Sentences with phrase «to understand one's condition»

A home inspection will help prospective buyers better understand the condition of the house, gaining insights and recommendations from the inspector during the inspection.
A proper home inspection can help them to better understand the condition of a home and whether there are any significant deficiencies that could result in unexpected, costly repairs.
By understanding the conditions in which happiness spreads, they argue, we may be able to foster well - being, rather than trying to restore it once it has been lost.
Which is why any research that helps understand the condition is to be welcomed.
You don't understand the condition of the apparatus or the well and you can't send people down there.
Our findings show that domestic violence represents an important part of the context for understanding the conditions under which a home - visitation intervention prevented child maltreatment.
The young must learn enough about man's natural home and about his utilization of its resources to understand the conditions for permanent, secure, and healthful residence in it.
When signing on to a new policy it is important that you fully understand the conditions of your coverage.
Remember that having a partner who understands your condition makes life more enjoyable.
Yet examining how autism affects vision holds tremendous promise for understanding this condition at a neural level.
It is thought to be related to ultraviolet light but is not a clearly understood condition.
Having made remarkable progress, the 21 - year - old is now on a mission to help others understand the condition.
This new work will help astronomers understand the conditions under which stars form and evolve — or sometimes fail.
These documents help the Buyer understand the condition of the property, size and even where the water is sourced for the property.
In the past decade, systems science has been used to understand conditions such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, drug abuse and depression.
In order to provide a comprehensive diagnosis, your doctor will start with your medical history and a physical exam followed by advanced imaging to understand your condition more fully.
But to really understand your condition you need to know how your adrenal glands have reached this point.
I've stayed in the hospital several times, I've seen dozens of doctors, changed my diet, but no one understands the condition beyond diagnosing me.
It's been a pleasure helping thousands of women with PCOS understand the condition better, improve their health, and become mothers.
I like what she said about understanding the condition and connections with your symptoms.
But make sure you thoroughly understand the conditions of your present mortgage option so that you know what if any penalties you might acquire by refinancing the property.
While the majority of companies would deny you coverage, some companies understand the conditions and have experience with high - risk applications, and they will give you affordable protection.
I assisted her by helping her son understand her condition.
Regardless, understanding the conditions under which productivity enhancing innovation occurs is critical for economic development and can provide novel insights into the arise of new inventions, according to the authors.
There are online herpes dating sites where you can find potential partners who understand your condition.
Many real estate professionals these days know a lot about preparing a home for sale, including conducting a home inspection to clearly understand the condition — and value — of your home.
With more than 300 million people around the world estimated to suffer from asthma, and numbers increasing, scientists still don't fully understand the condition.
It's a full inspection for the seller to better understand the condition of their home prior to the buyer's inspection.
A home inspection is not a warranty or insurance program but a method to assist you in understanding the condition of your new home.
Major and her colleagues believe future research should focus on understanding the conditions that contribute to negative emotional responses and on bolstering women's resilience.
Migraine involves a huge health and financial burden each year, so any steps we can take to help patients understand their condition will be really welcome.»
There's been a lot of positive reviews on the site that makes them one of the best to get involved aiming to create a safe and friendly environment to help you further understand your condition and find everlasting friendships and quite possibly your «significant other.
Last year, Gosselin developed Special Family and Friends, a new series designed to help children understand conditions that might affect the adults in their lives.
By understanding the conditions of the art unit environment before beginning the filing process, your application can be drafted so it aligns with the art unit that represents the best fit and gets in front of the examiners who best understand your technology.
«The live EEG feedback Muse provides is so vital to helping our clients understand their conditions,» says Jesse Hanson, clinical director and co-founder of the centre.
In the case of the offer of eternal life, some argue that unbelievers are unable to even understand their condition of being unregenerate sinners, or understand their need of eternal life as a free gift from God, and so while the reception of the free gift of eternal life by faith might not be meritorious, the «work» of understanding the need for that free gift is meritorious.
Dads who provide better «maternal social support» can help keep this upsetting and little understood condition at bay.
Scientists understand the conditions that trigger these so - called glide avalanches, but a new analysis of field data stretching back to the 1930s suggests that conditions inside the snow masses — and therefore the forces and stresses that they impose on structures in their paths — have been woefully underestimated in some cases.
The treatment also provided education to help adults with autism understand their condition, which was an additional focus of the CET group, as many affected adults have not been educated on the nature of autism, its treatment and the challenges it presents in adulthood.
Alison Motluk explains how the quest to understand the condition goes to the heart of how the brain works
In fact, they do not yet understand the conditions under which the massive evaporate deposit formed.
Perhaps if we're able to understand this condition based on long - term climate variability, can we as scientists save at least a few children from becoming disabled.»
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