeder: They lived alongside other Africans who spoke different languages and came from different cultural groups.
The introduction of Sam also underlines something we've always seen in the series: that Drake needs help.
These words have completely different meaning, even though each one spelled correctly and the best online spell - checkers will not underline them as errors.
In a very nurturing, boutique context, this new platform aims to highlight the wonders of the medium both aesthetically and intellectually, whilst underlining it as a tantalizing opportunity for both the new and seasoned collector».
While central banks have always maintained their distance from such decentralized assets, most of them are keen believers in the blockchain technology underlining them.
It's a courageous film that's willing to sit in those moments instead of underlining them or hurrying past them, hoping we get the shorthand.
The fact that there was no countervailing voice within the Labour movement only underlines it's politcal bankruptcy, the deeply corrosive effects of the whole illiberal, anti-progressive NuLabour project, and the abject failure of those leading the party to neutralise the dysfunctional effects of the Blair / Brown conflict which did so much to capture the party.
And in a dig at Conservative leader David Cameron, he added: «Governments have to deal with complex policy and their impact on people's lives.not simple statements with no real policies underlining them - that is the luxury of opposition.»
We know that from psychological research, but neuroscience underlines it.
I figured that maybe some other people missed the name as well so I bolded it and underlined it so that it is more clear.
The point couldn't be clearer, even though «Hostiles» spends the next 130 minutes underlining it with increasingly bold strokes: Hatred is native to us all.
Every moment feels like real time, anecdotes half forgotten, bewildering pain as new as a fresh slap, and years of companionship underlining it all.
Put the names of people in CAPITAL letters and underline them too.
Performance is the Saab's most exciting trait, and the red box underlines it.
Maybe underline it, too, for good measure.
What Kay found, however, was not a trendy «one - size - fits - all» approach but a shift that underlined something deeper.
I used wool (with 2 % spandex, I think) and mounted / underlined it in bemberg rayon.
As far as we understand by doing so job seekers want to underline something important.
As far as morality goes, the unfolding revelation presented to us in the Bible confirms and clarifies the law that is within us, underlining it with the personal authority of God's infinite Wisdom in a fallenand confused world.
Show self - reliance: underline it.
I misspelled opinionated and it underlined it in red.
Hell, they underlined it.
Age 2 may have been age 22 in my family but I (underline I) was not ready to break out nursing relationship and either was he.
Sew a staystitch line after joining the top fabric with the underlining
Looks like I'm going to take it apart, underline it (like I should have done to begin with), and resew it.
No, no, not that kind of threesome... but she basically took Stevie along to underline it wasn't a second date.
Back during the Henley Boy days I remember him getting a text during dinner, and reading it out to me, together with his response, as if to underline he wasn't texting another girl.
And that intensity makes for an often gloomy piece of introspection, with a sludgy palette of 50s greens and browns to underline it.
The author of the test decides what part of the question will act as the key and underlines it.
When students found evidence, they underlined it, on their rough drafts, with the specific color for that part of the rubric.
And it underlines something else: we take beauty literally.
But if this device can load an 8.5 × 11 PDF, allow me to underline it, save my notes, and reimport it to my computer, then it is well worth the price.
Every note I took, every underline I made was contributing to a vast lattice collection of reader knowledge that would someday manifest in ways beautiful or interesting or otherwise yet unknowable.
There are two kinds of typos, those that don't look like a real word, and as a rule your word processor would underline them, and those that are spelled like some other word, subsequently your computer will not see it as a mistake.
in each semantic part allocate thematic and semantic support: keywords and phrases, underline them;
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z